The Job I Would Be Terrible At; Choosing Modeling and Fashion Design Over My Degree

Hi everyone, hope y'all are having a wonderful weekend ✨. Thanks to @galenkp for another wonderful topics and another opportunity to participate in a weekend activity.

The job I would be terrible at was actually the one i studied in school, to be honest i never knew until i started going to classes and attending lectures until my third year and that's when i finally realized mass communication as a career is not for me.

In school, while i still try to pursue the career, by trying to attend lectures and read for my exams, i wasn't still happy to find myslef in such field that just didn't suit me. It didn’t excite me, and I struggled with the courses that were very easy and the lectures were making it worse for me. The thought of working in that field made me unhappy. I knew that if I tried to do it as a job, I wouldn’t do well at all and i would be terrible in all ways. I wouldn't be motivated and i would basically not have any development in anyways.

This was when i was done with my academics in school and i went to Serve my country Nigeria and i was posted to enugu. This was the last time i every thought of mass communication as a career.

I knew i was creative and I needed a field that would match my creativity and something not just only creative but also dynamic and that's how i found myself im modeling and fashion design. These fields match my personality and skills. I enjoy coming up with new designs, working with different styles, and expressing myself through fashion. Modeling allows me to be in front of the camera, which I love and i am happy to have gone into this because if i didn't, i would have missed a lot.

There are more reasons i would be terrible at mass communication apart from the creativity aspect of my life and some of the reasons are

  1. Lack of passion: I don’t actually have a real passion for mass communication. Like i have said before the courses and coursework never interested me at all and as well as the lecturers. We all know to succeed in a field without passion is nearly impossible and though people still thrive without passion but I don't want that for my life.

  2. Skills: Mass communication requires skills in writing, public speaking, and media analysis and these are areas that are not my strong suit. My skills and talents are more aligned with creativiy.

  3. Undeveloped creativity: The field of mass communication often has strict guidelines and standards and the place i did my internship didn't even leave a little room for the kind of creativity I enjoy. I thrive in environments where I can freely express my ideas and let people know what i wanted and how i would love to get things done.

These reasons show why mass communication isn't the right fit for me. Instead, I chose to pursue modeling and fashion design, where I can fully use my creativity and feel more fulfilled and this was my first design and I'm proud of where i am at now and the business i have done.

I'm sure if had gone into the field of mass communication, i might still be struggling now. In summary, I would be terrible at the job I studied for because it doesn’t fit who I am. Modeling and fashion design is where I truly belong and can thrive and i love the job i am doing now and I didn't regret switching.


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wow, that happened to me but in reverse, not in college but in high school, I wanted to enroll in a career called technical in advertising communications because I knew from a friend that they drew a lot and I wanted to learn to draw, as it was a career required, I did not enter through the lottery and I ended up studying clothing design and production, the curious and magical thing about the twists and turns of life is that like the way you are narrating it had little to do with what I really wanted, what I had chosen first and the career The one I ended up choosing until today met my expectations, thank you for sharing your story, and I am very happy that you have finally found your passion and your path, ♡♡