Water Under The Bridge

My Saddest Moment

Once a persons heart is so heavy with pain, they can no longer cry but turn silent, that is exactly how one feels after the floods we encountered fourteen days ago.

Bridge the gap to seek positive, this has become more difficult! A realization we will no longer hear trains moving, cheerful faces disappeared alongside homes in mudslides, planning water in homes with taps still dry, we becoming comfortably numb in a cotton head whirlpool, knowing many others suffer worse, who have absolutely nothing.


Iconic Illovo River Rail Bridge Partially Washed Away In Floods

A country where East and West meet yet no one settles. murder and theft on the rampage, most are leaving to safer shores, who can blame them. A country of abounding beauty in nature and people, yet a handful make life intolerable.

Big black cars with suits wearing leather shoes, matching Rolex watches know their ill gotten gains in life pour poverty onto majority. Punting politics in an arena while watching wailing families grieve their family loss in life and limb, while quietly those who still have a little help each other in the vein hope of a better tomorrow.

My heart is heavy with pain watching this country tearing itself apart, like thieves in the night one never knows when next it is your turn. As in nature flooding, similar there are those who are shredding life apart as we know it, bit by bit.

Normally treated water under the bridge, we will grow, looking at both sides now I envisage many more will go, leave for distant shores merely seeking peace.

While dealing with flooding upheaval members assisting are shot dead, protest action becomes a daily part of life along with house robberies, hijacking, living with "eyes in the back of the head" is no longer an option.

My saddest moment has been this last event experiencing fear at unprecedented levels, knowing we will never come back after constant trauma thrust upon us..., year after year.

Rainbow Nation has been washed away with water under the bridge, wonderful memories, love of place and people this was havoc on every level, even nature can no longer nurture us we are totally out of harmony living together.


More rain approaching as I write, hopefully no deluge after much cleaning has been done. Should anyone wish to contribute to Gift of the Givers this is their link, the only organization trusted here in South Africa with financial contributions with state corruption evident. Gift of the Givers have two buttons for direct donations currently, one to "KZN Flood Disaster Relief" and another to "Relief Packs for Ukraine".


Thought for Today: "Help me during the flood, and I will help you during the drought." - African Proverb

Weekend Engagement No. 98 with the Weekend Topics!



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It's fun to take the time! :)

Love of life and everything that is, we have no time to reverse our actions!

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Yes, it is very sad, that one of the best countries in the world, is just getting messed up!!

Makes ones soul bleed seeing the hatred between tribes, greed at the top while most are trying to assist each other and many I know are battling.

Raining at the moment, many people will face a very cold night tonight, making soup/hot food and distributing which is hampered with roads gone.

Still no water, we receive updates via our DA Councillor via WhatsApp when information is available here on South Coast. Manage to get water connected then ANC place rotational system on water from Umgeni through Ethekwini Municipality!

Ja/Nee this is going to take much longer than those Officials and Media are spreading!

The rainbow nation is striving so hard to become a nation full of gloom, a nation most will seek to leave behind, for what reason I have no idea. The only place the nation will find itself as long as i continues on this path is a complete setback that might never be amended.

We can only hope I suppose.

No electricity in many places, sub-stations are blowing up with excess water.

Water itself the pipe has been replaced over the canal at Prospecton to Athlone Park, many pumps for water still submerged!

Everyone has to share what they have, if not we as a country are lost!

People are asked to stay as local as possible as the clean up operations are being hampered with "sight seeing".


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Hi Joan

Sad state of affairs in our beloved home country. Just reading this has cemented my heart even further, I too am so beyond hatred for those that just enrich themselves beyond excess while happily watching the world around them burn. They quite happily leave their own kin to burn too.

I hang my head in shame, I don't believe that this country can repair itself. I too would flee if I had the means to, but I don't. Don't blame any of the people that can and do get out, it seems like the smart thing to do.

Tired of negative vibes people carry toward each other, those who stay love the country, intend helping wherever possible, too many don't see it this way!

Constant burning, rioting all does more harm than good!

My great-grandmother arrived with original 1820 settlers rightly or wrongly that is 200 years ago. Third generation born here one feels unwelcome at times in your own home, yet where would be go? I am African!

Hi Joan

I totally get what you are saying but after you are knocked down again and again, you start getting weary of getting up and fighting the good fight, you know what I mean?

My grand and great grandfathers both faught in World Wars to defend this country so I too have roots here that are deep, having a legacy here is important and I can appreciate your ancestry here too, it's also not something that I think you should be made to be ashamed of, I am proud of my ancestry even if others don't agree.

I love it here, I will always think it is one of the most beautiful places on earth, my heart will always belong here but it just seems to be getting worse at an increasing pace. I want to be positive and would love to be a part of the rebuilding of the rainbow nation, but where do we even start?

