A great greeting friends of#WeekendExperiences. It's great to meet every weekend with you to share my experiences. I thank @galenkp for his initiative and invitation to participate.Of the proposed topics I want to answer the question, what is the most interesting historical place you have visited?
First I thought about so many beautiful places on my country and that they have an important historical significance. But then, thinking about the question in fact: the most important? then I just walked two blocks ahead from my house to a place named the Historic Park, an old place for cocksfights at Baire.There, just in that place the cuban people got back to the fights against the spanish domination and there the national independence was born again.
imagen del archivo histórico de la localidad
Formerly there, by 1895 the place was a a kind of court where the men of the town used to fight fighting roosters on weekends.They were there as usual at the dawn of the Cuban Independence War.When several Mambises bosses approached the group of men in the midst of those popular festivals and encouraged them "enough of rooster fights, it is time for men to fight for the independence of the nation. And if a test you want it, here you are (raising a machete) our cause is sacrosanct." In a mean time most of them were claming: long life to a free Cuba.
I can't stop telling this without me invading a deep
From that moment on several men left their homes and took their weapons and went toward the mountains to fight against the Spanish colony.
From this fact José Martí said: " if Mexico had its Dolores, Cuba has its Baire. " Highlighting the importance of historical act.To this place I have gone hundreds of times.Every February 24, young Bairenses come to recall that call to freedom.It is exciting to see the love and passion with which they do that.
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The national importance of this fact is given in the veligance of the Mambises generals who gathered here and the effectiveness of the act because the troops took that day the villages of Baire, Jiguaní and los Negros. And they snatched the enemy an armament park of more than 400 rifles leaving several troops from the enemy troops.
Jesus Rabbi at the head of them gave the command to Antonio Maceo and he said: " General Rabbi, you have saved the war." Here it is the importance of this historical place for me, as Cuban. Perhaps many other from out there, see it as a common place because we are used to walk around daily.
Others have tried to reduce importance to the act and to the place, claiming that something similar also happened in other places, however, for each person in this town, this old fighting roosters court, became into The Historical Park now, is still a symbol of rebellion and a national independence.
So when I think of that historical place of great importance I think of my park where I excite myself every time I resonates the voice of "Viva Cuba Libreee."
Thanks for Going Through My Post, For Reading My Experience.
I'l see you at your post where I'l write a coment for sure.
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Interesante la historia, gracias
I still have in my heart with joy to have been able to visit that site thanks to you!
Thank you to you always