Weekends Happenings and Capturing Great Sceneries.

in Weekend Experiences11 months ago


Hello to everyone out there and I hope that you're doing well. How's your weekend so far? Hoping also that it's great until now.

My day was spent yesterday at the shop since we don't have day offs because our boss went on a trip to the Northern part of our country, Ilocos.

Usually yesterday is my rest day but as things went like that I woke up early again for my work. Despite having no rest yesterday, I really enjoyed the day since the customers are not that many and they just came around four in the afternoon already.

With that situation I had the chance to capture a picture of our shop and here it is.
As you can see from left to right, that's our pastries residing in that cabinet with the sliding glass in front. The right part is our counter where we entertain our dear customers. Other pastries are also on that part since it's not enough in the cabinet.

If I give meaning to the saying infront based from my point of view, it's a dashing love for coffee. Other may not love coffees and I understand that but a cup of coffee is really good and cheers to that.


I also had the chance to capture this part of our shop. Tried to sat at the high chair also while I watched the vehicles rushing to their destinations because it's already noon.



Our first customer arrived and ordered in our Espresso series so we're really happy about it. I'm excited everytime I do this stuff since I get the chance to smell the aroma of the freshly grinded coffee beans.


And speaking of arrival, our order from our supplier came. We paid it and when I opened it I smelled its savory smell that made me crave for it but I'm stopping myself.

This is also a garlic bread but its just a different version of it.

My Saturday ended being tired but it's alright. I did well on my job, I gave the best customer service I can and it's something to celebrate because in this industry we face different types of people with different moods so we gotta go with the flow and give our best out there in dealing with them.


Sunday came and it really started with great scenery of the sky. I drank a glass of water this dawn and I got a glimpse of the sky from the spaces in our house. I went out and to my surprise to see something that will make me to stare at it for a long time.

I know that a lot of people also loved to stare with this kind of scenery that's why I will gladly share it here.

Look at the moon, how beautiful it is in reality for real. I was stunned by it and I really want to get my hands of it but that will not do. All I can do is to admire it from afar and that's enough.

After it I took pictures of the things around me that looks great and it didn't failed me.
Just look at this shadows of the plants that I took.
Shadows can be beautiful too right It add details to picture making it more beautiful.



In this one, the sun is about to rise already and look at that color of the sky plus the shadows of those trees from afar.
I was inloved to it and stared at it to the point that my grandma wonders what I am doing outside. She came and she was stunned by the scenery also.


I took these photos before I go inside because it's getting colder as the sun rises. Look at that spider patiently waiting for its food .
It took me a lot of shots in order take the best one with the cam focusing on to the spider. I'm glad that it's worth it.



The scenery in the coffee shop is so beautiful. Really is. I like how you talk about giving only good service to your customers. I get it when you talk about each customer with their moods and characters so I understand you. It's interesting how you like your job and enjoy the smell of coffee, which I assume that since you work with it daily, your sense of smell should be numb to it or even bored of it.
I enjoyed reading about how your day went. It was easy to picture the scenes and was well articulated.

And then, those images.
They're very crisp and clean. The ones of the sky are quite captivating. Had to stop and take some deep breath at the sight of them.
You take good pictures. What device did you use, if I may ask?