Which Photos?

in Weekend Experiences2 years ago (edited)

I think we all have experienced an unfortunate wrongful accusation at some point in our lives, and if not, realistically thinking, it might be wise to say, not yet!
However, we can choose to let the accusation define us, or we can use the accusation as a lesson and rise above the situation (or cover-up, as in this case).

I once heard a "rumour" about me that shocked me out of my wits, but I thought it was best to ignore it.

The rumour was not a nice one, but I understood immediately that the rumour was based on the mindset and perspective of the person who might have unintendedly started what became that said rumour.

I was living with my mum temporarily while I was awaiting an acceptance letter to college. Being in the small village where my mum lives, I had exploited all my favourite activities for personal entertainment, and I decided to venture on a different creative path to alleviate boredom.

My long distance partner and I agreed to take some "photographic body art", (aka, selfie body photoshoot), and send the images to each other.

That challenge was an easy one for me because I was home alone in the daytime, and my mum had a big digital camera that was sturdy and perfect for taking self-images.

I am not the most tech-savvy on the planet, and at the time although I had mastered the art of using analog cameras, digital cameras were quite a novelty and I didn't grasp the concept of a memory card.

The coast was clear


Mum and dad had gone for the day, and I was home alone in my bedroom with my creative juices flowing.
I am quite a meticulous person, so I took my assigned task seriously. I had broken down my tasks into stages like a checklist, to achieve accuracy and precision efficiently.

  • Close curtains
  • Full body shave
    excluding my eyebrows, eyelashes, and the hair on my head.
  • Apply full-body oil
  • Gather a few props
  • Stabilise camera
  • Set camera timer
  • Adjust lighting
  • Test Shot
  • Practice Pose

My exercise turned into a creative nude acrobatic photoshoot with some vivid closeup shots. I was so pleased with the images because they looked professionally done, and I was thrilled that my mum was technology adept, with a top-of-the-line advanced digital camera.

So, my post-production images were perfected and submitted to my partner. In return, I had received low effort images that lacked creativity, which was disappointing ( that was a lesson in itself...be specific with objectives and expectations ).

Anyway, finishing up my exercise:

  • Delete images from camera
  • Clean mommy's camera and leave it exactly how I found it Mommy is a meticulous woman, who will know instantly if her camera was moved.

A few days went by and I was eagerly awaiting a reply from the college. I was back to doing normal activities and making myself useful around the house.

My phone rings and I see an unknown number and I reckoned that it was the college calling me. Alas, it was my sister from the UK.
Answering the phone, all I heard was my sister laughing uncontrollably on the line

She manages to get these words out.

Sister: "🤣Hahaha! Mommy saw your photos, hahaha 🤣"

Me: "Which photos?" My creative exercise was done and over with, and I had already forgotten about them.

Sister: Hahahaha, your nude photos that you took using mommy's camera. Hahahaha"

Me: [With my heart pounding, and wanting the earth to open and swallow me because I was sure I had deleted them]...still I managed to ask: "So did mommy like them?"

Sister: Camille, it's not a joke. Mommy was so shocked. She went to work at her Internet Cafe and while she was setting up early morning, she put her memory card on the big screen... only to see those photos of you.
"She was so happy that she was alone in her shop."

(I thought to myself; Whew! That's the silver lining).
Me: So how come Mommy has not said anything to me?

Sister: You and mommy can work that out, I just want you to know that Mommy said you are creating pornography."

Now that was an accidental accusation on my mum's part. However, I thought it would have been impossible to convince her otherwise, so I ignored the accusation and pretended nothing happened.

Pertinent Task was omitted by ignorance:

  • Clear Memory Card

Thinking on the spot, this came to mind Shaggy: It wasn’t me, but no one knows someone's face and body like a mother does, right?

So, I went on my ps and qs and came up with a quick plan.

When mommy and daddy came home, dinner was ready and waiting. Of course, I ate before and decided that I was having an early night locked in my bedroom. Bright and early the next morning I went to stay with my girlfriend for a few days.

To this day, my mum has not confronted me.

Still, that will forever be one of my most embarrassing moments.
I learned the repercussions of my actions.
Imagine if someone else was that lucky to have found those images?

Maybe one day I'll pick the right moment, to apologise to my mum. Maybe she has forgotten about it, but I hope that we will be able to laugh about it one day.

My takeaway is, do not fall victim to such activity...
Never use someone else's camera.

Photos are mine
Taken by me
With my own camera😉


Hahahaha Milly this was very embarressing folly. Luckily it was embarressing enough that your mom has never mentioned it. Funny for us to read though, your stories are always highly entertaining!

Thanks Andy!
I would love to apologise to my mum about it. Unfortunately, she cannot deal with matters of that nature. I am sure she would be able to laugh with my sisters behind my back though. So that gives me solace that she has forgiven me and somehow managed to see the humorous side of it.
I still cringe when I think of her looking up at the big screens around her shop. Her eyes are not good, so I picture her holding her glasses and opening her eyes wide to make sure that they were not fooling her.

