A Chubby Guy in the Park [Weekend-Engagement 224]

It would make me very happy if this post was about this chubby guy in the park:


but no... Instead what you will get today will be this other one:


At what point did I lose weight and at what point did I become the same as I was 10 years ago?




I remember one of my epiphany years was 2016. I was feeling very bad about the economic situation of my country and myself. It seemed that I didn't have enough talent for music, let alone the image and confidence to conquer a girl. That's when I decided to start training on the street, and when I gained some strength I joined a gym. I never became a visually athletic person, but boy did I slim down, I felt strong and confident. The photo above is from 2018, I had already been working out for two years, and during that time I managed to get into my musical group and got the love of who is my wife today.


But I'm back to my old self. As you can see in my 2014 photo, I think I look exactly the same, but without the long hair. Of course, some factors didn't help; at the end of 2019 I had surgery, that's when I got really skinny due to illness, but then came the pandemic. I couldn't train because it took me many months to recover from internal injuries, and being cooped up at home with that discomfort made me watch TV, eat and spend all day in front of the computer.... What a big mistake! At some point the work started more intense than ever and I became addicted to Hive, and then, precisely the month I re-enrolled in a gym in 2022 to make up for lost time, my dad had the accident that months later would lead him to death. Everything that came after that is already known to those who follow me. The thing is that training was the last thing on my list.


These pictures in the park are from yesterday, taken by my wife Jhoxiris. I've started jogging again a couple of weeks ago. Training and taking care of my body is a habit that I want to recover and not get away from it again. I'm glad to be writing these lines, not to say that I'm going to do it, but to realize to myself that I've already started. In fact, as I publish this post I am going up the mountain for the first time, I don't even know if I am ready, but I am going with my great Greek God body friend and trainer, I know that with him everything will be fine. My wife and I have gone back to eating healthier, little by little we are changing our habits, we have suffered many family and economic situations that scream at us that we must be healthy and strong, physically and mentally, it would be a mistake not to listen and not learn from our mistakes.


This proposal from Galenkp fits me like a glove, I have been procrastinating on health for a while, but enough is enough. Here in my beloved Hive I hope to commit to myself and read this post in a few months and find out that it was worth it and that I was firm in my decisions. I can't give up again even if things get murky around me. For now I am with people who motivate me, but the idea is to continue on my own, at my own pace and by myself. I already knew the benefits of feeling good about the way I look, I attracted many good things in that time, so now let's go for more... I say goodbye with this picture of who should be the only chubby guy in that park, sunbathing while the runners pass by him 🤣




I'm sure you will succeed! Like so many other achievements you have had in life, will and effort and you will see how you will get what you want!

That kitty... she has three colours... she's a girl I think!🤣

You are going to make it, it is never too late to start taking care of your body again, that reminds me that Buhito has to start flapping his wings haha but the same lifestyle makes you neglect your body a little, you have to find the balance to be able to give us the time we need.

The cat is doing crunches hahahaha 😂

I'm glad you decided to take care of your health and start exercising again. I tell you from experience that you have to take care of yourself and not wait for your health to take its toll. I had a heart attack at the end of 2022 and that was a trigger to change my habits for good. Eat healthy, exercise and stop being sedentary and try as much as possible to control stress. Best of luck!

By the way the chubby guy I think is a chubby gal 😹

Feliz domingo!🤗

Wow, thanks for sharing this story, it really helps me and is a wake up call, but I almost had a heart attack climbing the Avila after writing this post hahaha. I already read your comment from the coffee the other day, I'm going to look for you on Discord my dear. Thanks for your love...

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Congratulations on resuming these trainings. I see that it is one more thing along with the walks with Jhoxiris. Cool. 😅

From that chubby cat we have to learn: he is there being happy as he is. Basking in the sun. Do you think he minds being called chubby? ;) We have to look for validation within us, not outside of us.