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RE: Weekend-engagement week 13: Ask me anything

Hello hello! I must admit that I love asking questions hahahaha I'm a very curious person! So this topic is awesome!
Soo, my question is: what would you do if you win the lottery?


Oh yeah, this is a tasty one! OK...

So I'm going to assume you mean a decent sum...Let's say 5 million Australian dollars ok?

First off I would hook up my camper trailer and take off to some remote place to have a think. Then come back and pay off my debt, my mortgage which isn't too much actually. I'd give my brothers and sister a decent sum, enough to pay off their houses plus a little extra, and make their lives a little easier now and for their children.

I'd then spend a year travelling Australia, I mean just getting off the grid camping and seeing all the places this big land has to offer. It would give me time to think things through, to put a gap between my working life and the rest of my life because I would never work again.

Assuming I used $1 million doing the above that would leave $4 million...That's $160,000 per year over 25 years without it earning any interest...At 50 years old it's enough for me to do whatever I would like and so I'd travel the world, learning about history, people and the places I've always wanted to learn about. I'd read a lot more, and engage with the people who helped to feed my desire for knowledge. I'd also help others grow and develop for themselves, mentor, which I do now anyway.

I'd not be into growing the money really. I have no children and my niece and nephew get everything when I'm gone. I'm a simple man and Faith is the same...We value experiences and money like this would give us the ability to engage in them. So I'd invest it and live of it and the investment return then give what's left to my family when I'm gone.

This may all sound about self-oriented, but I've had adversity in my life, so has Faith, and due to our ages well...I'd rather live a little. Helping my family out a bit would be my charitable work and would make me feel good because I know they deserve it. Helping my family is what I'm all about, and of course, living my best life and engaging with what's important to Faith and I.

Oh, I'd also make sure to have some kick-ass hive-people meet-ups wherever I went around the world! :)

And how about you? What would you do?


Wow I really loved your answer as I share it a lot with you!! I must say that I've dreamed about winning the lotto hahahaha. I am currently not working as I am 57 years old and I retired from work. So the first thing I would do is move to Aruba, I love that island and I love the beach! That is actually my plan to spend my golden years hahaha! I'll buy a house huge enough to live with my family so that they can enjoy the magic of Aruba! I'll also pay my youngest daughter's tuition for med school in the US as I think that is one of the best countries to study medicine! I'll also give a good sum of money to my daugthers and family so that they don't have to worry about money never again!!! I am also a shopaholic so I must be honest with you and say that I would buy clothes and so for sure hahahaha. Another thing I'll do, before I leave to Aruba or while I am there, is to donate a good amount of money to venezuelan charities that fight hunger, especially of children's and also to the children's hospital of Caracas (JM de los Ríos) as my daughter and I have visited there and it's no secret that there is a huge shortage of medical supplies and medicines! Maybe that way I could make my country a better place!
Best regards!!

This all sounds like a perfectly good use of hypothetical lottery winnings and it would surely make for an excellent life.

You mention charities...Here, mostly only 10 cents in every donated dollar reaches the people who need it and so I'm not inclined to donate to charities that use the funds to but Mercedes Benz for the CEO and BMW's for the managers. Having said that, I'm a pretty solid supporter of businesses and initiatives that support returned military veterans, a group that my government don't support very well. There's many ways to be charitable.

Wow that's awful, well I know what you are talking about, I live in a very corrupted country it really makes me super mad! The worst thing is that they take the money shamelessly it's outrageous!
Oh yes, I have read about the veterans, they are not supported and that it's horrible, they are left out after fighting for the country... We must find the right charities to support, that's right!!

That's the key, finding the right charities, or businesses to support, to ensure the funds get to where they are needed.

We have always said if we had things to spare we would help others, and we do the good will and offer material things to friends. Even the cardboard sign holding beggars on the corner want only money.

Galen nails it here with the charities. They would have to have a 99% pass thru before I would give cash. That just does not happen. :-/

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People can be charitable in other ways. That's what we do, rather than fund Mercedes Benz's for the CEO.

There's so much good work that could be done and yet so many charities make a mockery of people. Shameful.

 5 years ago  

That sounds like a good way of using lottery money. But, you said you have no children! So, you were kidding about a previous question, the kid on your shoulder?

That's @smallsteps, my niece...@tarazkp's daughter. The live in Finland, I live in Australia but was in Finland on holiday. I miss her.

 5 years ago (edited) 

Oh, I see. Thanks. My father had told me about tarazkp and his daughter. He said it was a fun account/journal-like. I'll check it out.

PS. I did. pity "she" has not posted anything since march. It reads so funny 🤣 🤣. I guess the closing of steemit was too traumatic. It's a good thing that al those posts remain. My father (@hlezama) told me about it and when he made sure that things would actually be better here he persuaded me to start hiving.

Oh I didn't know hlezama was your dad...He seems like a nice chap and I like him a lot. He interacts with me from time to time.

 5 years ago  

Thanks. He told me about your blog, how fun and crazy it was

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Like the Gdog I would assume a certain amount. That would be frightfully near his amount, and I'd give away the rest. I don't want to be bothered :)

Then? I'd ride a fine motorcycle a lot of places. Early on would be a ride around Australia, a ride I've been planning for 50 years. I believe I'd have a place here in the desert and one in a cooler summer place. I've got a large list of places I'd like to see.

I'd also buy dinner for Hivers wherever I might happen to be...

You know ive thought about what i would do f i won the lotto. Id do much similar to what you would. However one fantasy keeps coming up when i think about it. Urban beautification. I have this dream i like to call Project Eden where i work with the council to do urban beautification projects. Nice planters on the boardwalks and parks. Have them sponsored. Get local mastery nurseries yo donate plants in exchange for public plaques in the planter pieces giving them acknowledgement and a little bit of advertising. If people saw a flower they like while on holiday walking along a promenade they could read the tag and order one from the nursery that provided it and have one at their home.

Once upon a time i had a dream of moving to mackay. Project Eden would gave been my attempts to transform the town into one of the most beautiful in Australia. A garden city.

Another thing i would like to do is build a nice city park. One thats beautiful but functional. I am a huge proponent of urban parks and recreational spaces. I think it brings together the community and i think it fosters mental health and well being.

Whether or not i could implement or achieve the above one thing i would out above all would be a playground for the children. This is something very near and dear to my heart. I spent a few years helping to raise a beautiful little boy acting as his father. I spent many days in the park and playground with him. And i daydreamed about what i could do to make the playground better for him and all the kids. If i gad the money. The first thing i would do is commission a truly marvelous kicknass childrens wonderland of a playground.

Im a simple man. I have never had much and thus i have very little need for consumer products. Leaving a legacy to the people woul be much more fulfilling of my life and make me feel like i succeeded.

Your plans on how to spend the money seem to me to be super conscious. Green areas are important, we are all part of nature, I love flowers, that garden city would be my favorite. I take your idea and apply it in my city Caracas, the capital of Venezuela.
Children are the future of the planet, we must make them happy... To be simple is the most beautiful of a human being. Virtual Greetings :)

Woo!!! I love motorcycle rides, feeling the veinto in my face, I find it incredible. As I asked the question, I accept the dinner, it can be here in Venezeula, ups no better Australia so I know it. ;)

Now all we need is a little luck and I'd be happy to ride and dine with you!

Lets assume its for 1 million USD. I probably wouldn't change much about my life. I think I would have been gifting piece of mind. That's all I really want in life. Lol

What beautiful feelings. Greetings