Weekend-Engagement 206 - Stupid Things That Hurt Myself

Hello dear Hivers friends. Nice to see you again. In this 206th Weekend-Engagement, I am very interested in discussing the topic of “What is one of the most stupid ways in which you've hurt yourself as an adult”. Regarding this topic, I would like to tell you about my personal experience which is “What is one of the most stupid things I've done to hurt myself”.

this is a picture of me when I was a crystal meth addict

So, I once got caught up in a methamphetamine drug addiction. This was one of the stupidest things I ever did to hurt myself. In my times of hurt and disappointment in life, I tried using crystal meth as an escape. I felt that it could be a cure for the pain and disappointment in my life. But, in fact, the drug itself only brought me deeper and deeper into a dark hole.

At first, it may have felt like the world was getting better with the blissful effects of crystal meth. But, as time went on, the consequences started to set in. The money I had was drained away and I was forced to sell valuables to fulfill my drug needs. My body also suffered from the ill effects of the substance.

The worst moment of my life, however, made me realize how deeply I was trapped in a pit of destruction. That was the moment that changed my life. I began to wonder if choosing drugs as an escape was a stupid decision. And the answer was clear: yes, very stupid.

In my quiet moments, I realized that using crystal meth was the wrong way to heal my wounds and disappointments in life. It only took me further away from true happiness.

The two pictures above are of me who is now free from drugs.

However, I am grateful for finally finding the light at the end of the tunnel. I fought hard to get out of this drug addiction. With the support of my close ones and the burning passion within me, I managed to break free from the shackles of crystal meth.

Now, I feel lucky and grateful to be able to live a drug-free life. I found true happiness and enjoy life in a healthier and more positive way. This bitter experience has taught me the importance of dealing with hurts and disappointments in life without using drugs as an escape. We must face them with our heads held high and our spirits strong.

From the bad experiences that I have gone through, I would like to give a message to my friends in the Hive community here. When we are hurt and disappointed, deal with it. Never choose drugs as an escape. Because if we do, our lives will only sink further into the dark abyss.

I hope that writing from my experience can inspire others who may be struggling with drug addiction. Thank you for stopping by and reading my personal story. Best wishes and blessings to all.


Saludos amigo hiver..

Thanks for sharing your experience. I hope it helps others.

Thank you Melinda. I hope that no more people are trapped in the vicious cycle of drugs and crystal methamphetamine. That's very dangerous.

So many young lives are ruined with those dangerous drugs. I grew up in the 60s. Different recreation.

That's right. Youth is a time full of selfishness and ignorance. Many young people choose the wrong path and end up regretting it. Thank you very much for visiting