Engage the weekend Community you guys have been filling up the blockchain with literally thousands of comments and images in response to the topic-prompts I've given you. I'm not sure exactly how many but it's over 5,000 comments now; A great effort! I think a lot of you have had some fun too - I hope so anyway.Since I started the #weekend-engagement topic and the
Whilst this has all been rather weekend-oriented so far I'm broadening horizons a little this week and opening up to those other, not so legit days of the week commonly called the working week. Keep reading for the topic.
This week the following people have joined me in putting up some hive to give out so I hope you'll drop by their posts and check them out, say thanks and just engage with them a bit. Thanks for your generosity @daveks, @bigtom13, @meesterboom, @krazzytrukker, @stevenwood, @tarazkp and first-time sponsor @sokoloffa!
[Image removed]
- Topic A:
Share an image of what your typical weekend might look like, or what you might do with your weekend. - Add some text to help describe it.
Or do...
- Topic B:
Show us an image of what your typical working week might look like. - Add some text to help describe it.
Or you can do...
- Topic C:
Both of the above.
My weekend images are above, a few things that typify my weekends: Time with my wife Faith, good food, the beach, guns and shooting, working around the house doing chores, spending time with my cat Cleo, going on date nights, camping and fire pits, country drives and visits to bakeries, cooked breakfasts on Sunday morning and so on.
Let us know about your weekend, show us how it looks.
Do you read, play music, do hobbies, arts and crafts, gardening, cooking, bike riding, scuba diving, visit friends, clean the house, do DIY, count your money, go clubbing, fishing, running, biking...Whatever it is show us a picture and tell us a little about it.
If you would rather not share a weekendy-thing then maybe topic B is for you? That focuses on your Monday to Friday, or whatever your normal working week is.
You can do both also, I don't mind; For those retirees amongst you who don't have a weekend well...Yeah you do because each week ends and a new one begins so...Semantics maybe, but you can still join in.
You have until the early hours of Monday morning to get your comment posted below to be eligible for some rewards in hive, transferred directly to your wallet by me on Monday night. Just post below to enter. But it's all about engagement so spend some time commenting to others and building relationships!
I'll also be curating all weekend in the Engage the weekend COMMUNITY - A community dedicated to the weekend! So if you would like to expand upon your typical weekend do so in the community as well.
That's it for this week...A pretty easy topic I'd say.
Make sure you reply on other people's comments below, you never know how important that comment may be to them and what benefit that relationship might have for you. Let's get behind the community, support each other and help the hive community grow and develop. Also, if you know someone who may like to get involved, a new account or someone without much exposure, then share this post with them...We need everyone pulling in the same direction here, at the same time...That's what will help hive thrive! 🙂
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised.
Be well
Discord: galenkp#9209
At the moment i am bogged down with this.
Which lets face it could be worse. But if i get my shit sorted out I can choose between this
or maybe this
Weather has improved alot was a bit shitty all week so be good to make the most of it. I beeter get my shit done!
Hmm, I'd say you have some decent options ahead of you and I'll be honest, I can think of worse places to be bogged down. Looks pretty perfect to me. :)
Hopefully you get some down time and to yak or dive a bit!
didn't get finished in time too many people coming in to bother me during the day. Hopefully sunday :)
Sunday's the day...I know you'll seize it and own it! ✅
yup need to do something today. Got that anxious bored nothing happening feeling
I'm off hiking shortly, then home to do a couple chores. F1 race from Russia later...And Sunday will be a wrap.
yup milly is doing a roast chicken for me and @diveratt and then F1. ohhh yeahhh
tokens.Great stuff and coincidence as I posted a scuba diver yesterday!
Oh, man. You do live a tough life, don't you? I just didn't realize how bad you have it with awful choices like this.
Have you ever thought about renaming your blog "Bogged in Paradise". It's a tough life.
yup I don't know how i cope
It's a mean, tough, ugly job-but somebody has to do it!
Ohhh god!!!! This is so awesomeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, I need this in my life
it's ok I suppose ;)
Hahaha, but how modest! This is like tasting paradise, I will taste a little of this paradise at some point too
This is a hell of a menu. The background of the first picture looks like the view of the Golf of Cariaco from San Antonio del Golfo (Sucre, Venezuela).
