faced with the situation honestly I will be shocked and confused so the first thing I will definitely do is to raise an alarm for people to come join and help me rescue the children because obviously I can't do it on my own with the fire burning. And another thing I will try to consider is the source of the fire because it helps you have better understanding on how to approach the situation, if it is a fire caused by fuel (petrol) you can just trace the fuel from where it is coming and where it is going if it is heading towards the the fuel tank of the car, you definitely have nothing to do unless you are fast enough and also bold enough to use sand and make a barrier between the fire and the rest of the fuel track leading to the vehicle before saving the victim of the accident.
Yes while I was doing fire fighting course we were taught that the first thing to do is to raise alarm then check for the source of the fire so as to know how to fight the fire so this are the basic steps I will take in fighting the fire I won't jump blindly to go and save the children without considering every possible treats around this is because it will not be wise to act on impulse and lose your life in the process.
But I believe with collective help from people we will definitely be able to save the children depending on the situation at hand.
Though sometimes we act on impulse and it works out fine but we should also try to understand the risk we are putting ourselves through while acting in such manners or such way, in as much as we need to save the victim of the accident we also need to save ourselves too from harm.
First of all I want to thank the weekend engagement for the wonderful topics they presented to us this week. The topics are so captivating that one will want to write about everything but we can only write about what we can. Well I will be writing on the “ what I will do if I'm the first to appear in an accident seen with a burning car, a dead driver and children in the car. This topic really catches my interest and honestly It took me a while to determine what to do.