Swear Words & Happiness Quote (WE #161)

Weekend Engagement Prompt Link

Happy weekend everyone ˙ᵕ˙ A couple of the prompts appealed to me this weekend, so I've chosen two to write about:

Where do you stand on swearing? Is there a time and place for it or do you think it should never be done? Discuss in 300+ words and use photos you took yourself where you can.

Come to think of it, I don't curse as much these days as I did when I was younger. I make a conscious effort not to swear in front of my kid, or anyone else's kid. The only time I usually swear is by accident, like when I'm caught off guard by something that scares or surprises me. Oftentimes, the word usually slips out of my mouth before its too late. I'd say the number one place I swear is in the car while driving. I may also drop an F-bomb if I do something suddenly painful or clumsy, like stub my toe.

I do think there's something about the phonetics of swear words that makes them alleviate our frustration. Their terse enunciation and harsh sound feels like a release of tension. When it comes to cursing during an argument, I've realized it may make someone feel powerful to swear at someone in the heat of the moment. But, the reality is that it dilutes your argument.

Your interpretation
How do you interpret the quote below and how might it relate to you? Discuss in 300+ words and use photos you took yourself where you can. (Make sure you credit the author of this quote in your post)

"The secret to happiness is freedom... And the secret to freedom is courage." - Thucydides

First, we'll look at definitions of courage and freedom:


  • the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear; bravery.


  • the state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint:
  • exemption from external control, interference, regulation, etc.

When we think of the word courage, we mainly think about facing danger. However, if you look at the definition, it also includes facing difficulty. So, courage isn't always extreme behavior like jumping out of a plane or slaying a dragon. Oftentimes, courage is shown by facing everyday difficulties of life. It could be standing up for yourself, asking someone out on a date, or admitting you're wrong. I think happiness is the courage to accept the harsh realities of life. Once you face the fact that life isn't easy, you can be free from the expectation that it's always supposed to be happy and fair.

My interpretation as it pertains to myself:
When I first saw this Thucydides quote, I thought of my own financial freedom. I've always been a very dependent person when it comes to finances and life skills. However, I think being dependent on others can allow them to control you. One definition of freedom is exemption from external control. My goal as a single parent has been to be financially independent and develop better life skills such as working to buy my own house and car.

Thanks for reading,


Oh about swearing, I think i swear everyday 😆 I know it's a bad thing but swearing because of annoyance or anger is so much feel good that I used it as my stress reliever 😆

I know exactly what you mean, it's like a release of built-up tension 😆

I swear. Depending on who I'm with I can have an entire conversation in swear words and it makes perfect sense. (Ok not quite.) I never heard my dad swear, not a single time, ever. It was a good example for him to set. But I swear, and I'm pretty good at it to be honest. The thing is, I know when not to, and I think that's important.

I don't have a problem with swearing generally, if used at the right time and in the right proportion.

Thanks for answering, two topics in fact; it's nice to hear your perspective. And...Laura? Why does this seem like new information to me? Did I know this already and forgot like a knucklehead?

I don't have a problem with swearing generally, if used at the right time and in the right proportion. <--- yes, I don't usually mind it if it's in a joking way

The thing is, I know when not to, and I think that's important. haha yes, very important - I think I'm just around my kid a lot so I've grown out of the habit of swearing. People always seem shocked when I swear though, like they think I'm too innocent. So I think some people get away with it more than others.

And...Laura? Why does this seem like new information to me? Did I know this already and forgot like a knucklehead? What is new information? (゚ペ)?

Your name...I feel like I didn't know it is Laura prior to this post...but maybe I'm just having a blonde moment.

oh haha well normally I had an animated GIF at the end with "little piggies" that said Thanks for Reading - lately I've just been going by my name on here instead of my book name ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶

I like it, your name, and when people use their own, even if it's not actually their real name. It shows more personality.

Hey Laura! Enjoyed reading your take, as usual. Hope you are well! This is my first time participating in the weekend prompt myself and did not realize I could write about more than one at a time. I wrote about swearing too lol...

I really like your second take, about courage and freedom. I did not realize you were single-parenting it. I wish you the best in your quest for freedom. Life is definitely not fair, or easy, or full of rainbows and unicorns, but it has its silver linings and beautiful moments that we cherish and reflect back on forever.

From the little bit I have gathered from you over the past year or two, you have the creativity and resilience to succeed. Keep working on bettering yourself in those areas, and I believe you will reach your goals!

Oh good, this is a great community run by @galenkp. There's always interesting topics to choose from - sometimes if I don't have enough of an in depth answer to one, I'll write about a couple of them.

Yes, been raising my daughter by myself 😅 I don't think we'd appreciate the silver linings if things were always easy and fair. Sometimes when you know it's tough and you expect less, you're pleasantly surprised 🤷‍♀️

Thank you so much for your comment, it means a lot to hear that ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