[WE96] "I can't stand people who do not take food seriously". Join me as I share my gourmet culinary skills.

[WE96] I can't stand people who do not take food seriously. Join me as I share my gourmet culinary skills.(1).png

Welcome to the Weekend!
“I can’t stand people who do not take food seriously.”
Oscar Wilde

The weekend started early for me; at least the celebrations did. If you ever wanted to know one of the sweetest feelings in the world: it is being a teacher, and coming to a Friday afternoon on the last day of term. You have that 'ahhh' feeling, knowing that for the next few weeks you have a chance to slow down and simply 'be'. Sure, I have a pile of marking to knock over, but that will wait for a couple of days.

The weekend, in a more official sense, got underway then in a fairly normal fashion, with a stroll to the beach and a chance for Puddy to run up the sand. I've shared my favourite rock in the world before - but, in case you've missed it, here it is again. Still there, right where I left it.

I've got busy enough weekend ahead, my wife and I are off on a eight day holiday to Tasmania next Tuesday, and so I'll need to whip the mower across the lawns, clean the car and get my bags packed. In between, I've got a lot of leisure, particularly since my wife is away working this weekend.


What an opportunity then, to share my culinary skills - I've never been described as a giant in the culinary field, not as a chef - however, I have seen a few episodes of MasterChef on the tele a couple of years back.

Today's recipe: Gourmet Ham Sandwich and Double Chocolate Cookies.

Please allow me to share with you a secret family recipe which will allow you to whip up a gourmet feast in like 2 minutes.

Step 1: Visit your local grocery store and pick up a pack of English muffins. These were half price at Coles this morning. You'd call that a bargain.


Step 2: Split the muffin in half, and throw 'em in the toaster. Walk away for a minute or so, and wait for them to pop up. They probably won't burn. Repeat this step.


Step 3: Put your English muffins on a plate. This is the start of the process they call 'Plating Up' on the tele.


Step 4: You would have purchased some ham from the Deli earlier - now, just put it on top of the English muffins and garnish with Himalayan Pink Rock Salt and Ground Pepper. Fancy, huh?


Step 5: You will need to open the pack of cookies you purchased earlier. This should be an easy process, as you would have already opened them to eat one on your way home from the shops. The best part, they were also on sale!


Step 6: Put your cookies in a bowl. Option: just throw them on the same plate as your muffins.


Step 7: Put some Pepsi in a wine glass to make this lunch extra gourmet, and you're ready to eat your gourmet feast. Sit back, enjoy.


And I guess it goes without saying, but, YOU'RE WELCOME!
Feel free to share the secret recipe with whoever you want, and let them get a bit fancy in the old kitchen.

Thanks for joining me for this Weekend Update!
You can get on board Weekend Engagement 96 by jumping on this prompt by GalenKP


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THE WEEKEND community thanks you for supporting the #weekend-engagement concept week ninety six [WE96] a concept by @galenkp. Have a great weekend.

The image belongs to @galenkp

Oh, my that’s absolutely hilarious. I hope you enjoyed your gourmet fare, but I think you’ve got to work on the 'Plating Up' aspect of things if you seriously want us to take you, well, seriously. (PS: do this again when your wife is home to assist you, it’s possible that she might have a few tricks up her sleeve. Haha)

Haha 😊❤️🤔

Hey, good evening!
Glad you were able to learn something from my tips, even if that lesson was: put some more effort in next time.

Because she's away this weekend, and then we're both away from Tuesday - there's really not a lot in the fridge which would have helped 'dress' this up a bit - and, even if there was - this was an honest lunch! No pretense for the sake of photography. A novel approach to documenting food, perhaps ;)


Ahaha, throw some fresh tomato, red onion, basil and some spreadable persian fetta dip on those and you have yourself a winner. LOve this, very funny.

Cracker warm day in Tassie today, think it's going to get cold and windy by the time you get here - sorry mate!

haha - I was gonna tag you @riverflows but you got here first. 😆

It was a great post and had me (a) giggling and (b) suddenly wondering about making my own English muffins, since they're hard to find here and one needs a small mortgage to afford them.

Enjoy your lazy time in the van... x

You know, I had every intention of putting some green crap and beetroot on there. Went to the fridge, and no baby spinach - and, we ALWAYS have baby spinach. I get it though, we're on empty-the-fridge duty at the moment. Then I thought, 'Ham and Beetroot?' and came to the conclusion that's not a thing.

Oh, I can't do cold - turn the heater on, would you?

I really don't know if I've got a heavy enough coat - honestly, up here near Port Macquarie just doesn't get that cold. I'm sitting on the couch in shorts - windows open, sea breeze rolling through.

Oh my... Maybe a trip to op shop for a fleece...this making me giggle..

I saw a guy from Byron shivering in the water in ashort arm wetsuit. Like he was about to die. He mentioned wim Hof but he was did vow to buy a thicker suit for rest of trip 😂😂

Actually doesn't look too cold.


These are the recipes that I like, easy and practical. That touch of Pepsi was really elegant. 😜 Thanks for sharing your culinary art, mine stays with cereal and milk. @lordtimoty