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RE: How would YOU describe yourself if you're only allowed five words to do so?

I'll keep my own list shorter than your post. I am a strange blend of serious and irreverent, with a streak of iconoclast when it comes to sacred cows and civil religion. As an anarchist, I face the challenge of outside assumptions imposed upon me versus my own internal principles of equal respect for individuals based on their actions instead of self-professed titles and rank. And last but not least, I'll add the term, bad Quaker because even though this is cheating by using six words, I think it explains best the struggle of theology and principle I face and the direction I am growing spiritually.


Ahhh, I so love this answer. Thanks for your honesty (haha!). This gives me suchgreat exercise when meeting new people, right?? a great sense of you. And it helps me realise something @jacobtothe: This is a

I am also an introvert, so I detest contrived icebreakers, but this does seemt to work out OK.

I also detest contrived icebreakers even without being an introvert 🤔 Maybe we just like organic, authentic conversations that lead wherever they're supposed to lead...