Discovering that "you were exposed" is not nice news to hear at all. You have a moment where you feel like your life is about to end, then you just need to accept that it is not a secret, own it, and rise from it... and never repeat the act.

Shame, I can only imagine how her day went after that...I've just put myself in your shoes...

Crawls into a little hole

Never to be seen again

I totally get it. Definitely the kind of thing that you don't really want discussed at family reunions.

For a split second, I felt like my life was about to end...

Definitely the kind of thing that you don't really want discussed at family reunions.

Not at all! I know some families who would have gathered a family reunion just to showcase it all🤣

I think somehow my response to my sister made my mum think how much I am like my dad. I think that would have been the exact response from my dad. For a preacher man, he sure does questionable stuff, and always comes out with a cynical reply when caught.

Oh @millycf1976 I have tears in my eyes 🤣🤣🤣

That was so funny I had to go and make a coffee before I finished replying!
I am guessing that was your mothers way of letting you know that she knew, by telling your sister!

You playing the artistic card with nude acrobatic photoshoot, having done nothing wrong innocently asking

"So did mommy like them?"

I tell you what, if there had been anyone else at the Internet Cafe when your mum put your pics on the big screen, then I am 100% positive you would have heard about it!

Does your sister still tease you about it, I bet she does!

What a fantastic entry and enjoy the rest of your weekend 😁

Hey @tengolotodo,

Thank you:)
When you get those shocking calls, you never exactly know how or what to say.

In my mind, the damage was already done, so I needed humour to keep me on my feet.

I am guessing that was your mothers way of letting you know that she knew, by telling your sister!

That is exactly why my mother did that.

It was uncomfortable, but she carried on as nothing happened, and I figured I should do the same 😏

It was uncomfortable, but she carried on as nothing happened, and I figured I should do the same

Silence is golden, and mothers know best (as they tell us 😁)

Yes, humour is a great way to handle things in any difficult situation.

Silence is golden

ooh, I like that 🤣

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The technology is not so secure.
I'm surprised your mother hasn't said anything to you about it to date. Embarrassment perhaps? Or respect for your privacy?
The most important thing is that we already know that these devices can't be trusted.
Best regards.

I was surprised that my mum did not say anything. I think that was the worst part. I totally forgot my bad deeds, and I can just imagine my mum looking at me and shaking her head. I honestly didn't know what to do. My mum does not like to talk about those matters, and I think she panicked and called my sister instead.

I still don't know if my mum would prefer if I never bring it up that matter.

The most important thing is that we already know that these devices can't be trusted.


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Thanks for sharing this personal story with us.

This sounds like an extreme version of being caught, while wanking, by your mom haha!

Thanks for taking the time to reply!

You want to apologise to your mum for using her camera to take your nudes or for using it without her permission? Because I don't think that's the only time you've used her camera without her knowledge and she found out... And If she didn't confront you about it this time, I can imagine how many times she didn't confront you...

Anyways, you should be grateful that your Mum ain't African.

Thanks for taking the time to comment!

What a story @millycf1976! Although definitely one of the most embarrassing, haha, your way of narrating the incident is so funny!
Love your reaction to your sister's call and thanks for reminding us that even the most awkward situations simply do not signify the end of the world :))

Hello @traisto,
Thank you 😊
Yes, it felt like my world was ending for a brief moment, which was a horrible feeling.
It's was a mistake to learn from, but luckily I'm the kind of person who could deflect that skilfully if such images were ever presented to me, say at a job interview or something. I see things in "abstract" so I could hold a lengthy discussion about such images to negate the real issue of the photos in the first place 🤣 LOL.
I felt bad for hurting my mother, but she is like me. The damage was already done, so she quickly saw the humorous side...at least that's what I gathered from what my sister said.
Hope you had a lovely weekend, and a pleasant week ahead :)))

I see things in "abstract" so I could hold a lengthy discussion about such images to negate the real issue of the photos in the first place 🤣 LOL.

Looove this attitude!!!

I am pretty sure that your mother would have never told your sister if she was truly deeply hurt. She just found a very clever way to make things clear without making it a big deal. "I know, and I want you to know that I know" 😜

I had a lovely weekend indeed :) Enjoy your week and have a great time!


Mother's story @millycf1976 is very entertaining.

I'm happy you found it that way.
Thanks for stopping by!

You're welcome

Are you serious mom never asked you about it?

An African child would have gotten spanked for this regardless of the age as long you are still under mama and papa's room, I guess she just let that slide.

Lesson learned, as embarrassing as you think it was. It really made me laugh, how many years ago are we talking about.

I was old enough to know better, young enough to get away with it:)