Weekend-Engagement writing topics: Week 155

in Weekend Experiences2 years ago (edited)
Countdown terminated on May 29, 2023, 7:30 AM

If you look for truth, you may find comfort in the end; if you look for comfort you will not get either comfort or truth only soft soap and wishful thinking to begin, and in the end, despair.

- C. S. Lewis -


Happy weekend folks, I hope you've got some great plans, or no plans...whichever you feel is most appropriate for you.

As usual, I'm here with some writing suggestions in case you are looking for something to post about over the weekend. I'll wrap up the weekend on Monday with my showcase post so please follow the guidelines below to be eligible. Post in the WEEKEND EXPERIENCES Community and follow the guidelines to be eligible for curation and the favourites post.

Follow these guidelines

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☑️ Use #weekend-engagement as the first tag of your post
☑️ Post in the WEEKEND EXPERIENCES community (no cross-posts)

☑️ Use photos you took where possible (it shows character and personality)
☑️ Follow all the community rules - Post in ENGLISH only (not multi-language)
☑️ Entries close 07:30 UTC Monday 29 May (UTC converter to determine your location's UTC time)

Writing topics

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Shoot your cat or dog

Most who own a cat or dog love them greatly, I get it because I love my cat! Shoot a photo of your cat or dog and do a 300+ word post explaining why you love it so much and what it brings to your life. This must be your personal cat or dog and the photos must be your own.

Would you rather...

Choose one or more of the questions below and respond in a post of 300+ words using a photo of something that you took personally if you can.

  • Save one family member from death or 100 people you don't know?
  • Starve to death or resort to cannibalism?
  • Be reborn as a chicken or a snake?
  • Die before your partner, or after?
  • Be able to pause your life, or rewind it?

Good bad

Can good people do bad things and can bad people do good things? Explain your thoughts in a post of at least 300 words and use a photo of something that you took personally if you can.


Is being ignorant an excuse for rudeness towards others? Explain your thoughts in a post of at least 300 words and use a photo of something that you took personally if you can.

Love, lust and desire

How do love, lust and desire differ in your opinion? Explain your thoughts in a post of at least 300 words and use a photo of something that you took personally if you can.

Comply with the guidelines, they're not difficult to follow, if you want your post to be eligible

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Curation is based on post quality, effort and personality and I prefer to see photos the author has taken personally rather than stock images. Only original content is acceptable - I don't want to see AI content. Please double check your post against the guidelines above for eligibility.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default, tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind - galenkp

[All original and proudly AI free]

The image in this post is my own, it's Cleo, my beautiful little cat, and is not for your use

Countdown terminated on May 29, 2023, 7:30 AM
There are 2 pages

What an interesting and refreshing challenge 😁☕

Thanks, 155 weeks of it so far, more to come.

That's a sweet success. Congrats!

My weekend is mostly work. I'll find a way to join in 😁

Hmm, working on the weekend, not my favourite thing. All the best though, I hope it's not too bad.

These are awesome topics for this week, but I think I am on the fence about which one to pick. 😁😅

Happy weekend

There's nothing wrong with fences, they keep things out of where they shouldn't be, or inside where they should be, those with the option to choose have to determine which side they want to be on and then follow through.

Excellent range of topics as always, making sure everyone has something that would interest them. I'm not yet sure of what I'd pick though...

I like to challenge people sometimes, with the topics, but it's important that there's something for most people. I'll wait to see what you choose.

If I'm being honest, all of them seem quite nice and I could pick one that sparks my interest only to love another while I'm writing but for now the good and bad topic calls to me. What do you think?

I was hoping someone would do that one. I may even have a go at it myself.

Ahhh .... looking forward to reading yours then.

I don't know if you've done yours yet but I've done mine and I guess I may be put on the chopping board for my thoughts. Hehe.

I'm reading it now.

What good topics! I like them all! I want to talk about them all! hahaha I already have the writing of all the topics in my head, I can't help it.

But I think you already know what I'm going to choose, they are always my weakness, they make little hearts in my eyes when I think of them.

Thanks for these great themes @galenkp😀

I'm glad you like the topics but yes, I know which you will choose. It was put in there based on that conversation we had a week or so ago. I thought you'd like it.

And I love it! Now I ask you, I have two loves, can I put both or just one? If it's one, no problem, I have a model who always poses for me. Thank you!❤️

Both into the one post is fine, no worries at all. 😺

Great!!! I am happy to show my babies!😀

All over this one like white on rice.This is looking to be a good weekend, no rain, good weather ahead. Hope it is the same for everyone else here in the community!

On it like a fat kid on cake huh? Nice, I look forward to your entry.

Cold and rainy here this weekend, that's ok though, I'll make the most of it anyway. I hope you have a good one.

If it ain't rainin' you ain't trainin'!