So, is this part of your work? Were the images from the same place?
yup work place. Thats the bar at the dive shop and that corner is my makeshift office area. Kayak pic from outside my house 3.2km away and same the underwater pic :)
That's great, man. Amazing place. How expensive are diving equipments?
best to sprnd right when you buy dive gear. but for everything mask, fins, bcd and greds you'd be looking at easily $1500 for good quality. You could buy a set for much less and spend way more also. Spend good money on breathing regs and then everything else is comfort and functionality
I see. Beauty and safety comes at a price
My Curriculum Vitae is on the way...Can't dive, but am good for menial tasks, or...PR at the shop, the meet and greeter!
I always used to say to the guests " If I make it appear like its the best job ever then I'm doing my job right, because there's a lot of steaming dog turds behind the wizard of oz's curtain I can tell you!"
Yep, that's always the way....Like a duck on the pond; Graceful and calm on the surface, paddling like fuck below.
100%. Same same. Quite often it's the art of distraction also. Look here no here don't see that glaring error happening to your left
dude, doing a run down of the 8 active recruits I've bagged in the last 8 months. Suggestions for community to pop it in?
I can think of worse work places right? And here's me sitting in my office, computer buzzing, harsh lighting and not an ocean in sight! :)
Haha. It can always be worse.
This would be a dream come true for a weekend. Beautiful place. Any dangers in those waters?
no real dangers if you dive when the condiitions are good. It's a sweet spot for diving. 50m drop off 10 m from the shoreline
@scubahead good morning from Saudi Arabia. You have a wonderful place to live on. That's a great weekend.
still working, tying to bunk off in the afternoon to go Kayaking. fingers crossed.
Wow, just keep safe all the time.
you too.
Did I ever tell you that one of my besties was a US Navy diver? Real live Brass Hat guy. Plus a lot of other things :) He was attached to EOD several times so has lots of SCUBA experience, too.
I kind of expect him to show up here today. I think his last visit was Wednesday and he's got to be ready for a good cup of coffee...
Some heavy rain here this weekend, but no reason to sit clustered at home!
This above is my car's driver window. I love to hear the rhythmic beat of raindrops on the roof.
Rare to get a pair of Oystercatchers out in the open. normally they hide in the rocks!
A Kelp gull flying in the rain!
Our late afternoon sky!
Yes, rain is wet lol, but there are always much life and fun to be had in the rain and some of our farmers are dancing in the rain after the prolonged drought that we had.
Strange how life works, as what the one seriously dislikes, the other adores!
Rain on the car is soothing. I remember sitting at a place called The Bluff at Victor Harbour a few years ago with Faith. It had started as a decent day but a storm front came in. We watched it roll in over the sea and sat through it in the car. It was a pretty cool day over all.
It's nice to have some, (rain), in a dry country like Australia and I assume yours is about the same as far as rainfall goes.
Here's what I'm doing right now. Watching a documentary on the Silk Road with Faith and Cleo sleeping on my feet.
Thanks for dropping by this week and sharing a little bit of your weekend with us.
Bet it was a great experience in that car.
So, I see that Cleo is also your shadow and my shadow Troy sleeps next to my chair here, as this is what we are doing now.
Marian is marking thesis's and Troy is trying to stay warm next to my chair lol.
We have the little transistor radio playing in the background and now and then the sun peeps through the rain clouds!
Seems like a nice little work environment! Cold there too huh? Been 14 here all day, 8 now, so the heater is on.
Cleo is never far from us...I don't mind; She's a good little friend.
Yeah, we are now at 13 but no heater as electricity is expensive here.
Looks like now in spring season, that the winter is back.
Animals are the best judges of people my friend!
Well, you guys and your cold temperatures. The brass monkey is quite safe outside tonight. We are, however, in a cooling trend.
It's darn near sweater weather, I'm thinking.
41c is very similar to our African summer weather Sir Tom and I think you know that some parts in the country here move beyond 50C
We have just , or are trying to say good bye to winter, but it's a battle for supremacy down at the southern tip of the continent.
Up north they are in the late 20s and early 30s already.
We got to 50C a couple of days this summer, which is normal for us. What was abnormal was the pure number of days 43 or higher (our 110f). Phoenix doubled their previous record to something over 40 days. It was a long grind this year.
