FrUit pArTy

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago (edited)

Who does not love a good party? They know it is party time when the Mistress comes to the fruit store or the market – to personally select who will be invited home with her. Every fruit has on its best outfits. Some even get waxed up to put on a good presentation, but that does not fool the Mistress. She looks for the most natural and pure fruits. Let’s be real - it’s best to grow organically. I am usually selected, because I am loved by all – the life and soul of the party but still levelheaded and a pleasure to be around. Sometimes I am the flavour of the month – but that is a seasonal thing. I will reveal more about myself later.

My grandma always said, “Show me your company and I will surely tell you who you are.” The party was full of characters, but I will focus on the friends I like to hang out with.

First we had a cool shower. Then we laid out to dry.

Aawww - that was delightful!! It wasn't a pool party though, we will be partying in the Alessi bowl. If you get displayed there, then u know you are one of the VIPs this weekend.

Oranges and apples were there. They are arch rivals; both being healthy, reliable and easy to find. Oranges have lots of vital amines, but some people think of them too late. Beneath that zesty exterior is a soft and juicy body with a special “ap-peel” that makes her secretly everyone’s favorite. A color was even named in her honor.

Oranges’ zesty cousin, lemon, should not be forgotten. One would think that with its sour countenance it does not make things sweeter but that is a deception.

Apple is the most popular but sometimes shows off too much. Being round, pretty and versatile – she appears everywhere and is into everything, but that is not her fault really.

Bananas are literally that - bananas. At every party they are quick to strip down and reveal everything. Quite a slippery character. Hmmm it is all that sugar - no alcohol is needed for a striptease. We should really hang a warning sign around his long neck -

Slippery when undressed.

Most people love them anyway.

Pineapples can be a bit stand-offish due to their prickly disposition. However, do not be fooled, once you get under her skin – she is sweet and juicy. Nevertheless, some still say she is an acquired taste.

At first, we wondered what all the fuzz was about; the hairy kiwi was misunderstood due to the accent. He went to look for other kiwis to hang out with. The wrong kiwi can be a bit sour, but it has a tasty green interior; good to the core and so good for the environment!

I could not find the berries either. Then I saw these photos and got the picture.

The watermelon stayed at the door like the big bouncer. No one dares to ask him to slim down. He is loved, his heart is the sweetest part and he is so hydrating. I am gushing over him because he is full of refreshing ideas. Others try to emulate him, but melon is very seedy, so we can spot the imposters when they are cut.

The pear once told the avocado that its curves might be in the right places - but that is where the likeness ends. The avocado has tough skin and decided to focus on their similarities only - knowing that they are both soft and smooth inside.

The tomato must have been feeling left out. She sneaked in behind the mango – whom I had totally forgotten. Mango reminded me that he is king of all fruits – being fleshy and juicy and as fragrant as the tropics. The tomato agreed and added that she was fleshy and juicy as well. She was clearly longing to join in the conversation.
She quipped,
“Well, I am also smooth and the most curvaceous with the most attractive color. All the best features really.”

This comment caused a commotion. It did not digest well. It led to a bushel of responses.

“Were you not firm enough – so you were left out?
“You cannot even decide if you are a fruit or a vegetable.”
“Sorry tomato, you are often seedy and become mushy.”
“This conversation is for the real fruits.”
Tomato thought the comments were distasteful and as she left, she said,
“I am not a vegetable. I belong here, but I will leave now as you are all fruity – interpret that as you wish.”

The whole basket of fruits giggled, being careful not to burst open while laughing. Any opening meant that their nemesis - the fruit fly – would appear. That would be a bad sign. Unfortunately, the apples giggled the loudest. They were reminded that no mercy would be shown if even one of them started to emit gases. They did not want to hear it again – but it was said nevertheless,

One bad apple - spoils the whole bunch.

As beauty and taste are short lived - no one wanted to take chances.

Many dear friends did not come it to the party like my hardheaded friend, the coconut. Although facing tough times, the coconut can weather all and still be full of goodness inside.

