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RE: Lifting the lid: A look into my centre console

I'm already considering a bazooka though, so no need to suggest that one.

No need for suggestions.
You are clear on what you need and what you don't need.
Those drawers are incredibly tidy, it's not common to see that; most people with cars have a lot of crazy stuff that they don't even know what they have in there.
I find it interesting that you answer your own suggestions. 👏


I like to be organised and firmly believe that how I keep my vehicles, my office and home office desks, my workshop and so on, is an indication of how I think, meaning ordered, strategized and prepared.

I rarely do posts on my own #weekend-engagement topics but felt today was the day.

Totally. That speaks very well of you, cleanliness and order above all.
Well, that was the day to answer what's in your glove box.

Lol...that's a hard one to answer...I'm going to say neither. How about average looking and a knucklehead! 🤪

Hahaha you are brilliant. Just the right combination of the two elements

Brilliantly average.