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RE: Weekend-Engagement topics: WEEK 213

in Weekend Experiences9 months ago

Good morning my friend, I finally managed to participate in your weekly challenge on Friday.

It's the first weekend in the last 2 months that I've spent at home, a day of peace and tranquility. Or no, day to cry over the financial market crashes with friends hahaha.

My post:


I hope you manage to have a good weekend...and don't worry about the market crashes, it's a good time to buy when prices are down right?

It's really good, but I had made a relatively high purchase at the first drop, after that, it plummeted completely, I imagined a drop, with support and the beginning of an increase. Consecutive falls were a surprise. I am at a considerable loss.

You'll only lose if you sell what you bought. Hang on to it and wait for the prices to rise and you'll be good to go.

This is my current plan, waiting for it to rise to make my profit in the future. My personal anger is that I didn't wait a little longer, now I can no longer invest like I used to.

Anyway, it’s something common in the financial world.