The Cake Lady... [Weekend-Engagement 194]

Whether psychologist or psychopath 😅 the truth is that Galenkp is a genius who has turned Weekend Experience into our favorite weekend experience and is the common friend of all of us who write here. There is one topic in particular that touched the deepest part of my mind when I read it, the first of them: If you could give someone you have wronged a heartfelt apology, who would it be and why?. And this has made me reflect a lot, I still have a trauma, I just thought it was because I didn't give it a conclusion at the time, but it turns out that forgiveness is possibly what is needed in this story, in the story of The Cake Lady.

See this cake, I think it's from my 27th birthday, and although it doesn't look very flashy, its flavor was huge, like all the sweets that the Cake Lady made for me; but there is something I never noticed, and I was blinded for 8 years, although I had my suspicions, it turns out that this and other cakes, and in general even the air I breathed I had to pay penny by penny, one way or another she never gave me anything for free... Now, who is this cake lady? Well, she was the woman who rented me an annex for 10 years in the city of Caracas, a dwelling that I have always thanked God for having arrived, because much of what I have achieved today I owe to the stability of having lived there, but despite those 10 years, it was in the eighth where I discovered everything that was wrong, although my girl knew it from day one.

I have always written about my life being rosy until about 5 years ago when everything that had never happened to me came at the same time, and while I was dealing with the worst problems in my life, the Cake Lady made merits to stay in the top 3. I never expect to see evil in people, it's not part of me or what I've seen in my environment, that's why it affected me so much when so many negative people appeared in my life in my darkest days. Those 10 years in that house were not because of this woman's good will, unfortunately it was because of my ability to endure and put anything first before me. Big mistake guys...

I have written a lot about the Señora de las Tortas in my publications, but without mentioning her, I only talk about the negative effects she caused in me. Today I dare to share even her photograph. The last day I saw her was June 30 last year, and I have tried to leave that life behind. Today I will not go into details, no matter what psychological damage this woman has caused in me, what matters to me today is that even though what I did was for me, for my well being and for seeking my happiness, I still hurt her, because I never gave her an explanation for that sudden and resounding change I had towards her in year 8, and the final two years I ignored her as much as I could even though she lived in an annex in her own house. Don't get me wrong, it was necessary to cut off all relationship with this lady. I behaved like a son, it was like paying rent to be her assistant, instead of her paying me to treat her like my own mother. But one day I opened my eyes and I was always, always, ALWAYS just another tenant in that house, that was the way she treated me. I simply started to behave like what I was, a tenant who had no reason to leave her space, but I know it hurt her, because in retrospect, maybe she didn't even do things on purpose, but no, I couldn't go on like that, you can't imagine the amount of HUMILATIONS I lived for years and in silence for the simple fear of being left without a house where I paid little.

I left that house expecting her apology, but in return I received the worst of her misery until the last days. Today I am at peace in our new apartment for 8 months now, and although I still think she is the one who destroyed my soul, I feel bad for having changed without saying anything to her, not a word. I am not crazy my friends, if I didn't say anything it was precisely because I knew her very well. She would have asked me to leave from the first moment I told her what was happening to me and I was in no condition to leave. In fact, these last two years she did everything she could to get us to leave her house, but because I kept silent all this time. You too must know people you literally can't talk to, you know when there will be no change, improvement, and even when it will bring consequences, and this would be my house, she didn't even deserve the benefit of the doubt, but in the end she trusted me, I offered her from day one a fool who would take any blow and not say anything and suddenly I snatched it away from her; that is not done, but I learned from this and I do not think I will do it again in my life, in fact karma has already come to me, two good friends did the same thing to me at the end of last year, the difference is that I do not think I have caused psychological damage to anyone. I really sometimes want to apologize to her, but if I do, did I really learn anything?.


