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RE: I Don't Believe In Religion Because...

Hello, @marvinix

Talking about religion has always been a counter-version and a source of division. So, it is quite understandable that many turn away from such contentions.

I agree with you in considering the messages in religions that bring out the best in people, no matter where they come from. I believe that God is in everything, even in the most dogmatic religions, and only some are able to live by the precepts that are nestled in our own consciences that distinguish between good and evil. Religion is a distorted echo of this.

The real problem is not the religions, in the end, the institutions are the work of men, imperfect in search of perfection without intending it: which is God himself.

So, flee from everything that separates you from God, especially from the connoted motivations of religions. But do not flee from God, of course, you must first recognize him in your own being.

Greetings, my brother.


You're right. God is in everything and recognizing him in our own human being nature should be the main priority the way I see it.

Thanks for checking by. Have a nice day brother

Happy to share ideas on this important and controversial topic.

Happy weekend.