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RE: Weekend-engagement week 13: Ask me anything

in Weekend Experiences5 years ago

I have not played basket ball or football (soccer) in over a year now. Used to like that a lot.
How good or bad is it to have a twin sister. I have one, 5 years younger, but we were very close, we also fought a lot. Have not seen her for a year now, except on video calls.


Oh yeah, basketball too! Used to do it a lot during my college and I was becoming really good at it because I was enjoying the sport, but it's been a while since I played basketball.

I can't imagine not seeing my sister for a year, we actually live together but regarding to how good or bad is it to have a twin..I'd call it a special relationship.
Of course there are always good and bad parts but having a twin is a little bit more complicated since the arguments are a little bit more intense than between any other siblings. But our connection is really special. When we were very young we had some strange moments when we could feel the pain of each other or when one of us was suffering even if we were in different rooms. For a few times when one of us was getting injured, the other one was receiving the bruise. Pretty weird, I know.

But that's the proof of how connected we are and that we have something special which is only ours and maybe just the ones who understand it :)