I get you. But also, in this time, if you tell a kid that you're going to paid him for certain shores at home, he might take advantage of that. He might refuse to do it if there's no money to take. In this country, that wouldn't work. I've seen many kids that doesn't help at home, even if they don't get paid.
But that's just my opinion based in my experience. As you said, we don't have to agree.
He might also do an amazing job and learn something...and a kid looking to take advantage by doing more to earn more would seem to be like a kid who had an entrepreneurial tendency and that's not a bad thing. I always reward effort and lack of effort is never rewarded. I have no children, I mean in my work place where lack of effort results in getting fired and no income.
If that's what he learns and carries that forward into adulthood he deserves to starve to death on the street in my opinion. There's no handouts, it's reward for effort in my opinion.
I'm not saying they shouldn't help if they don't get paid, I'm saying that to offer them some understanding around how working and reward works along with financial responsibility offers them some valuable insight into what will be required later in life.
It would work depending on the circumstances and the economy at home. Maybe I'm pessimist about this, because of what I've seen.
I don't have children either, but I have nieces, and they lived with me for a while. Asking for their help on doing house shores was always difficult. I knew they could do it, but they didn't like it.
This is a good topic to discuss.