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RE: [WE116] Weekend-Engagement concept

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

After completing a well written article on Monday, I was about to post it here only to realise I've missed the deadline by about 48 minutes - last week was my first attempt. I still stare at the article now not knowing what to do with it.

So, I will try as much as possible not to miss this deadline.

One question, can I write on more than one topic?


After completing a well written article on Monday, I was about to post it here only to realise I've missed the deadline by about 48 minutes

You can still post it if you miss the deadline as I will still read it and curate it as I would any other post. It just means it won't be considered for my favourites list as that post would already have been written and posted.

One question, can I write on more than one topic?

You can, although I suggest all your focus on one topic rather than splitting it over two. If you feel confident to bring your best over two topics combined it's your choice though. Just follow the guidelines in this post and the general community rules also.

All right. I will consider posting the written article.

As for writing on two topics, I'll rather stick to one then. Hopefully, that will help get the best out of me.

Make sure you still tag it #weekend-engagement as per the concept guidelines though.

And yeah, I think one topic is the best way to ensure your post is the best possible that you can do.