(DAY 001) Weekend Engagement 143: Regifting A Gift.

Hello, good afternoon everyone and Happy Sunday to you all,I hope you had a wonderful time in church?

I came online this afternoon to see this engagement and I'm happy to participate in it.
Last contest I took part in it but I was late but this time I hope am not.
Thank you @galenkp for this wonderful topics have seen here I wish I could write on all the topics but I'll be engaging in one of the topics.

    "Someone gifted you a gift,and you gifted it to someone else.Tell us your Regifting story.who gave you,what was it,who did you give it to and why did you give it out."

The topic here is interesting.

  Firstly, giving  out your gift is your own choice.

The gift I would regift would depend on several factors such as the reason for the gift, the relationship with the original gift giver, and the interests of the person I plan to regift the item to.

Assuming that the gift was something I received but didn't particularly like or need it, I might consider regifting it to someone who I know would appreciate it more.

  Here is my Regifting story.

Years back,It was my birthday, though I don't celebrate it but atleast the wishes, prayers and gift I received are usually enough.
On that day,I received a particular clothes and shoes from my girlfriend then, she particularly told her not to give it out because she knows I'm find of giving out gifts given to me.
Those gift was one of the best gifts I ever received,I cherished these gifts with everything that I had in me especially the shoes, Even when my sister wants to seize the clothes I beg her not to.

But one of the days,I visited the church my daddy was pastoring,and I heard a girl contemplating to him that it's a week to her graduation in school and she doesn't even have clothes or shoes to wear for that day and it was going to be a shameful thing to her that her classmates are graduating and she doesn't have anything to show.
Then I was concerned,I was eager to know what the colour of their day was,I knew she was really in need of this stuff within the week. So after service I approached her,I asked her about the colour of the day and unfortunately for me it was the exact colours that I was given by my girlfriend, navy blue and red shoes.
I wasn't happy at first because I wasn't expecting it to be the exact colours that I was given
I was contemplating about it,I was sad,I was angry.
I was like God,what's all these wahala niii
Why did it have to be the exact colours that I was given that she is in need of
Mind you that was the only navy blue gown and red shoes that I had.

When I reached home that day,I was really worried,
I was like, how will my girlfriend react when she discovered I regifted her gift to someone else?
Will she think I did not like it,will she think I don't love her that why I gave out those packages?
Different thoughts started coming,I was pondering on what to do,part of my was telling me to give it out,the other was telling me not to since it was from a special person, I was so confused.
Finally i prayed about it.

The next day,I went to church,I met her and gave her the gift,out of that shock she cried she told me she gave up going to the graduation.
She was very excited, Happy and her happiness was my priority.i couldn't help it but I was also happy when I discovered that I put a smile on someone's face.
Even if I knew how painful it was Regifting my gift but I didn't let that stop me from letting that girl attend her final graduation in secondary School.
It's a thing of joy.
Mind you,I gifted the packages to her,I didn't lend it.

I gave it out to the girl because she needed it more than I did at that very moment that she was desperate for it.
I knew that I still had enough of others but this particular colours were scares in my clothing so I had to give it out to her was the only solution to solve her problem that time..

 Weeks later I gave out my stuffs,I received another special package from someone,more better and finer than the other one,then I was excited that I gave it my gift to someone who needed it more than I did.

 However, it's important to note that regifting should be done with care and consideration. It's important to make sure that the gift is still in good condition and appropriate for the new recipient. It's also important to avoid regifting to someone who knows the original gift giver, as this can be considered rude or disrespectful.

Ultimately, the decision to regift a gift should be made thoughtfully and with the intention of spreading joy and generosity to others.

Keep doing good and you will see reasons to do it.
Thank you

I am @ itohowo


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