The weekend approaches and I hope you've got something great planned for it. As usual, I'm here with some writing suggestions in case you are looking for something to post about over the weekend. I'll wrap up the weekend on Monday with my highlights post so please follow the guidelines below to be eligible. Post in the WEEKEND EXPERIENCES Community and follow the guidelines to be eligible for curation and the favourites post.
Follow these guidelines
☑️ Use #weekend-engagement as the first tag of your post
☑️ Post in the WEEKEND EXPERIENCES community (no cross-posts)
☑️ Use photos you took where possible (it shows character and personality)
☑️ Follow all the community rules - Post in ENGLISH only (not multi-language)
☑️ Entries close at 07:30 UTC Monday 22 May (Link to UTC converter)
Writing topics
What would you like to be remembered for? Explain in a post of 300+ words using photos you took personally where possible.
Somewhere else
Do you ever wish you lived somewhere else? Explain where and why in a post of 300+ words using photos you took personally where possible.
If you could choose to study one single thing, what is it and why? Explain in a post of 300+ words using photos you took personally where possible.
What impresses you? Explain a few things and why in a post of 300+ words using photos you took personally where possible.
Compelling reason
Think of a terrible time/event in your life that you survived and made it through. Write about why you made it through, not how - What were your compelling reasons for working through your difficulties. A post of 300+ words is required and use a photo you took personally if possible.
Curation is based on post quality, effort and personality and I prefer to see photos the author has taken personally rather than stock images. Only original content is acceptable - I don't want to see AI content. Please double check your post against the guidelines above for eligibility.
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default, tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind - galenkp
[All original and proudly AI free]
The image in this post is my own and is not for your use
Assuming those feet are yours...
Not the ones with the red toenails 👀😉👀
They both L👀k GREAT.!!
There, now I got to use the word "Great". It is kinda catchy. @dswigle
What I am curious about is thee adult beverage and the location. I want to be there. Please take me away!
The beer is Japanese..:
Was it the "Super Dry" they speak of in that link? And was it any good..? Asking for a friend...(pictured here) LoL
Yeah man, my feet sometimes sneak their way into photos.
This was at Singapore, the hotel we usually stay at when we go to the Formula One Grand Prix. It's a night race so the day is spent at the pool and we get to the track around 4pm to midnight. It's pretty legit. I can't recall what Asahi it was but yeah it's pretty good. We get it here too so I have one now and then.
Inquiring Kitty Minds wanted to know. Damn nosey cat...
Also...you still using Threema?
Oh yeah.
Kel and I still do.👍
Lol..Well, I'm pretty sure you'll be able to get the beer up there, it's fairly common place and I think worth the effort. See if you can get Great Northern also, made down here in Aus. https://www.greatnorthern.com.au/
Will do. Looking for something diff. But I don't drink much anymore.
Rumour has it my Mich Ultra (Anheuser Busch products) makes ya transition. Lol
Great topics up here for the weekend. I will be giving it a shot once more.
Ok, that seems like an excellent way forward.
Great Topics again here! Every weekend I intend to create a post, but I never do it! I'm gonna try and find a gap this weekend!
I never expect people to enter, if they have time that's great and if there more pressing things that's ok too. If you get a chance have a crack, otherwise just have a great weekend. Any plans?
Topics are great though - maybe will give it a bash even if I don't meet the deadline.
i'm a bit under the weather, so my weekend run is probably a bust. Dont, think I will be hiking, either. Was also supposed to meet a girlfriend tomorrow night to catch up. But it all depends on how I am feeling. what about your side?
Oh, a bummer you're not well, rest up I guess, it'll pass.
I'm running Saturday morning then coffee with a friend mid-morning. Shopping for stuff to make a beef stew for Saturday night and Sunday it's the State Art Gallery and lunch then home for a snooze and some movies after and into Sunday night. I was going to go to the range tomorrow to do some handgun shooting too but I don't think I'll fit it in.
If you feel up to the topics then have a go, but getting better should be the focus.
"Somewhere else" topic is something good to write, hmm🥹
Another great topics again...
Thanks, I hope you have a great weekend. Anything planned?
I think I will take a whack at this week's again. I will have some time on my hands. It is supposed to rain again, so the garage is once again on the back burner for at least a day. That gives me plenty of time to write out a post and gather some photos together. This should be fun and I look forward to seeing what everyone else submits.
