All my life I have had as a banner the wonderful and incomparable phrase of the Greek philosopher: Socrates.
I only know that I know nothing.
It seems to me that in it is concentrated all the humility and simplicity that leads you to accept that everyone is totally and completely different. Throughout life we will develop different skills many times because we will need to change, either because we find ourselves in an evolving society or simply because of the hardness of life. Moreover, this phrase symbolizes so much for me that it makes me doubt even what I am supposed to know: my profession, my career; for which I am supposed to have studied for years and you realize that what works for some, does not work for others. It forces you to rethink, to study, to see what you already know from a different perspective; I am referring to education, specifically.
Over the years I have met so many people with wonderful knowledge, experts in their area; even in hive I see publications that seem worthy of intellectual people as well as others who came to say: -what is that? So until today I had not considered myself an intelligent person until Mr. @galenkp asks you the question: are you sexy or are you intelligent. Well, it's not easy, but what I'm more than clear about is that I'm not, and I'm far from being sexy.
In my opinion, being sexy is something quite complex depending on who sees it. A person in love considers his partner sexy because he sees him with eyes of love; even with the passing of time that which seemed sexy to him, he ends up hating it; I am referring to couples that have ended in the worst way.
For example, I find it super sexy that my partner has curly eyelashes that even I, who am a woman, don't have (I hate him for that) I also consider sexy that mischievous smile when he does something bad, it kills me, but for other people it will not seem sexy in any way. So being sexy is going to depend on the lens in which each person sees it.
So I prefer to consider myself an intelligent person; I don't know everything in life, I'm not even close to that, but I do have other qualities that go hand in hand with intelligence such as humility, perseverance, patience and constant interest in learning.
All the images that you could appreciate in this publication are of this tropical beauty; that is to say, of my property. Taken from a Huawei note 11
Translated from Spanish to English by DeepL (free version)
As you express it in your content, what for some is sexy, for others does not arouse even a bad thought.
Sexy is a look, the way she shows her lips, the way she stops for a picture, the way she writes, the way she speaks, and many other things. An intelligent woman (to me) is extremely sexy.
In my opinion, sexy is in what we perceive and her way of captivating us according to our tastes or interests.
Very sexy your content and very intelligent.
Thank you very much @germanandradeg for your words. I really enjoyed writing this post, there is so much to express about this, that if I went on I would end up getting a little off topic. The hardest part was the pictures, trying to look sexy hehehe or smart.
Both two heh heh heh heh heh
I had a good chuckle reading this. I totally get it. You seem very honest and I agree that sexy is totally subjective. Same goes for intelligence, I think that someone might be smart in some ways and not so much in others. I'm emotionally intelligent, but compared to a rocket scientist, I'm a dumbass, perspective counts.
It's true about the eyelashes! Crazy. He's a man, he's carefree and has those super curly eyelashes, for what? And one as a woman must juggle to have beautiful eyelashes. 🙈
@emma-h thanks for reading me. These are such particular things that happen to us, we get to thinking about all the nuances that exist and how wonderful life is, nothing is black and white. We are always going to be special to some people. And the fact that you are different makes you special even if no one has noticed it yet.