Now that you know about some of my friends - it is time to tell a bit more about me. I am a team player, not being any more special than the rest of the fruit family but often people say I am exotic and mysterious. Some confuse me with a tomato – the story of my life! At first, I am young and green like everyone else. Thereafter, I “blossom” in a lovely round, yellow orange beauty when I am coming of age. l can also look a bit peachy. Do ensure that I am mature before you approach me, as you will definitely have a bad experience if I am not. I am really quite sweet – like heavenly nectar - from the skin to the core. I am many fruits rolled in one – my texture is like apricots and some say I taste a bit like cantaloupes. You will find me at my best when I am a bit soft to the touch but do not overdo it. I am a persimmon. Yes - I know I am not in the fruit bowl. I was running fashionably late for the party but here I am with my family. It is not my best photo.

Some like me ripe, but firm to the bite - others like me soft and jelly-like. I do not stand out from the crowd, but people love my uniqueness. I like being with the team but honestly, I am most enjoyable alone. Its best not to put me in a fruit salad. The Mistress understands, so I am never mixed up. She is often creative

but that does not work for me either.

Sometimes I hear people speak about me and I blush crimson red. I glow and have velvety smooth skin. I am grateful for these attributes which some other fruits do possess but our tastes differentiate us. In the Mistress’ fruit basket there is always a variety of fruits. I realise that we reflect the diversity of our Mistress’ world. Everyone adding their own characteristics – their own flavour. Thank goodness we do not all taste the same - that would be boring.

People will have their preferences too and that is fine. Truth be told, there is always at least one apple left in the basket as Mistress believes that -

an apple a day keeps the doctor away.

However, Mistress does not know that the apple is just the last straggler to leave the party.

In the end, one will realize that a fruit cannot be judged only by its outer cover – our real beauty is truly skin deep.

Ok - time to get the party started!!!!

Photo taken taken by me with my iPhone 6S

This post is in response to @galenkp's Weekend Engagement Concept. I chose:

Fruits and vegetables

If you had to choose to be either a fruit or vegetable, which would you choose, what kind, and why? Do you think you'd make a good fruit or vegetable and if so what are your endearing qualities and why?


Your imagination is really great. You describe the personalities of the fruits so well and turn a normal every day situation into a thing of beauty.


Thank you @bos - thanks for the tips as well. I love these prompts as I truly put on my thinking cap.

Well you have a lovely thinking cap 🧢 😁

Ok I think I need to get use to these your weekend engagement posts where by the speaker is an object. I often get confused and lost at the start lol
Anyways, those watermelons look inviting :)

If you had to choose to be either a fruit or vegetable, which would you choose, what kind, and why? Do you think you'd make a good fruit or vegetable and if so what are your endearing qualities and why?

I will choose to be fruit. Why? I'll have to copy from your post "an apple a day keeps the doctor away". I'll be a good apple as I'd be a seedless apple for sure :)

haha - yes with the weekend post I get to think outside of my comfort zone. I really enjoy it. I place the prompt deliberately at the end so the reader can engage with my story hence discovery what the prompt is about.
Nice that you would want to be an apple!! A seedless version is GMO though but in your imaginary world you can create a healthy version.🤣

Yeah I will be a natural seedless apple. All others on the same tree will have seeds but I will be the special one. You can't even imagine it but that's how good I will be haha

Ok great - I like that you will be the special apple.

This story is so fresh! It reminded me of a short story called Manzanita and it has some of the same fruity characters. I don't know how you came up with the idea to write this post but that creative is ripe.

Thank you @bertrayo. Manzanita sounds like fun. I get inspiration just by reading the prompt. This has happened with a few of the prompts from the Weekend Experience. If the inspiration does not come then I do not participate.

I see. It is a good creative exercise.

Manzanita is an interesting story about the creole apple feeling it doesn't have a place in the world because there are imported apples. It's a lot of fun and. It's also a good way of knowing a lot of fruits I didn't knew existed in Venezuela.

Manzanita sounds interesting indeed.

It's a short story by Venezuelan witter Julio Garmendia. If you know Spanish, you could give it a try. I had a translation, but my computer died. 😅

Oh wow, very fruity!

Yes and all delcious. Thanks for dropping by.

These fruits made me drool (^_^)

All full of goodness. Hope you enjoyed the post.


WEEKEND EXPERIENCES community.The original #weekend-engagement concept by @galenkp featured in the

Image belongs to @galenkp

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Many thanks

i will be fruit, fruit and fruit. thanks for this

You are welcome. I see you are a fruit lover. Thanks for dropping by.


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