About Last Weekend : Year End Get Together With Colleagues + Struggle Unplanned Trip To A Mountain Cafe

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

My Saturday started earlier than usual, at 6:00 in the morning. I bathed my car, clean my room, prepared my breakfast, took a bath, fixed myself, and readied the things I needed for our year-end get-together and appreciation day.

The event was set to start at 10:00 am, so as early as 7:30, I left home and met my friends/colleagues at our agreed pick-up place. After some of waiting and chitchatting, at around 8:15 we were finally heading our way to the event place in Papa Kit's Marina and Fishing Lagoon at Liloan, Cebu.

It was about an hour road travel, we arrived at the place at around 9:00, we were very much in time for the event.

The event only ran for 2 hours, it started at 10:00 am and concluded at 12:00 noon. Of course, there were fun games, which I always look forward to for year-end get together and parties. I and my team won the first game, however in the second, we were just next to the winner, there were three teams by the way. But what's the best we all equally got was the fun that rekindled each playful behavior, making everyone so much lively and energetic that very day. This was by far my most favorite segment in that 2-hour event.

Our year-end party ended with the photo opportunity. After which, some left for home, while I and my friends stayed for a while and explored the entire place.

Papa Kit's Marina is like of an adventure park which offers many exhilarating activities to enjoy. There's horseback riding, fishing, wall climbing, ziplining, sky biking and many others.

The first time I went there, I tried the rope course and zip lining, and on that Saturday, I had a different one, I tried sky biking.

It was my very first time trying the sky bike. And honestly upon reaching the starting point, I felt nervous that I just wanted not to proceed. There were six of us who tried, 2 skybikers for each round. I was next in line as I don't want to go first. I was first observing how my friends did it before actually plunging into it. Slowly, I gained confidence, and yes I was able to pull it through so well. Yahoo! It was really one of the best adventures.

After some time of exploring the place, and having fun with the rides, we looked for a cafe just within the city to have some coffee before heading home.

Somebody from the group suggested Nanda Cafe. We had seen through social media how the pretty the place is, and so we all had agreed to go there, since we've not been there yet too.

We started heading there, we just kept asking people we met on the road for directions. Nanda is on the mountainous area. So, we were kind of excited for it. However, that didn't go as planned. The road going up was not that smooth, most part is a rough bumpy road. And aside from its twisty, it is not well-lit, making me more uncomfortable with driving.

It was about 30 minutes of driving all the way up to the mountain when I already struggled dragging the car up. Good thing, my friends in the other car stopped by View Deck Cafe, the only Cafe we met before Nanda. We all decided to just stop right there, and cancelled the Nanda plan, as the struggle was so real!

The supposed to be just coffee, turned into a dinner meal. We all got hungry. It was really not an easy and smooth road trip as we expected.

On the other hand, I was thankful, as it was another thing that's charged to experience.

We stayed in the cafe for almost 2 hours, and left at 7:00 in the evening.

I would say, it was another weekend full of fun, adventure, and new experiences worth looking back to.

So that would be all for now. Thank you so much for giving this post your time. See you in the next one. Keep safe!


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Thank you and Merry Christmas 🎅!

Interesting games I see there

It was really fun @ariylove. Anyways, thanks for dropping by!

Aerial cycling looks fun, and anyone can play it with peace of mind. Great idea

It was my very first time trying that, and I really had fun, though I felt nervous at the first few minutes doing that!