Carol Sundays.

in Weekend Experiences • 3 months ago

These are days of celebrations 😃.
We are all celebrating this season. We are happy and joyful. It is a seasonal thing. It usually happens this way every year. At this time of the year, we have the echoes of merriment.

What is happening now? You ask me? It is Christmas. Christmas season is here again. In a few days from now, it will be the 25th of December. That day means much for those of us who are the followers of Jesus Christ. We are those who believe in God. We are those who believe in Jesus Christ.

Every year, we remember the birth of Jesus Christ on the 25th of December. That date is not the exact day in which Jesus Christ was born. We can't know the exact day but this date was chosen and unanimously agreed that it should be marked as the birthday of Jesus Christ.

The Birth of Jesus Christ is very important to us. He is our Saviour. He was born for the salvation of the world. Those who believe in Him will be saved. So, the birth of such a personality is very significant to us.

This year’s Christmas season has been eventful. Just as ever, we have been having various carol services in commemoration of the birth of Jesus Christ. December is usually that way to us christians. In our community, every church organization organises carol service on a particular Sunday and invite other churches. So, Sunday after Sunday we go from one church to another singing Christmas carols.

In my church, we had our carol on Sunday, 8th of December. It was very interesting. We had a lot to eat and drink. The choirs made wonderful presentations. The next, which was 15th December, there were two carol services at two different churches. One was scheduled for 12 noon while the other was in the evening, 4 pm. Those were wonderful services.

We are going into the yuletide season and it is all about Christmas. We celebrate every Sunday in our churches in remembrance of Jesus Christ's birth.
Merry Christmas to all


Christmas indeed is a beautiful time to celebrate the love and birth of Jesus.

Yes, you are right.