Weekend-Engagement topics: WEEK 228 // Meaning of my dreams 💤🌙

Greetings friends of WEEKEND EXPERIENCES❤️

Do you feel your dreams have a significance, are trying to telling you something or have a meaning or purpose and if so why? Give examples. Use your own photos.

On many occasions I have felt that my dreams have a certain type of meaning or premonition, sometimes I have been surprised by how things have happened in my life according to what I have dreamed, the only sad thing about this is that the vast majority of the time they are bad things, or maybe I have not known how to interpret them also for the good things 😞

Fondo de Pantalla para Teléfono Frase Universo Femenino Azul .png

One of the worst times I remember premonitions in my dreams was about 6 years ago, I remember having nightmares for more than a week in a row, I couldn't figure out how to avoid these bad dreams and I didn't know what they were trying to tell me 😩, until one day I left in my vehicle to work like I did every day and I had the bad luck that a bad armed passenger stole my vehicle and all the money I had made that day of work.

The only good thing about that whole event was that I got out alive since it was a very scary moment. I thought that this bad person would shoot me to take my vehicle since he was becoming very violent, but I did everything possible not to resist this robbery and to mediate with the thief. After that unpleasant moment, I understood that the dreams were trying to warn me that something bad was going to happen.


After all that bad event I have understood that my dreams try to warn me when something bad is going to happen, mostly those dreams that have meaning or that try to warn me of something bad carry images of storms, disasters or crawling animals in them like snakes, cockroaches that try to scare me or that put me in trouble within the dream.

These dreams also warn me in some way when I am going to have arguments with someone. It is incredible but without thinking about it, it happens, and I realize after a while that this has happened and that the dream has been a means of warning. The good thing about all this is that thanks to understanding these dreams, I have had the precaution of taking my life calmly, not rushing things, not forcing anything and trying to stay away from what I think will be bad at the moment.

On few occasions I have managed to decipher when they predict something good for me, almost always my dreams with meaning show water, be it a river, a pool, rain or something similar, and according to what I have read and understood about this, and I have tried to interpret them, it is about the color of the water, this has to do with the event that is going to happen, when I see myself surrounded by crystal clear waters it is because something good will happen in my life, but on the contrary if they are murky waters it is because something bad will happen.


And well, this topic is not to the liking of some people, many times we are skeptical until something happens to us that makes us believe, regarding this topic I really like to read since I have experienced situations in my life that make me think that my dreams do have a meaning, and the only thing I can say is that the meaning of dreams is something very personal and can vary in each person or the situation you are living.

The great mystery surrounding the subject of dreams is why we never dream about our pets, in my case about my cats. I would like to know or understand that. 🤔


The photos shared here are my property taken with my iPhone 11 phone


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