Much of North America is cooling now, and we have snowbirds arriving regularly (people that winter here and summer in the north). Soon there will be way too many people here and I'll be praying for the hot weather to return. I'm never satisfied :)
Yes, so you guys are also striking records with the strange weather patterns Sir Tom.
2019 was our hottest year on record. They have not done 2020s records yet, only in January again.
People have learned from the examples set by the birds to migrate to warmer areas in the winter lol. Our summer December is around the corner and then there is no parking open at the beaches again, They also swamp this place.
So, I feel for you with all of the people around!
Sweater weather...You sound like my granddad - Loved the hear and at 41C would be saying, hmm, it close to perfect, but another few degrees would be nice... He did it to annoy people. It worked.
Now there's a likely looking weekend. At least as I can remember weekends. I'm old and have a hard time remembering that far back :)
I'm slowly getting there, old, and when I say slowly I mean quickly! 🤣
tokens.Thank you kindly @galenkp
I like rain as well as the next guy, but we haven't had any at all here since March. Which is not abnormal for us :) We get so little annual rainfall that we can never be considered in a drought. 7/8ths of Arizona is in drought conditions and our corner isn't :)
Those are beautiful photos PC. I'm really glad you stopped in here today.
Well you have certainly selected the right corner to stay in Sir Tom.
Thank you for the compliment and the welcome.
Some great shots there! :)
Thank you kindly, almost matches yours 😀
I was just pondering your post. Rain on a car roof is pleasant. Rain on a motorcycle helmet can be problematic :) It gets really hard to see really fast, particularly if the temp drops and you start making fog inside your face shield.
I actually have a pair of gloves with a little teeny squeegee strip sewn into the seam on the left thumb for cleaning your face shield :) It doesn't work worth a diddle but the gloves otherwise are quite good.
Oh yeah, I know exactly what you mean about that helmet visor Sir Tom.
I used to travel to work every day in all weather conditions on a 60km return journey.
In the old days no helmets were worn and the rain used to sting the face like a thousand bees, so we wore goggles and wrapped scarfs around the head.
Can you believe that I never wore gloves? Even in winter.
Then with the helmets the fogging up was always a problem and it was worsened by a tinted face shield. So snails pace with a flipped up open visor and a handkerchief wrapped over the lower face was required 🤣
Oh and a pair of glasses lol.
In the 'olden days' I didn't wear gloves, either. Modern equipment is such a God send as to be unbelievable.
A couple of years ago I was headed for my brother's in Washington. I was in the last 50 miles of 1500 when the rain hit and the temp dropped 30f (maybe about 10C). I decided I could be in a hot shower in an hour so didn't rain proof or do anything.
I had to stop when I was shivering hard enough to input steering. So I put my face shield on, and the waterproof jacket and gloves (it was way too late).
The good old days just weren't that good in some respects.
Hahaha, yeah those shivers were really a thing of note lol.
I can see that you are a real biker and yeah, at times the weather had many surprises for us lol.
I stopped riding in 1980, which is a while ago, mainly due to a near death accident with injuries that lasted a few years and then became corrupted by car driving lol.
Took my brother in law's bike for a few spins and also my son in law's Harley recently, but never got another bike of my own.
But let me tell you that the old days wearing only jeans, t-shirt and sunglasses on a hot summers day, those bike runs were pure pleasures.
I don't have many miles without a helmet. I started riding at 13 and my mom had one rule. Wear a helmet. I bought a Bell for $29 because of the ad campaign "Do you have a $10 head? Buy a $10 helmet." :)
Jeans, t shirt and shades. I've got lots of miles like that. Leather jacket bought at a pawn shop that was so stiff I could hardly zip it for the winter. Those zippers were cool, but they leaked like crazy... I'd buy a newspaper and put the sections I didn't want to read on my chest for a little wind protection...
Today I am a believer in armor. I have a mesh jacket for summer and a wonderful riding suit for foul weather. I've got pants, but my favorites are armored jeans. Kevlar in the butt and thighs and zip pockets for knee pads. My summer boots are lightweight but I have a pair of waterproof (they really are) mid calf boots that are wonderful. And always gloves now days.
Wow, at 13 I was on my daily bicycle 🤣
I got married young after the army and had to buy a bike as I couldn't afford a car.
