Lets Go for a Ride

in Weekend Experiences2 months ago (edited)



It has been a busy weekend so far. Sammi Jo and I are working thru the weekend. We left out Thursday and just got back to the Pookyville Cat Ranch mid day today (Saturday) The winter storm that blew thru on Tues/Wednesday turned this area of the USA upside down. Things pretty much come to a complete stop with any kind of frozen precipitation in the southeast. The sun was out and melting things by the time I left out on Thursday tho. So no problems. A few of the bridges were a little sketchy with wetness that could flash freeze in the winds. The temperatures were an issue tho. The heater in the Prime mover does not work well so while driving it gets a bit chilly in the cab when it dips below freezing.
But that just inspires me to stop more often and warm up with the APU. (Auxiliary Power Unit)

The second load, my backhaul was also an issue as the storm had shut them down near Charleston SC. So they were two days behind and I had to sit 24 hrs waiting on my loading. But we are home now warming beside the fireplace. I will be leaving out Sunday evening to deliver at the tire whrs in Tampa that I posted about a few weeks back. You can see it here ---> 2025 is Shitty

We are riding and hed boppin' along this weekend with Morgan Wallen. If you click on the blue song titles You too will be boppin' & ridin' with Morgan Wallen, Sammi Jo & Me. Lets Roll.!!

You Proof - Morgan Wallen

I Had Some Help - Post Malone / Morgan Wallen

Thinkin' Bout Me - Morgan Wallen

All Music is Sammi Jo @krazzy-kitty approved and courtesy of You Tube
