Week 221: If you could choose an ideal age to be and remain that age forever what is it and why?


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If you could choose an ideal age to be and remain that age forever what is it and why?


For me, one of the best stages of life is the famous 20s, although it is a very complicated age because it is when you stop being a child, you begin to see life more like an adult, each person begins to have different directions, some work and others study, some form families and others do not know what to do, but if you know how to carry it and you focus on your goals, it is a very nice age, so without a doubt any age between 24-28 I feel that it would be that perfect age to always have.

A stage that I would hate to live forever in the rest of my life is adolescence, believe me, not even by mistake would I like to live that stage again, and much less live there forever 🤣


In your 20s you are in that time of freedom, youth, energy and ease for many things, what from a certain point I think is what we lack the most at this age is economic stability. It is little, but not impossible either.

Maybe with time that thought will change, but right now I feel like I'm living the life that I've built little by little and I know that I can achieve much more in a long time, that's why this would be my ideal age, because I know my potential and at a certain point I'm afraid that time will pass and I won't be able to take advantage of it or that it simply won't give me the time.





I'm not a fan of that number for the number's sake, but somehow age wise 23 felt like the sweet spot for the best time ever.
