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RE: Weekend-Engagement topics: WEEK 219

in Weekend Experiences5 months ago

A friend came to the farm with me. He wanted me to help him secure a farmland for farming. When he saw the way my old crops were growing together with the new ones. He told me to remove everything and cultivate the land again. I heeded the advice and things turned out well. That was the best advice I had.

The worst advice I had was when an evil uncle advice me to stop my course of study in school and go for another admission. That was wickedness in disguise.

Social media has both the good and the bad sides. This is not only peculiar to social media. Every aspect of technological development has similar experience. The good sides of social media are numerous. The Blockchain is one of the good about social media. It also makes connections and interactions easy.

One bad side about social media is that it kills productive time of foolish youths.

These topics are interesting. Good job @galen for keeping this going. 🥰😊


Good story...thanks. Have a great weekend.