Making lemonade out of lemmons? I wish you everything of the best for the days to come. What's in store for the weekend? are you the planner type!? Or the chilled out type?
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Making lemonade out of lemmons? I wish you everything of the best for the days to come. What's in store for the weekend? are you the planner type!? Or the chilled out type?
I'm both really, I like to plan out some things, gives me something to look forward to and, of course, some things need planning to occur. I also don't plan things and make it up as I go. I guess it all depends on my mood, the weather, the activities I'd like to do, other commitments and so on.
Today I have no plans, but woke up and decided I'd go for a hike. Tomorrow I have lawn mowing to do, some other chores, and may go to the movies and see Napoleon. Maybe. Things could change.
I can be very structured, there is a time and place for that, and very loose and unstructured also...there's a time and place for that too. Whatever I do though, I do with passion.
I hope you have a good weekend planned.
Sounds good. Life requires a fair amount of planning, but planning every details to the T is not be as well. So get what you are saying, this is not a black and white area, more of a grey area, for me as well.
Good weekend ahead. And how was Vegas last weekend?
I have absolutely nothing planned today. But I like, on sick so plan to do absolutely nothing. The boss is being quite sweet and giving me lots of cuddles to help me feel better.
Tomorrow I have a birthday thang, so that's about it. Maybe I will squeeze some work in on account of being not very productive yesterday.
Yeah, I like being flexible and spontaneous, it adds a little adventure I guess, but there's a time for a schedule, timetable, regimented behaviours as well and I don't just mean in business; I bring a degree of discipline to my professional and personal life and credit that for the success I've achieved (and about a million other things I did to achieve it.)
Vegas was good, some hiccups but that was to be expected and I think next year the kinks will be ironed out and it'll be a lot better. Overall there are no complains from me.
Too bad you're not feeling well but it's good you've got a cuddle bunny there to administer some alternative healing techniques and that they're working. I tried to hug myself like that once, was feeling sick, ended up having a back spasm so couldn't break out of the hug - I looked like I was in an invisible straight jacket for three fucken days.
Ok, that didn't happen...or did it?
Have a good time at that birthday thing, I hope there's some good tucker (food) and don't worry about the work, take a break.