Cute cat! Those are some interesting topics. I'd have to put a lot of thought into one or two of them. Some of the other ones, no brainer for me :)

Cleo, yep she's a cutie. Sitting right beside me, paw on my leg as I type this on my phone. She makes me very happy.

I wanted to put a couple challenging ones in this week, just because I can, bit I think most could make a post about each of them with a little effort. If you get the time and have the interest, give it a crack.

I'm going to be on the road most of the weekend, but I will see what I can do. My wife and I have already had long discussions about who should go first. That one might be easy!

Ah ok, well I'd never want someone to post here over and above personal (real world) commitments. I hope you have a safe trip and a good overall weekend.

On the whose going first thing...I'd want to go first, it's a bit selfish I think, but I can't imagine wanting to be around without my girl here.

No worries on that. I usually take the weekend off from the blockchain anyway just so I can refresh and gather more content for the coming week. In our discussions my wife wants to go first and I am okay with that. I'd hate to think of her being sad because I was gone. I'd rather take that on myself.

It's interesting, the different perspectives on it. I'm hoping a few choose that topic as I'm interested to see people's thoughts, hence its inclusion.

Some very interesting topics here, I would love to read the dissertation on love, lust and passion. Many associate it with a single word: energy.

It's hard for me to choose just one topic, because I love them all hehehehe greetings and happy weekend ☺️

I wonder what you'll choose, if any. Time will reveal all.

Good morning my friend 😃 How was your week?

Ooohhhh!!! A shot to my heart was reading this option to talk about our cat or dog 😍😍😍😍 The picture of your cat looks amazing! He looks fluffy and very healthy.

My cat is many things to me 😻 Happy weekend 🤗

I had a good week, I hope you did too. Cleo, my cat is a cute little thing, and she's one of the most valued things I have. I'd be lost without her.

Anyway, I hope we'll see a post from you this weekend, if you have the time and interest.

Oh my lady Cleo, sorry for disrespecting you by saying he and not she. Forgive this insignificant human.



It's ok, you weren't to know.

Great suggestion topics.
One has to really think to write on any of these topics.

It's gonna be mentally tasking but I think I shall write on Good bad.

Ah ok, a good choice, I was hoping someone would attempt it.

I have made my entry. I changed my mind on the topic sir.

I hope some other persons will write on it.

No worries.

These are awesome topics as usual, being born a snake or hen sounds really funny but difficult.

I see funny, emotional and tough choices to make, this should be lot of fun.

It should make for some interesting posts...I wonder if anyone will choose the chicken/snake one.

It's tricky, the truth is that nobody wants to end up in a pot of soup or on a griller. Snakes, I heard some countries have some respect for it but if I was to be a snake in Nigeria, I will rather a be chicken.

Things get messy at the sight of snakes. I have thought about it carefully, I don't want any. Probably, if there is an option for eagle, dolphins... I might consider.

Lol,the topics this week are absolutely crazy.

Crazy as in, insane, or mentally unstable you mean?

Nah,I meant everyone will have fun writing on them.

Lol...yeah I know what you meant.

Cleo is looking all sorts of cute! Those are some pretty interesting subjects, followed up by some great writers. You usually gather some real effort here, which I am really glad to see.

You have created a community that is growing every week.

Hi, Galen!

Oh yes she is! I guess she takes after a certain fellow who is also kind of cute in his own nutbag sort of way. 😂

(Ok, not really, she's just naturally cute and is my special little girl who I love greatly.)

Thanks for your comments on the topics, I always try to gather together something that people can relate to or find challenging. It's the three year anniversary of this concept next Friday Wow huh? Still going. Who would have thought.

Hi Swiggly, I hope you're well and had a good week...Enjoy your weekend too.

Is Cleo as modest as you? I mean, really. You shouldn't be so shy about your looks. Even if you are a nutbag some days, or am I mistaking you for someone else?

I knew you were joking, she is so adorable... Isn't it almost time to get her a little sister?

Three years? Really? I cannot believe it has been that long. Everything has changed so much in that short timeframe.

Thanks so much, Galen. You and your girl person stay in and keep dry. Or walk in a few puddles, or the possibilities are endless. Wherever you go, whatever you do, have the best time!💙

It's not about looks, more an attitude I guess, we all know the former, good looks doesn't apply to me. I'm ok with it too. I've got to be good for something right?

I really want to get another, she's getting on and I am going to be rather fucken inconsolable when she's gone. Some won't understand that I guess, but it's true. When Merlin went in 2020...well, it was not a good time. The problem is I am planning to travel, like take a year off and disappear so having a cat will be impossible. We'll see.

Three years? Really? I cannot believe it has been that long. Everything has changed so much in that short timeframe.

Yep, three. Wow huh? And yes, so much has changed...I know what you mean there. I know you know that I know what you mean. You know?