So you have a mountain of more riding experience than me Sir Tom.
Never had a leather and only a Denim jacket, so in winter I wore 2 jerseys under the jacket lol.
You seem to be professionally kitted out nowadays and it is always a good thing to wear protective garb. One never knows as over here people have very little respect for bikers. I always give them a wide berth!
As I said in my recent post, rarely do you see these metal birds in the sky in my neighborhood, when that happens the children have parties. So my first day of the weekend was spent making a simple helicopter for the little guys around me. Normally on weekends, since the quarantine, I dedicate it to recycling, since I live in a remote area of the country and for now it is the most fun I can do, XD

That's a cool looking helicopter you've made there! What is the main part of it made of! That greyish round thing?
I love helicopters, such incredible engineering. We had one hovering over the gun range today actually, very low too; It was checking power lines.
It's nice of you to make them for the little tackers. Nice work!
I hope you have a good weekend and am glad you dropped in on the #weekend-engagement topic this week. ✅
Hello, thank you for your kindness, the main sphere is the fruit of the totumo, perhaps you know it, our ancestors made all kinds of food utensils with this material. I put a small motor with rechargeable batteries to turn the main propeller.
Oh wow! It's made of a fruit and has an engine? This is bloody awesome! Now you've gone and done if, I want one. 🤣
hahaha if the aircraft is stranded the crew will have enough food while the rescue arrives🤣
Edible helicopter...Great survival equipment.
Holy Cow! Helicopters seem to fall down with some frequency, imagine how much more safe a tomato splatting rather than metal breaking!
Seriously. That is a very cool adaptation. I salute you!
It's cool right? Talk about ingenuity.
If I was in a helo about to crash I would hope it was made from a tomato.
tokens.Now that's cool. Good on you for making it AND for sharing it.
We have lots of helicopters here. Some that look sorta like that one that ICE and Border Patrol fly around here with great frequency. We also have quite a little Marine traffic from the base here (I actually live in the shadow of the bombing range-jets can break the sound barrier here and nobody can complain) all the way up to Sea Stallions. A big Helo that can carry a lot of Marines.
There are also several that are dedicated to ag spraying. They mostly fly at night, though.
Hi, that sounds good, thanks for adding on the topic of helicopters, it must be a lot of fun to get used to seeing the Jets flying overhead, on one occasion, I think that in 2012, two Jets passed and the whole neighborhood was alarmed thinking that it was the third world war hahaha
I really like the military traffic we have here. In the past this was a Harrier base now it's a FA-35 base and transport. One wing stationed here flys the F-16 fighter and the other flys the FA-35. I can tell the difference by the sound.
There are also V-22 Osprey here. Those are impressive aircraft. Vertical lift and horizontal flight. This is also a test base. The Osprey did all it's testing here as did the F-35. We, the public, doesn't even know what they are testing much of the time... I walk in the south desert often, and I occasionally see aircraft I can't identify taking the corridor from the base to the bombing range.
It is a very interesting area, also somewhat dangerous but I hope that luck always smiles on you and you enjoy the desert and the parades of the metallic eagles. XD
I didn't see a one on our morning walk which is sort of strange considering there is a big maneuver planned next week. An annual thing, it isn't as big as normal due to Covid but it's a system wide test and check session.
This is a very original and crreative craft, man. Congratulations. I knew we could weaponize the taparas!
Hahaha thank you very much, the covers float in the water, if the propellers are knocked down, there is hope in the ocean.
Absolutely. hahaha
Very resourceful vehicle. That was a very clever thing you did there man.
Thanks so much Brother
Haha, weaponised vegetable helicopters sound pretty good. If one is in the middle of battle and gets hungry...Just take a bite!
Sweet ride.
Welcome :)
Impresionante! Que creatividad. Hubiera matado por un juguete así jajaja. Felicitaciones.
Jajaja muchas gracias, en mi infancia habían muchos juguetes reciclados porque no había dinero para comprar los drones de aquella época. XD
Hmmmm.. what do I do during the week? Well WORK of course, prior to March I spent most of my time in the office

Some days I get to go on adventures

Weekends are for cleaning, yardwork and relaxing

Or whatever life throws at ya!
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You live IN a golf course? You ought to compare 'tough life' stories with @scubahead. Holy cow.
