in Weekend Experiences11 months ago
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This weekend prompt is really interesting honestly, but I would like to write about who I would like to go on a date with, yes this really interests me.

From the list of celebrities mentioned, I think I will go with Beyonce, yes I will definitely go for her, I'm not gay so I can't go for James bond or Donald trump, I'm not even a fan of politics so Donald trump Is canceled from the list and for James bond I don't really remember his face though he a legend in the Hollywood industry but for me I don't consider him an option,though there are lot of things I will like to discuss with them and I will so much love to see them in person but picking someone for a date and that person is of same gender as me doesn't feel right to me at all.
Well that brings me to Mother Theresa,the question is what are we going to talk about, Is it about her life experience,or are we just going to kneel down and pray the rosary all through the date, when it's not a prayer meeting or a personal tutorial section,I don't think I can stay 5 minutes with her, I mean how will I go out with someone who I can't speak freely to, I will have to watch the kind of words I speak in other not to upset her, no na that's a big turn off for me.

so this brings me to the queen of vibe, I know she dress slutty and sometimes act as one, but I believe she has this vibe I need in a person, going through her page you will see that she is the fun type of person and you will know that there won't be a dull moment with her except you are the boring and dull type yourself.
Beyonce is a go for me, without even thinking twice.


No, a date is not all about romance. It could be a respectful date too, Giving thanks for all the good work Mother Teresa did. 5 minutes is enough.

Well that's true but I still prefer Beyonce sha