Or walk in a few puddles, or the possibilities are endless.

I did that a couple days ago...see my last post.

Great suggestion topics.
One has to really think to write on any of these topics.

It's gonna be mentally tasking but I think I shall write on Good bad.

hahaha wow this is a nervous laugh.
Some of these questions are really compromising.

I wanted to make some more challenging topics this week to see how people reacted.

Your cat's gaze is deep. I wonder what he is looking at?

I can't recall what she's looking at. Anything but the camera...she's cheeky like that.

hahahahahaha, it also overflows with personality. The position of the front legs, the look. That face of "sobrada" as I would say in my country.

Wow.😂 you have really outdone yourself with your choice of themes for this week. Can I answer all In a single post?😂

All in a single post? Sure...but it has to be one million words. 😋

You had me at...

"Shoot your cat or dog"...

WTF !?!

@pooky-jax had the same reaction when I showed her.

Thank goodness the shooting is with a camera!

We are on our way to the weekly Friday date lunch. I just parked the Prime for the weekend. But you know Samantha Jo (my Cleo) is gonna be my #weekend-engagement topic.!

I just told her She was gonna be this WE post.

Sammi Jo just said "Meow."

Loosely Translated that means challenge excepted. From day one this @krazzy-kitty has never backed down from a challenge.


I was hoping you'd see this and make an entry. Enjoy your weekend off.

I like the theme, I will join in making my publication.

Ok, cool.

Hi @galenkp, this week I'm inclined to talk about my cat Chia:


Big greetings and happy weekend.

Oh great, I actually saw it already, a good story. 😺

Wow so cute, love cats too. I am preparing my entry

Love cats! 😺

Awesome, I saw it. Thank you.,

Hi @galenkp, this week I will talk about love, lust and desire/ here my entry: https://ecency.com/hive-168869/@dlizara/week-155-love-lust-and

Excellent, thank you.

A happy weekend.
Here is my Entry For the weekend engagement


I saw it, One of the harder topics to write about I think, defining those three things. Thanks.

You're welcome

Thanks for this weeks topics. As usual, all was very interesting.

No worries, thanks for saying so.

Hey! @galenkp such an amazing topic for the prompt. I hope I would assure my participation. I'm a newbie on hive and looking forward to engage with users here. Perhaps this community as well prompt writing prove beneficial for me.

Ok, great, please follow the guidelines.

some of the topics about the choices above made me interested in reviewing them, I always like to enjoy weekends because there are always very interesting contests here

Oh that's good, I understand some may not like the topics but there's plenty who do, yourself included it seems.

I always take the time to take part in contests on weekends, because the topics are always exciting

Yeah, I see your posts and am pleased you choose to get involved.

Interesting topics again! I already thought what to write, inspired from something I read a while ago😂

Great news, have a good weekend also.

This time? Simple question
My entry, here I come
I pray to procrastination
Please don't make me forget this
while I jot draft down
My entry is around. 😋

Ok cool. Have a good weekend.

Good topics to think and write about. Here I leave my participation. Happy weekend dear @galenkp.


Thanks mate, a good entry, as always. I hope you have a god weekend.

Interesting topics, Love lust and desire caught my attention. I will think of something.

Oh good, I will be keen to see what you come up with.

The act of cannibalism is so cruel, I’d rather starve to death.
Here is my entry


Thanks, I hope you have a good weekend.

Thank you, it's a good entry, I appreciate your support.

Almost 48 hours to go to the deadline, so no not too late.

Oh, okay. That's cool.

Wow this is hilarious it's going to be a great challenge

Yeah, hilarious for sure.

Smile....nice meeting you here

The theme this time is really very interesting and I have chosen one of them, here is my participation


Thank you, I appreciate it.

I read your post late, because a few hours ago i published a post about my cat but in hive pet community if i knew that your topic was also about cat or dog I'll be published in weekend experience community 🐱

Oh ok, well that's ok, that community ben fits from your post and I'm sure they appreciate it.

Yes, maybe they appreciate my post

I like topics that discuss cats. This is my entry about cats and memories of my late grandfather


Thank you.

Sir please help me check out while this post. They flagged it down because of the images. I have edited it and removed the low quality images.


Seems like suggestions are tricky again, choosing between two good choices is too hard since it requires good decision making especially once happens in real life, I'm gonna join and I will choose an interesting topic.


Hello 🙋🏻‍♀️ this weekend it was very difficult to choose a single topic because there are several that interest me 😊

Thank you for your entry this week and your continued support for the concept.

Hello, here I leave my participation. This week's topics are very interesting, I chose the topic that caught my attention the most, I look forward to next week. greetings!! @galenkp


Thank you for joining it, I hope you're having a good weekend.

This week I will not let it go, because the love for pets should always be shared :D

Thanks for your entry.

There are 2 pages