WE86: A Blind Me

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago (edited)

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Thank God it's Friday. I hope you all are set for a great weekend. You know, every Friday, I look forward to the #weekend-engagement posting topics by @galenkp. Today, I had waited patiently only to be swept off my feet as I read through the topics, which talked more of imagination. The three questions tend to take a toll on one's imaginative power. Of all the three themes, I would like to work on the first.

Option one: Blindness
Imagine you are suddenly made blind between one second and the next. How would it change your life physically and emotionally? What would you miss and do you feel there would be benefits? How do you feel you would cope with the loss of vision?


To be blind is not outrightly as bad as many people look at it. I imagine here that I am blind. This will certainly change a lot of things about me. Some of the effects of this state of livelihood could include the following

Slow To Completing A Task
I know for sure that my life pattern in attending to issues may change, as it may take more time to accomplish a task. One may not be able to rule out this fact. Except if I am aided by someone, it may become very difficult trying out some of the things I do when I have my eyes to see.

I don't like to be pitied. Seriously. Blind people are usually pitied. Right now, I see people who care, rallying around me consoling me of my sudden blindness. This will cause me emotional trauma, and that, I may not like. Since I am accepting to be in this state, I would just accept it and move on to better things.

Things I Will Miss

It's a blessing to have sight. To be blind could be a very tough experience. Some of the things I will miss may include:

I love to watch television. My eyes are now closed, how do I get to see the many football matches across Europe or see the box office movies?
Don't you think seeing beautiful people is a great gift? Believe me, when one is blind, they don't have the opportunity to see the beauty of nature. Perhaps there is a new development or invention, how would I get to see it? I would miss that. Inability to read the conventional books I used to read. And getting engaged here on the Hive blockchain. I would certainly miss the #weekend-engagement that comes up during the weekends.

What I Will Do Differently

Since that may be the way I will live my life, there will be a need to adapt to the situation. And in doing that, I will get involved in some new things to be productive.
Taking a cue from Stevie Wonder, a blind American musician who plays the piano and sings different genres of music. I'd just go learn to play a musical instrument. Saxophone would be my choicest instrument to learn.

I would keep a pet that would always be in my company. A dog preferably because the dog is man's best friend.

A podcast would be created to enlighten the people about the importance of taking good care of their eyes.


Quite often when one person loses one of their senses the others become heightened as if to compensate. I'd hate to lose my vision but I think it wouldn't completely destroy life. Humans are good at adapting. It seems you'd handle it pretty well.

No one will like to lose their vision as it plays an important role to the whole body and psyche.

I just tried phantom how I would handle the situation like I am already in it.

Hehehehe, I am laughing because I am thinking, "what if you wouldn't miss anything"?

I mean from the list of things you said you were going to miss, what if there is a way you don't get to miss them.

Imagine devices being created and innovated so you can still read your books, engage on Hive, Watch the game with your other senses and feel nature with your sense of touch and smell, giving you the same experience as seeing it.

My thoughts though. I hope you understand.

I feel you. Those are my imagination and possibly, if there are no apps to helps me read or feelings like seeing with my natural eyes.
The sight is powerful than the feeling.

Well written and quite imaginative. People need to appreciate what they have before they lose. Our eyes us the lamp if the body, we shouldn't lose.