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RE: Opening Sunday's door

I did mean to say that my photos are always from my phone these days and they are hit and miss. That is something I really love about the digital photo age, that I can take many photos and only keep the best few. They are fairly sufficient, but once in a blue moon some will come out exceptional and surprise me.

It's true no photo can provide the "feel" of the experience, but it still helps to give readers a bit of a visual as best you can.

Sometimes I have something to express that there are no photos to illustrate them, thoughts and the such, but then I just throw some random pics in, because I think I can't make a post without some. :)


I sometimes take so many pictures and end up with one or two I like, a half dozen I might be happy to put on a post. Thanks digital era.

Back in the day I used to photograph car racing using 35mm idea what shots AI was getting, no screens and all on the camera and had to pay for processing. I might shoot ten 24-shot rolls in a got costly so that's another reason to thank digital cameras!

I think posts need an image but I think people obsess about the right image too much. Sure, if it's about a place one went, photos of that place will work, but generally, I think people could use their imagination more and diversitfy the images, you know?