And the lady's face says it all, 😂eating that cake is the same as someone who bites the poisoned apple. How brave you were! and you endured so much that in the end your goal was to stay in their space while you looked for better opportunities, my respect and admiration always for you! you are great!🫂💯👏❤️

Yes Paola, and you can't imagine the energy that was felt in the house, especially those last two years. The most incredible thing is that despite my great annoyance, disappointment and change of attitude, she never approached me to ask me why things were happening. She was definitely either not interested or her pride was bigger than she was. Thank you for your comment 🙏

What difficult moments you experienced, situations where you have to endure and endure.

If you feel for some reason that you need to apologize, do it, that does not mean that you have not learned, it just means that you let go of that and cut off the mental situation and start a new one.

Hug Jesus!

I didn't mention in the post that I waited for a rapprochement from her during those two years, but it never happened, her talent was to pretend that nothing happened between us, even though I took away my presence in her day to day life all of a sudden. I always knew she had everything to gain, that's why I put up with so much and that's why I wouldn't want to apologize, because it's not that I did anything bad to her, I just distanced myself from her to do me some good. Everything she said about being like a mother to me is very false, she was never interested in knowing why, and well, it makes me feel bad because I'm not like that, but I have to learn, because I'm sure other "Señoras de las Tortas" will come into my life. In fact last year when I got to the building it happened to me again, but I didn't let her into my life because I had just left that university hahaha...

In that sense you did the right thing, you just walked away so you wouldn't hurt yourself. Life presents you with similar situations to see if you learned. You tell the universe I don't want that, I've learned. That makes me very happy!

A strong story my friend, without a doubt many times people give us things expecting much more, I always say nothing is free in life, but putting up with humiliation is not simple, nor easy and more so when we have a need.

Maybe at that time you would have spoken and you're right, you're homeless, but it's always good to apologize if they accept it or not, it doesn't matter, the important thing is to free yourself from that weight.

I'm glad you now have a better place where I lived and be at peace, peace is priceless. A hug 🤗

Yes, it's good to apologize, but it's unbelievable to me that I even have to apologize and she still thinks I went crazy and she didn't do anything to me. That's what I think, because I lived in her house for the last two years ignoring her daily and she never asked me about my change of attitude, but well, that's the way sovereignty is. I feel like I really do things selflessly, so I expect a little bit of that out there, but we definitely have to find the right people to relate to. I'm glad you read me, I send you a hug and I wish you a happy Sunday! 😘

What a strong and negative experience you have had in relation to this woman. I have had some experiences of this type, people who treat you better than your loved ones and then it turns out that they never deserved what you gave them.
I am very sorry for those two dark years that you have lived, luckily and thank God you are far from him, in a place where you feel comfortable and at peace.
I appreciate that you shared this experience dear friend @jesuslnrs

I didn't mention it in the post, but during those two years I was away from her living in her own house, she never asked me about my change. That hurt me even more than the 8 years of psychological abuse. What an outrage. Thank you for your comment brother, you are absolutely right, the good thing is that I really learned, another person like that already appeared in my life, but I didn't let her in. ¡La experiencia hace al Maestro!...

Greetings friend, it was a very unpleasant situation what you lived with that lady where you were rented and endure humiliations for not having a place to go. I tell you things happen for a reason, because of that situation you managed to get your house due to the pressure she caused, the bad thing is the damage she did to you, you should at some point ask her why she behaved towards you, greetings friend.

Greetings brother and thanks for commenting! It surprises me to even have to bring it to your attention and talk about it. I didn't tell it in the post, but during those two years that I stayed in the annoying annex, and while going through my dad's accident, illness and death situation I was really waiting for her to knock on my door one day and ask me at least What happened, why did you change with me? But nothing... I felt she was the one to do it, and even though I knew her apology would not change my feeling, it would have been something very meaningful to me. ..

That lady's behavior towards you is strange, I imagine she made life impossible for you to leave there, thank God, you already have your own space, greetings my friend.

Good things those not so good days ended!

That's right... Thank you for commenting. It was good for me to write about this.