That's a pretty impressive screen set up. The honest truth is I could never, ever figure out the necessary switching set up so I'll just muddle along with one. Sometimes that is too many...
I love my 3 screens!! Can't work with just one now. I have been working from home a lot lately on a laptop and I so miss my office setup!
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It's an impressive set up, no doubt. I'm sure I'd love it when I'm doing research for a project and switching tabs just doesn't get it.
I only work on my laptop when I'm on the road. I'm a bash typer, I learned on a manual Underwood and I can NEVER make the sensitivity heavy enough to keep weird things from happening.
The consequence of that choice is that I have to spend a day upgrading my laptop before I can go away :)
You must be the most important person in the world! Three computer screens? Are you sure you're not Skynet?
You've got a fairly large yard so I guess you'd be forever taking care of it, mowing, picking up leaves, cutting stuff and with the big fella gone someone has to do it. It's a nice looking spot though and I'd imagine a good place to chill when all the work is done!
3 screens makes life so much easier when comparing quotes, searching vendors, and the millions of others things I do in a day.
Yardwork is my biggest chore and never ending battle from April to October. We do some during the winter but usually thr stuff we let slide all summer.
Posted using Dapplr
I have two, so clearly am not doing as much work as you...But that's ok...I'd be ok with one if it reduced the workload! :)
We are fortunate in that we don't have sever winters, in fact, our winters can be very beautiful. We yard work all year round really, except in the real heat of summer...It's just watering then, and lawn mowing.
tokens.Great job @pooky-jax
Now do a post on your blog about that bridge you help maintain. The one you toured with that most awesome hat on... Lmao

There is an answer to a question. I wondered what that internal gear that's right behind her went to. My first thought was a spillway gate on a dam, but there's an air gap visible. Now I know. I told you I was curious about stuff :)
This is the Bridge of Lions. I went up and down each of the towers and across under the drawbridge.

Posted using Dapplr
She is the lady that buys anything they need for maint/repair. Basically she goes shopping every day and gets paid for it.
Shopping with other people's money is the way to go!
Why don't I have a cool job like this!
Oh yeah, I'd like to see that! Cool looking bridge, but that hard hat...Epic.
Hello everybody.
Well, my weekdays and my weekends look pretty much alike these days. Except for Sunday when I rarely go out, except for a quick errand to a nearby bodega, every day of the week requires some going out and long walks either looking for food, medicine, or some other pressing issue.
My days start dealing with a trio of rascals of some five weeks of age now. They provide some fun and relaxation to start the day. For some reason I can’t understand they developed a liking for my shoes and sleepers (Exhibit A). Sometimes, I can’t wear them until they finished their naps. If you interrogate them about some poop out of place, they make a face like the one shown in Exhibit B.
By 8 or 9 the fun is gone and I have to face the cruel reality of going out in the streets in this country. We have almost no public transportation now. Most buses and cars stopped working way before the pandemic. Now we have the situation worsened by the scarcity of gasoline and the pending possibility of catching a mortal virus (Exhibit C). Even without the pandemic you do not want to be in a crowded bus here, anyways.
I walk some 8 km a day and that’s just within a short range. I avoid venturing into more distant places in town. It is mostly hot here all year long, so walking long distances under this sun is not fun, especially if one has to wear a damn mask. I take it off most of the way; the streets are mostly deserted anyways (D). I wear it back in crowded places.
Every day I have to deal with garbage in the streets, people eating from it and these repeated images slowly but surely take a toll on you. You get the feeling you’re in loop where nothings changes, except probably the amount of garbage accumulating under the bridge. Maybe it will pile up until it becomes an island with fauna and flora of its own before anyone does some cleaning. Going shopping is not the same as in the rest of the world. Mot people buy an item or two a day. We make or procure money by the day and usually all the money you can make in a week or fortnight is enough for only a couple of things. Prices change every day and it is a torture to look at stores counters/windows unable to afford most of what they offer.
I usually get back home after noon and stay in my room working on the computer. The little rascals inmediately claim possession of my shoes while we have lunch and sometimes take a nap. Sometimes there is some online gig I must work on, or the dogs demand some attention, like pulling out a tick or two. We have dinner around 7 and watch some movies or series until we fall asleep. Sometimes we work on our posts or some pending business that comes across and stay up way passed midnight.