When the rain comes down it's #weekend-engagement time. 😊
The 'study', 'impressed', and the 'compelling reason' topics got my interest. How about you? What topics presented above interest you?
All of them because I wrote them. I rarely write on my own topics though, I always have so much else to write about.
Okay, these are nice Galen....
The topic about what impresses you. Do you mean in a person?
Just as it says, what impresses you. It's your answer so you can make it up as you go as long as you answer about what impresses you.
Those are some really great prompts. I think I actually have some stuff planned this weekend. Something worth writing about anyway! Most of our weekends are packed full this time of year, but it isn't anything worth writing about!
Thanks, I like these ones too. Feel free to write about one as per this post and the guidelines...but if there's something else weekendy you want write about this community is for that purpose so feel free to do something specific to your own weekend.
Will do, thanks!
Wow... Looks like I have something to write about every topic. Am I permitted to write for more than one topic in different days of the weekend?
You can, but I'll only curate one and they'll need to be on different days as I don't like spam posting.
Today you made it difficult for me because I like them all, but I'll follow my intuition and see what I choose.
Fabulous themes always, I love them, thank you very much, I was waiting for this publication haha is my enjoyment of Saturdays!
Thanks @galenkp 🤗
Intuition is a good leader mostly, not foolproof, but something to follow when it talks. Happy weekend.
Happy weekend to you too!!!
And to you also.
Just a note, I think I may need to unfollow you as you reblog so many posts each day which appear on my feed, none of which I'm interested in. I have been muting the users you reblog so far so I don't have to see them but you do so many it takes up too much time and clogs my feed. I'm undecided at this stage, but it'll probably happen as I don't like to see a constant stream of posts I'm not interested in on my feed. It's nothing personal.
Quiet I didn't notice, if they are too many, as I use the favourite feeds I didn't look at that topic.
You're right in what you mention, I'll do less reblogging.
Thanks Galenkp✨
I know why people don't, but don't like it for many reasons. I wrote a post on it a while back, have a read. I think one a day is sufficient but read the post, it explains my reasoning.
Perfect, I'm going to read it, I'm always learning about HIVE, thank you.
I've been waiting all along for todays engagement. Clearly I was blank on what to write on but here comes the Calvary.
My entry
Ok, thanks.
Great topics this weekend,I will try my best to share my experience
No worries. ✅
Some Nice topics... I guess these will be full of emotions!
Looking forward to read and write. Have a wonderful weekend sir!
I hope you have a great weekend too. 😁
$PIZZA slices delivered:
(5/5) @mimismartypants tipped @galenkp
These are great topics and it would be great if I get some time to try it out!
Have a great weekend!
Thanks Swigs, I try to keep them engaging, the topics. I hope you have a great weekend.
More sleep needed. I just used two greats in one breath. :)
Enjoy your weekend too!
Greatness is great and it's great to feel that something is great because thinking that thing is great could give rise to more great things we might also consider great.
Sleep is great too.
Haha! Truth! I will get some tonight! No more greats and I missed on, it was three. Sweet Jesus.
Great comment. It's great to get your comments. They're great, which is great really.
first topic was really cool. have a great weekend.
No worries, I saw your post and sent it to curangel for more votes.
thank you very much.
All are really interesting topics but I need to choose one of them that will probably catch the reader's attention. I will try my luck for the first time on this challenge.
Thanks a lot, @galenkp for giving us the ideas every weekend.
It's best to choose one that catches your own interest rather than catching other people attention, that way you'll probably write a better post.
Thank you for the suggestion sir, sorry for the late reply, just woke up and need to prepare some errands before I can sit down to put into writings the ideas on my mind and with your guidance, I will try my best to share it with the community.
Can I ask a question @galenkp, is it okay if it exceeds 300 words, I have my draft, but it's already 600 words, do I need to shorten it? I am a newbie and need some advice. Thanks a lot.
Hello friends, I hope you have a happy weekend, good topics as always, to analyze, I will see which one fits my situation, to publish, greetings.
Hello and happy weekend to you also.
Greetings, here my participation:https://peakd.com/hive-168869/@giocondina/week-154-rememberedwhat-would-you-like-to-be-remembered-for
Ok, that's good.
This week's topics are very human and instrospective, they will surely make us reflect a lot, here is my entry:
Happy Weekend.
