The Sushi that you see in the photographs could be eaten by my wife last Friday because some friends invited us to eat. Receive a strong spiritual hug full of blessings, positive energy and lots of light.Hello friend @millycf1976 Greetings, I will not wake you from your dreams, but I ask God to make it come true for you. Note: I thought your husband was the Helmsman on that ship. Greetings and blessings and may all your dreams come true. Amen.
Los Sushi que ves en las fotografías lo pudo comer mi esposa el viernes pasado porque unos amigos nos invitaron a comer. Recibe un fuerte abrazo espiritual cargado de bendiciones, energía positiva y mucha luz.Hola amiga @millycf1976 Saludos, no te despertaré de tus sueños, sino que pido a Dios que se te haga realidad. Nota: creí que tu esposo era el Timonel en ese barco. Saludos y bendiciones y que todos tus sueños se hagan realidad. Amén.

Ooh, la la! That sushi looks heavenly 😋Hello @marcosmilano71,
Yes, thank you so much for your blessings, I do hope my dream will come true :)
Big hugs to you both 🤗🤗