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RE: Weekend-engagement week 13: Ask me anything

in Weekend Experiences5 years ago

She is really cute. I guess my question would go along the lines of your answer. WHy is it that you miss her. She is not living with you? Why?

About me: I am from Venezuela, but live now in Brazil with an aunt, trying to get ready to take a college examination to study medicine, but I suck and physics and chemistry, especially when they are taught in another language.


She is really cute. I guess my question would go along the lines of your answer. Why is it that you miss her. She is not living with you? Why?

The child in this photo with me is my niece. She lives in Finland with her parents, my brother @tarazkp and @momone so as much as I would like my nice to come and live with me I think her parents wouldn't be too happy about it just yet.

I miss her because I don't have any children of my own and so my niece and nephew take the place of the fact I don't have my own. I would like for my niece to someday come down and spend some time in Australia with my wife and I but I don't know if that will ever happen.

I wish you all the best with your studies and hope you manage to pass the entry examinations for university.

 5 years ago  

Thank you very much. It's been crazy so far. A new language, deficient training in Venezuela (even if you come from a private High School) and emotional storms every day.
About your niece, hope you can meet soon, either in Australia or in Finland. Is it complicated for you to go to Finland? Places like Findland are exotic for latinos. So far, beautiful, so legendary, so cold.😗

It's not complicated to go to Finland from Australia. We were due to go again in July but the virus stopped that. We will go when we are able to travel. It's costly though, and takes a long time to get there (28 hour transit) so we have to go for an extended period to make it worthwhile.

Life is getting more complicated for people, more costly. It's geared around people never really getting ahead. I wish you all the best with it and I hope you can rise above the mediocre level of existence governments and corporations want us to attain.

 5 years ago  

Thank you very much for your good wishes and advice.
Hope you can make it to Finland soon.