I Had Day Off This Is What Happened.

in Weekend Experiences11 months ago

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Since we had straight duties last week, I had to take my day off yesterday because next week will be straight duty again.

Our boss has something to do far away and we're the only ones at the shop. We can manage it tho there are times that we run out of energy so a little bit of complain huhu, not showing it to the customers ofcourse.
By the way that one was captured when we went to the town to buy a tank of gas since my grandma is having a hard time gathering some firewood already and I can't face it anymore due to my work. We rarely have day offs so I had to.

Anyway there's a little problem when we arrived at the store where we will buy and that was they're not accepting anymore of those silver gas tank. I don't know if it's nationwide but here they made changes already. Well I'm outdated about the things or the news that are happening in my surroundings since I was busy and that's my bad.

So the store owner said that when they accept it there's a little bit fee for those new ones in colors. I don't know if the colors that change only or the quality also, hoping that the quality also.

What we bought was colored in green, this one. Seems new to me but others said that they just repainted to look like new.


My cousin was with us and she wanted to drink soft drink so I treat her to a store we passed by. It's just this time since I don't really recommend drinking this kind of things. After that I told her to drink a lot of water when we get home which she did when we got here.

My father forgot the feeds for our ducks and chickens so we went to the nearby barangay to buy some.



With that opportunity, I got to witnessed again a scenery I've been longing for. Well I just missed it to be honest. Looking back to the blogs that I published here, these sceneries were featured.

Seeing those kind of views from here made me thank God for giving me the chance to live here in the province.


As you can see the sun was really burning up and it's rays were not that friendly anymore as before. It's just 10 am in the morning and yet it's like it's 1 pm. I'm worried for those who work in the middle of this heat such as farmers. We are used to it already since I was born in a family of farmers but Im not happy about those rays anymore.
It's dangerous.


I saw a ripe papaya in the garden of my mother so we harvested it, that's my father by the way. He wears his sunglass because the heat from the sun is causing his eyes to hurt when he drives.


When I wandered my eyes to the surroundings, I saw clouds from afar and got amazed by it that's why I get my phone and clicked, got that shot.


Also the road that we took got my attention plus the irrigation beside it so my hand moved again and yey, got that shot.

As you can see the combination of nature and the sky makes a perfect combo for a scenery that's great to our eyes.

And here's the ripe papaya my father harvested.


With this kind of heat that we are experiencing, we should focus more on how we can boost our immune system since it's not good when the weather suddenly change.



I got thirsty after that short travel and I saw the coconut tree so target locked hihi. Well I'm still tired from work and my body yesterday was not that feeling well so I got to replenish the energy on my body in every way. So coconut water is a perfect one plus its meat.


I got two coconuts and I do the honor to chopped them up. My grandma was so happy since its meat were not that mature so she can eat it since she don't have teeth anymore hihi.


We just ate it that way, fresh from the tree, no added flavoring such as sugar, milk or what.
We consumed it fresh with its natural flavor.
Its water replenish my energy indeed since I felt great after drinking two or three cups of it.

Being close with nature has really a great advantage just like this one.
We take care of it and in return it will bear fruits that will take care of our health.
It's a win win situation so please take care of our nature at all cost.

Hoping you had a great weekend my friends.
Hoping the days ahead of us will be great always.
Thanks for reading.


A fruitful week for you Jhero grabe ang busy mo as I saw some of your stories in FB. Rest din well.

Re the gasul, most of the time either green or blue nalang sya and yes repainted ata din.

Kaya nga po kuya tp. Fruitful na pagod haha. Since di namin alam bugso ng tao dito sa shop, napapasabak ng wala sa oras. Sana nga makarest din ng maayos po.

Same here po. Sana nga pati quality niya eh ok din.