In my bag

I once heard that a lady's purse is a great reflection of her personality. I was recently talking to a friend who has an 8 year old son and likes to use mini purses; I have never seen her with a purse that you can really call a "lady's purse" and I told her that my theory of her always using mega small purses is that: first, she has full faith and trust in the universe that no eventuality will happen when she goes out of the house or that she has never in her 30 years had any unpleasant inconvenience outside the house.


My wallets are large; they usually have several compartments where you will find: a wallet with ID, cards and some cash. It is worth mentioning that I bought this wallet from @hexagono6, it is really beautiful because of its color and it is of very good quality.


There will always be: a sanitary towel, a daily protector, toilet paper, analgesic and anti-allergic, a handkerchief can not miss. Also the house keys, these almost never leave the house, you can't imagine all the problems we can avoid by keeping the keys in the same place at all times, you save time and headaches.


Another thing that never leaves my purse is the waterproof umbrella, I run away from the sun and I am very careful to avoid getting wet in the rain to avoid colds. I am a teacher so you can also find a graphite pencil and a pen.


I try to keep bags of all kinds, large, medium and small as I sell medicines, specifically dietary supplements and imported vitamins so I must be prepared for any sale.


All of the above mentioned are the most basic or essential things you will find in my purse but when we are in the middle of school you can find anything from cold paints to silicone guns. What do you think about my arsenal, do you think I need anything else for safety, do you think there is a relation between what I carry in my purse and my personality?
I read you in the comments

Images are my own, taken from my cell phone.

Translated from Spanish to English by DeppL (free version)


Sudden exploration of your bag's inner space is a curious quest. Its a reflection of one's mind / inner space, sometimes. !PIZZA

Thank you very much 🤗
That means there is room for everything productive.

The message I get from your text is that you are a warrior woman, ready for any eventuality apart from being organized. It is a very nice publication, I loved it.
Love from this side of the screen.

Thank you very much @germanandradeg I appreciate your words as you are very detailed and meticulous.

Over the years,what I carried in my bags has changed.
Especially right from when I became a mother
I choose big bags and inside of it is filled with baby's stuff.

Priorities change as we move forward and experience tells us that we must be prepared. Thanks for commenting 🤗