You guys have a wonderful weekend. Stay safe.
I am really sorry that every day presents survival issues for you to deal with. It is very hard for me to imagine and my heart goes out to you.
The stinking cats on the other hand I understand perfectly. Never has God created a more self centered and absorbed creature. :) (I actually like cats. Don't tell my dog.)
Thanks for sharing your world with us. Maybe you could hang your shoes from the doorknob so you can wear them when ever you want?
Hahaha! Thanks, Tom
I'd have to put the shoes on a very high place. These rascals can jump as high as the doorknobs already.
but we enjoy their presence and their antics. They provide us with some laughter therapy. Some moments ago I sat on the bed, grabbed the pillow to put in my back to lean against the wall, then I feel a moving lump and throw it away. One of them managed to get inside a pillow. The poor thing was sleeping inside.
Ahahahahahaha. A moving lump in a pillow is soooo creepy sounding. That's just funny.
They are cute little buggars. So fearful and brave all at the same time. I just love when their tails spread out and point straight up in the air! I'm really glad you've got them and thanks for taking care of them!
The contrast between countries, and people perception of different people's problems is mindboggling.
Here in Australia I've heard people complain that they have to stand on an X at a shop because of the pandemic, and people using Uber-eats to order food delivery from a cafe located in the same building as their apartment! It's disgusting. And then there's people like you with real problems and whilst I sense some unhappiness I also see you just getting on with your life as best you can, being grateful for what you have around you.
As a cat lover I think yours are cute. Mine always run my household and i don't mind because I love them so much and they bring me a lot of happiness. We only have one now, My mate Merlin passed away a couple months ago which you may recall, so Cleo runs the household now. :)
I hope things improve over there but have no real idea if that's possible, or what plans are in place to make things better, but hope is all I have to offer.
Thanks for sharing with is this week.
tokens.I am not retired, yet. But, lately, I do not have the weekends or weekdays. I do one thing and only one thing. Look after my baby. Looking after the baby sounds simple but it may bring many challenges that require me to do so many other things. Yet, all day today I have been watching my baby's back. Quite Literally 😇
It is fun to watch his back and see him play with his toys. Although, he never likes to play with the things we bought for him. He enjoys things that are exotic and "not safe for babies" (NSFB) - mobile chargers, spoons, glasses, pens and you name it.
So, the weekend is sharing time and space with my kid. Monday will bring the same "watching the baby back" and saving from NSFB again. My wife will go back to work on Mondays and it will be our son and I - together- enjoying the rest of the week.
Happy weekend to fellow hivians.
It's funny how kids will find enjoyment from such strange things. When. My Nephew we here we got him some toys...He got more enjoyment from the boxes they came in!
It's fun to watch kids explore and learn things though, everything is a new wonder, a new experience. I think it's a good way to spend some time for you.
Thanks for joining in this week!
Yes, we were surprised and sad that he was not enjoying the toys we bought. You can see in the picture how he ie enjoying the Lego bag than the Legos themselves. My wife was so keen on buying toys for the kid. Now, we confidently say that we can raise a kid with plastic bags and shiny colourful wires.
As you said, the satisfaction is in seeing him engaging with different things and identifying colours, textures and patterns in them.I am glad that I have the luxury to be on parental leave and spend some quality time with him.😀
I am glad that I managed to beat the time difference and join the weekend engagement fun.
I think kids learn more when they can make their of fun up rather be told that's a block, now build with it. you know? I was that way as a kid as ,my parents couldn't really afford much in the way of toys. We made our own fun and I think that inquisitive nature stuck with us.
tokens.It always does my heart good to see a kid playing with the bag or the box. To me it signifies that the kid's imagination is at full tilt. A great place!
Chargers and knives and such not so much :)
Hope he is doing the same and being creative with those boxes. Somedays, it is tough to remain vigilant with items he is playing with. And, that allows to go overboard with mobile chargers and other risky items.😀 Dad life at its best
Yep. You just can't watch them every second, you just have to have faith that he's going to be OK when you have to sneeze or something.
I agree. But, i am still developing the confidence to leave him on his own out of my sight. Till now, i want him under my watchful eyes every second of the day 😀 i know that's not sustainable
Well, compared to a lot of others here, mine isn't remotely exciting or interesting at all. Here's what my day to day looks like, from Mondays to Fridays, constantly on my laptop typing away all sorts of rubbish. I not only took photos, but I made a GIF from it. I one might think that this is a Jim Carrey, but that's a common mistake.