Our roots are so mixed and so deep very difficult to follow through, one grand dad arrived with Boer War, my father fought in WW11, brothers conscripted in their youth all to what end?

No we get up dust off and go again, youth must try rebuild new lives if they are able to find an open welcoming door.

Making positive by building friendships with new neighbours, community, getting to know more, learn how very different we are yet similar, there is no right nor wrong.

Thank you for the mention in the comments Lady Joan and yes things are very bad in KZN. South Africans are a resilient people and somehow the damages will be overcome.
I am too old and on chronic meds, so there is no chance for me to go anywhere and I will just tough it out. The unemployment volcano will explode sooner or later and it will make matters so much worse.
I so wish that everyone will wake up and start to build the country and the economy so that employment can be created.
Such is life.


Our generation will stay and assist, younger Indian/White generation no longer have options of employment, made to feel unwelcome in their own country will try make a life elsewhere, very sad but true. Hearing more of African youth making an exit not wishing to reside here anymore either, speaks volumes.

Things are going to get far worse before they get better, a country cannot build when it currently is fighting itself!

Sun comes up, we carry on as best we can.

Oh yes and I also read a recent article about the medical brain drain and it is scary to see how many professionals this country is losing. I think that we are turning into a hub of training staff for the rest of the world. Youth leaving and I don't blame them, it is that or sit at home every day.

Agreed and expected.

Same here as all that we can do my fiend.

Engineers were first to leave, '87 floods John Ross Bridge was rebuilt in under 90 days, not sure how long bridges will take this round!

Brain drain has been happening over many years, once people are no longer 'employed' due to BBEEE still young enough to move, they go!

Strike action along with protests, everything going to courts, who wants to work under these conditions?

As long as possible to stretch the income. Let's just hope that they use the correct designs and quality materials.

So true and my friend, one of the eskom expert engineers is living in the USA now.
Our young people are disappearing by the day and I don't blame them.

Terrible what is happening right now in the Eastern Cape and I just don't know what the sense is by burning farms down. This country is in big trouble.

Strikes, burning, theft all spell out a country in stress.

This morning saw video clip of white guys pulling down street signs erected 20 years ago with name change, signs of anger coming through, never bodes well for anyone.

Eastern Cape has stripped everything in their wake, jealousy runs rife through many where they prefer to destroy rather than build their own.

This country has been in trouble since before we were born! History tells the story, I really thought things would change for the better thirty years ago.


I think that we are living on a volcano that gets angrier every day Lady Joan.
Sooner or later much worse are going to take place in this country.

The nations are being inflamed against each other and so many other tricks appear in an effort to keep the attention away from the greed and the inefficiencies.
A multitude of empty promises as we we sink into the quicksand.

Same here as surely history should teach us to improve, but then again, history makes a great cover for the shenanigans' that simply continue.
Denial and blame seems to be the order of the day when the truth surfaces.



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It pains me to see you sad... over developments in your country.
There must be something being done, by concerned groups...
it can't be that these bad elements will triumph in changing the culture there.
Oh @joanstewart ...

Hopefully the sun will shine again, where people respect each other for unique identities, has been a long path of injustice, first by settlers now reversed....


Yes I must say... now reversed....
For a while, it is almost a developing economy.
then a change in leadership,
and now...

At one time.... definitely not now!
!LADY luck might smile one us one day again.

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I’m so sorry of what is happening in your country, Joan @joanstewart. Sending love and prayers 🙏 🤗

We can but carry on, no country opens their doors to people over 60 unless you able to pay your way, only for the rich. One day at a time, make the most of the life as I have it Jo. Thanks for kind thoughts.

This is so sad! Yet it is so true and there is no way anyone can deny this.

It is shocking...I was just having a conversation with someone today who also said what you are mentioning here... People rather give to the Gift of the Givers organization, because they are more trustworthy than the government...

I share the feelings and concerns you express in this post!

Be alert wherever you go, traffic slows where roadworks are taking place the smash and grab kids are in full swing. Homes devastated and ravaged by storm now picked clean by scavengers unless you can afford private security.... Take care!

We hear things from within the rural and towns, it is so sad to see how many are at then end of the rope, no guidance, no protection, now no water or electricity, mainly no trust!

!BEER sundowner time... lock the doors and keep dog inside the home, also proven to be better security.

Thank you for the caution and the sharing the info about what is happening.

I have no words for what is happening.

Keep the dog inside the home...believe me, we do!!!

Our personal experience in a nutshell...

October 2018, I had the "authorities" coming out to my house as I wanted something investigated. I ended up answering their questions about who else is living on the property with us...Is it only me and my wife, etc.,...until I ended this by asking what this had to do with what they were there for...

On 14 January 2019, our dog mysteriously got poisoned.

On 1 February 2019, we got attacked inside our house at 3 am. in the morning.

Can you notice any pattern...or is it just me...??


Being vigilant is second nature, learn to listen to dogs in the neighbourhood, one gets to know when there is unusual movement around at night.

