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RE: Weekend-engagement week 67: The important week

Before I sleep or atleast try to, I really wanted to respond to your comment!

First of all glad to have you here. I haven't seen you around here before but it is a pleasure to meet you!

I definitely agree with the approach of exercising your body gently and going from there. Our brain is the powerhouse of our bodies just like mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell. I am happy to hear about the progress you have made so far! That's seriously a lot to be proud of 👏 👏 👏 ❤.

Just keep it going one step at a time but don't overwhelm yourself too much. Sending you all the peace, love and support for your journey. Don't forget to congratulate yourself on the small wins! It counts

Also, that's a super cute cat. Cats are my weakness. I just want to pat its head. Oh well, let me just do it virtually through my phone

pats pats


Wow @mooncity I always love your response on comments but I want to confirm.... Did you just gave a virtual hug to a cat? Where is mine? 🥺🤣

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Merit nooooo I did not forget you 😂🤣🤣😆. Here is a hug for you ༼ つ ◕◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Ahaaa I'm so happy now
That hug was so warm 🤗

Thank you for the encouragement. Louie thanks you for the virtual pets although he gets a lot of love in real life. He's a bit of a Daddy's boy, which is weird for me. I have never had a cat who preferred my partner. I sometimes feel like saying to Louie, "You know that your 'Daddy' didn't even WANT a cat? Do you realize that?"

However, it would be no use because Louie does not care. He and my fiancé are a mutual admiration society. Despite initially not wanting a cat, my partner is now completely delighted by being a cat Daddy.

I pretend to be a bit miffed that Louie shows such a clear preference, but, as much as I love Louie and would like for him to prefer me, I defer to cats' wishes.

Some people are adament that one should adopt a cat for life. I believe in that with a caveat (a cateat?): for life or until the cat decides otherwise. For example, years ago, I moved in with my Mom and I had three cats who also moved in. Two of the three fell in love with Mom. It was mutual.

When it was time for me to move out, I wanted to take all three cats, but I knew it was wrong. While they liked me a lot, for two of them, my Mom had become their new Mommy. The third one loved me unreasonably much (mutual).

So, with Mom's agreement, I left two of them with her. It was hard, but I still got to see them.

About the weight loss - Thank you for the encouragement. It's confusing because there is so much hatred towards large people. It is a socially acceptable prejudice. It took me years to be able to hold my head up and walk with confidence in the world and love myself as is.

I have so much more to say about that, but I will save it for a blog post. Or series. Lol.

"You know that your 'Daddy' didn't even WANT a cat? Do you realize that?"

First of all the name Louie is very fitting for your rag doll cat! I am sure the cat bonds nicely with you as well. I never owned any pets but I would love to have a cat someday.

I am glad you still get to see the other cats at your mum's place. It must be quite difficult to not see them sometimes especially when attachment is developed.

It's confusing because there is so much hatred towards large people

It sickens me how divided and judgmental people can become unnecessarily meanwhile corporations who create marketing campaigns to alter our thinking benefit from people who are in an endless cycle of changing every little thing about themselves because it was called a "flaw".

I look forward to reading your blog posts!