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RE: Weekend-engagement week 13: Ask me anything

in Weekend Experiences5 years ago

Ok @galenkp. Heres my question. Its one that hasn't been asked of you yet.

Have you ever seen or experienced anything truly bizarre that you could only write off as paranormal? Ghosts, strange lights, weird shadows, freaky people that didnt seem right or real, run ins with things in the bush?

As for me the answer is yes. Some people are like magnets for this sorta phenomena. Some it never has happened to.

Follow up question. If no never. Is there anything you would like to see one day. A tazzie tiger, ufo, sea creature?


I have never seen anything that I could say was a ghost however, I do get a strong feeling at times that I am not alone and tend to see shadows...great question! :D I look forward to seeing some of these answers.

Interesting on the shadows. I'd love to hear more about your experiences with seeing them. Could you describe what you see or what happens with them. Are they scary or do they feel benign?

I too am curious to see galenkp and others answeres regarding this.

It just seems to be shadows at times in the corner of my eye and not all the time. I used to work overnight at a hotel and during my rounds I would always get a creepy feeling in the ballroom and often get goosebumps and see shadows. It always scared me because I was alone and was creepy! I would always look right away in the direction and see nothing. It very well could have been my imagination running away with things...but...I do believe in spirits. :)

Might not have been your imagination either. There could have been something there. Did the hotel have a reputation for this sort of stuff or did anything unusual occur there?

I grew up in a house that was reported to be haunted. We had shadows that would roam the house. It seemed like they preferred to stay in areas that were unoccupied at the time. For instance if everyone was together in the tv room and one of us got up to go to the other side of the house we'd invariably see one darting around. It was like they didn't want to get caught or seen

That sounds really cool but I have to admit, I would have never left the room alone LOL

As far as I know, the hotel didn't have a history of anything too crazy. It could be the land a building is on as well. Or just the energy brought to the place. It's all very interesting to me.

Hi @jangle, see my comment in response to @hidave, and the attached link to the true story I wrote a few weeks ago.

Yes. I'm not a 'sensitive' or anything like it, and the occurrences are few and far between, but I've had a couple of times out in the puckerbrush where I just knew there was some one there.

My best ex and I owned a historical house that had a woman that lived there for 92 years as the previous owner (Her father built the place). Sometimes, we just knew she was there, and we'd make sure she knew what we were doing to her house....

Once I saw something afire in the sky. When I got home I called the FAA and reported. They fed me a bullshit answer but I know what I saw. I suspect it was a military secret type thing, but I don't know.

Interesting about the fire in the sky. I'm very knowledgeable about that specific subject. It likely was military. Where roughly did you have this sighting? Was the colour a reddish orange? If you want hit me up on discord. May be able to figure out what you saw.


I was way out in nowhere land Eastern Washington, late at night coming home from a drive in movie about 50 miles from home. I was maybe half way... My GF saw it well, too. Summer of '68.

There was fire, and it went on for seconds. The altitude didn't look to be that great maybe 20,000 feet. The nearest military installation would have been Spokane 120 miles east. They were a B-52 base then. Whidbey Island Naval Station would have been about 250 miles west.

No crashes reported and nothing from the FAA.

Hit me up on discord might be able to bring insight to your sighting.


I will. Today as a matter of fact. Soon as I finish wading through this particular swamp.

Matter of fact, I just did.

I got it and see you. Just responded

My dad saw an UFO...Reported it to Canberra (Australia's Capital). They took it seriously, recorded it and all. Dad was pretty chuffed as he loved sci-fi. Always told people he was from another planet...Sometimes I think he was...And me too. Lol.


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I had a story to share BUT now I am saving it for the community when one of you starts it haha :D

It's a good job I read this post bottom to top, right? lol.

I think i should get n top of setting up this new community. I think a lot of us have something to share and I'd especially like to hear your story.