That was the plan. Thanks for your entry.
I like this week's options on a topic to write about, I found my favorite topic among them to write something original, thanks!
That's great, I hope that you have a good weekend also.
very good contest to enter, I am very excited to enter one of the above contest themes.
Excitement is a good emotion if felt and shown in the appropriate times.
Nice feet G. 😂😂😂
Hey, those topics are always good for thought.
Assuming they are mine.
I don't know if you have s thing for taking feet pics from strangers. 👀
Wonderful topics for the weekend, here is my entry.
Hi @galenkp,thank for this invitation to dream and connect me with this diré.
This is my entry:
I HAVE A DREAM https://peakd.com/hive-168869/@mosa71/weekend-engagement-154--in-another-place
You're welcome, and hopefully you have a good weekend.
great themes to choose from🌷🌷🌷❤️❤️❤️
I'm glad you approve and hope you have a good weekend ahead.
thanks the same to you happy weekend
Hello, greetings and a happy weekend
Here is my participation
Have a good weekend.
Great topics we have here! I am excited to share my sunday family time on this prompt. Kudos @galenkp ! you are awesome
OK, just make sure it's in response to one of the topics mentioned in this post.
Hello @galenkp, my entry https://peakd.com/hive-168869/@umirais/we-154-i-want-to-be-remembered-as-a-good-mother-wife-and-teacher
Thank you.
You are welcome 🙏
After a tiring day of working on a board game I'm creating, I decided to stop and do my writing exercise of the weekend. https://hive.blog/hive-168869/@itsjunevelasquez/somewhere-else-to-dream-weekend-engagement-154
Creating a board game? That's cool!
Yeah, I'm trying to make a board game to teach some English to my nieces. They only speak Spanish. So, I'm using my teaching skills to create something to teach them when they come home.
That's great, I wish you all the best with it.
Great topics and I want to answer 2 of them but this weekend since I am back studying again, I'd pick the study part. Also I've seen and read some interesting entries already.
Bet having the beer by the poolside was amazing, have a great weekend :)
Oh thanks, I'm glad you like the topics. Don't do a post at the expense of your studies but if you have time it'll be good to see one. There's been some excellent ones as you say, why not add another? Happy weekend.
I'm back after a while to continue sharing my weekend experiences, it's a pleasure to join you.
Ah yes, I saw, thank you. Have a good weekend.
Great topics to be discussed again this week😊
Thanks, and I hope you have a good weekend.
Here's my entry to weekend-engagement
Happy Weekend @galenkp
Ok, thanks.
thanks for your support
Thank you the interesting topics every weekend, the first topic caught my attention
Here is my entry
No worries, have a good weekend.
Happy weekend to you @galenkp
Thanks, happy weekend to you too.
Interesting topic to write about. This is my entry sir: @heartofdarkness/weekend-engagement-154-i-wish
The theme is quite interesting, and I have chosen one of the themes for my participation this time
Ok, thanks, I hope you're having a good weekend.
Thank you also for your feedback and wish you a nice weekend too 🍻
Hello galenkp!!!
Thank you beautiful topics again, in morning i checked a post of my friend about weekend engagement topic and then i checked your post and now here is my entry
Ok then, thanks for being involved.
My pleasure 😃
Weekend show.
Hello 🙋🏻♀️ my entry 😊
Thanks, I appreciate it. Have a good weekend.
Good luck to everyone this weekend! I have decided for my post to move to Italy!
Hi Plint, thanks for being involved this week.
OK, thank you.
You are welcome dear friend. Beers
Somewhere else .......I just wish this somewhere else isn't just in my head but a reality.
I love all the topics.
Nice one 🙏
Maybe one day it might become a reality.
Sure. Thanks
Compelling reason,seems like a very good one 😊for me
Really? Ok then, thanks for letting me know.
My pleasure sir 🤗
My entry once again on this week's topic
Hello @galenkp a pleasure to greet you and have a nice weekend. Here my participation: https://peakd.com/hive-168869/@mariela53/week-154-remembered-what-would-you-like-to-be-remembered-for
Ok then, thanks. Have a good weekend.
thank you, likewise
Somewhere else...
You always arouse my interest, sir.
Here is my share:
I'm pleased that you find interesting topics, it means I'm doing something right.
Greetings to everyone around here. My participation 🤗
Greetings, thanks for your entry.