Thinking about our friend @galenkp's suggestion, I was inclined to say what I liked about my childhood and with this image I really liked it as I felt very loved. Childhood was a stage that I feel was short lived. Childhood I think is what goes by the fastest, I think that's why many people have a hard time maturing
I really liked the date of my birthday, the vacations were in the middle, so there was always a lot to play, also my uncles took us out to the beach, I could stay at my aunts' house to sleep, everything was an eternal party with my cousins and friends, we lasted longer in the street
On several occasions the adults let us have fun in the parks for longer hours, and we also listened to horror stories that kept us awake at night.
The adults were also in charge of buying all kinds of sweets, we could even eat ice cream since it was the vacation season, my grandmother did not let me eat a lot of sweets because for her that made us more upset
I liked the softness with which my aunt combed my hair, she took great care of my hair, so as not to have visitors, they can observe the shine of my curls. I hope your childhood was as beautiful as mine

Hello, it seems that you had a happy childhood with your family, childhood is a stage that one enjoys a lot.
Hello friend @cetb2008 that's how happy I am, those pleasant memories feed my soul. A big hug...Blessings.
Amen friend, greetings