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RE: Happiness has short hair 😜

in Weekend Experiences3 months ago

No flowers on your dress? ;D

You didn't change anything, as far as I know you from the photos from Hive. Well, just with a short hair now :)

It was the opposite with me. I had shorter hair when I was a child, but I wanted to grow long hair when I got into my teenage days. Since then it has been my hair "style" haha (style without style as it is always almost the same straight hair with slight variations in the length and shape 😂)


I didn't find any pictures where I had flowers on my clothes 😔😆.

I don't have many photos from when I was little, at that time there was only one photographer in my village and very few people could afford the "luxury" of having a things have changed...fortunately

Your happiness has long hair 🤣🤣. Les deseo a los 3 una feliz navidad y muchos motivos para sonreír en el nuevo año, a big hug 🤗

Sí, mi happiness tiene pelo largo 😄
Muchas gracias por tus deseos, yo os deseo también una navidad feliz y llena de amor. 🤗