Definitely you had a pattern unfolding, they tend to pounce on new arrivals to areas. Dogs have been sleeping indoors since 1990 when theft of dogs was exceptionally high down here.

When they arrived with census I gave extremely brief, on need to know basis, told them the banks, municipality, SARS and everyone has the information, go get anything else they require through those channels.

Never saw census again, logically thinking in hindsight, had the census been done in regions where people are living on river beds, in shanty towns they would have had a good idea on danger six months ago, immense numbers residing there!


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Never saw census again, logically thinking in hindsight, had the census been done in regions where people are living on river beds, in shanty towns they would have had a good idea on danger six months ago, immense numbers residing there!

That is very true!

As you say, we need to be vigilant and take care of our own safety.


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How beautiful the sun shines after the big storms.

Wish it could be said the same, people are housed, employment available, enjoy life as one, alas dreaming with my eyes open!


Nothing wrong with a bit of dreaming! And who knows...maybe we can also say... "and this too shall pass"... It just feels like an eternity while being in this situation.

Are you guys coping down there on that side?

@joanstewart! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @jacoalberts. (2/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

It is sad when natural disaster strikes and brings so much damage and suffering to the country. But when people can get together and help other people, then we do not need to depend on the politicians too much.

Leading party said they would make the land ungovernable before they got into power, now they simply have no control of their own!

People do assist each other, not only in trouble times, it is how we were brought up, to respect everyone as an equal to live in harmony. That was the dream....

This is such a sad story that has become all to familiar. I hear similar stories of horror from @papilloncharity and @lizelle. To love a country so much and to witness it being torn to shreds by the greed of others must become extremely depressing for good folk like yourself. What must be even darker is the thought that things are so bad that there seems to be no light at the end of the tunnel.
Constantly looking over your shoulder and living in fear changes people in a way where they circle the wagons and take care of their own.

From what I've read and seen on #hive about South Africa, it's a natural paradise, but one that can no longer be appreciated by the majority of it's citizens.

With so many leaving for self preservation, you wonder if peace will ever be established again.

My heart breaks for all of those caught up in the chaos.
I could never imagine having to leave my home and all that I have come to love about this area due to the lawlessness of some ruthless and greedy bastards.

I've taken a look at the KZN flood disaster relief program you mention and came up with this site. Is this the correct program?


If this is correct please let me know as I would like do what I can to assist with a donation.

God Bless and stay safe my friend!

Emotionally drained, also trying to get both my sons out. Predominantly white youth are not being employed, reverse apartheid at it's worse, unless you have friends able to assist. Our Indian youth also making the move, as are many young black educated Africans who no longer wish to be part of this mayhem.

The only disaster relief fund to support is via https://giftofthegivers.org/ most South African's would advise.

Gift of the Givers will assist as best we can. Contributions into Gift of the Givers (Make a Difference) Standard Bank, Pietermaritzburg, Account number 052137228, Branch Code 057525, ref KZN Floods. Please send deposit slip to donations@giftofthegivers.org for acknowledgement and to request Section 18A tax deductible certificate.

or: https://giftofthegivers.org/online-payment/

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The link you found is not one I am familiar with, most will advocate for the link I have given as looting through government is rife, many climb on gravy train with disasters.

Thanks for kind words during trying times, a beautiful country I call home even when ones soul is crying for peace and stability!

I wish you and all of your loved ones a safe journey as you make your way out of an untenable situation.

Thank you very much for the correct information. The very last thing that I would want to do would to see a gift end up in the wrong hands.

Keep your head down and stay safe my friend!

Slowly starting to get water, electricity has been a problem over here for the last 14 years, mending people not sure if possible.

Learn from previous blatant theft many no longer trust government and yes the link I have shared is the only place I support and have done over the years. For wildlife I support another trusted organization where government no longer supports them at all!

We assist where able, stay off the roads allowing services access to repair, thanks once again for thoughts and kind words.

So many people feel as you do, as it gets harder everyday to trust government officials that are supposed to serve the people. The reality of the situation is that most of them just care about lining their pockets.

It's good to see that some of the services are up and running.

Slowly but surely water is starting to get through to outer regions.

Ugly problems raising it's head in many regions of the world.

Always hopeful of a better tomorrow for the sake of all.

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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Hive Power Up Day - May 1st 2022

Thanks @hivebuzz

You're welcome @joanstewart 😊🌹 Have a nice day!

These are trying times indeed. I can relate to this for it seems it is the same thing that is happening in our country as well.

Flooding is a force of nature we have no control over, take care and look after yourselves.


There are other trustworthy organizations, much smaller dealing into communities right here in Hive we have @papilloncharity who are in another province. The one I have mentioned are International.

Thugs and gangs are rife, my hope is good folk working hard to eliminate this bad element will win.

!LUV thanks for reading.