Alas, here's what this weekend looked so far, and to me, this is very intriguing. After having finished a round grocery trip, I parked up and noticed something really, very interesting next to me. It's an old Rover, which is a rare sight here in Malaysia. It's green, a convertible, and it's a Rover. Honestly, I thought these had rusted into oblivion by now.
tokens.That's a pretty darn cool car, Jim. The only Rovers we see at all over here are the big ones. I'm impressed.
I knew a couple with a Rover P6, (the Rover 2000 TC Mark II) which was totally immaculate. I was only early teens so early 1980's and the 20 year old car didn't ring my bell although it was in showroom condition, literally perfect in every way. I wonder what it's be worth now. It was an unfortunate brown colour though, sort of like poo. It wasn't this exact car, but the same. (Image from wikipedia.)
Having just Google Image'd Rover P6s, I will say that's quite a pretty car. Brown might not be the best colour for it though...
I think they called it runny poo brown. Remarkably popular apparently. 😁
I think it's suitable given how many diseases there were then 😅
Rover buyers are a rare breed.
That just looks 'Roveresque'. Your basic shit box Dodge sedan with lots of extra trim.
Rovers were never my thing but they have quite a long history I guess. Just another manufacturer what couldn't make it work in the end. A few good ones have gone bust over the years.
Yep. From all I've heard they are just like hiring somebody to help you spend money when they break. Impossibly expensive.
I think that's the case although am not sure.
Did you guys have the Leyland P76? Every one of them had some sort of problem, only thing was is that they were all different problems and we're difficult for the factory to rectify root-causes. Was a bit of a lemon.
Even though I had bag-fulls of heavy groceries, I simply had to stop and take a photo of this, seeing how unicorn-like they are here. I've learned now, thanks to Rover-obsessed mates on Twitter, that its an R8 200 Convertible...
Ahhhh. Good on you. I've been known to post the odd occasional motorcycle picture from the street...
Haha, great minds think alike! It's those oddities that capture my mind the most, just as much as any Ferrari or Lamborghini roaring past on the highway. In the 23 years I've been alive, I'm fairly certain I've seen less than a dozen Rovers here.
You're the Rover magnet.
Me, and my jolly Rovers ;-D
They say old Rovers never die, but they should. OK, not really, I just made that up.
Something I notice here is the from wheels have some right steering input...Hmm, that is not good for my OCD...It's wheels straight when parked all the way for me. I also note the vehicle is note centred in the car park space...Another no no for the G-dog.
Your resemblance to Jim Carey is remarkable by the way...You could have a second career in Jim Carey impersonation you know.
Well, I am a handsome bastard, and with a similar hairdo, so I may as well be Jim Carrey, but with thicker calves ;-D. It's a very, very rare sight to find Rovers here in Malaysia, and especially not a convertible like this. To make it even more British other than the Racing Green, is the fact that there's not one, but two umbrellas stored in it!
Your observations are just as disturbing to me... Un-centered parking, and wheels turned. Another peeve from this is seeing how the paint on the driver's side of the bonnet is chipping off. At least the floral pattern on the seats are a huge bonus!
Rovers aren't really my style, but parking properly is! 😉
Well, you're going to hate Malaysians. If there's one rule we have about parking, it's 'if it fits, I park a car in it '. I mean, just look at all that double-parking...
I've seen what it's like with my own eyes...Not somewhere I'd want to be parking...Not because I can't, just because my vehicles are so big. Door dents infuriate me.
You and me both, mate. I swear some people here just intentionally bash their doors into you, for the fun of it :-P
While I agree with the possibility of old Rovers dying (the fucking funeral is more than most can afford) I have to defend the parking habit of leaving room to get in and out of the driver's door. And extreme style points for parking in a space with pillars to protect the precious rover.
I have a degree of OCDness when it comes to parking as I like to take care of my vehicle's. Besides, I drive a big bloody car so most car parks just don't work for me.
I get it. I like straight and square. But I understand restricted door opening. My car is sitting on my patio right now and no where near the center. It is parallel with the house and completely under cover (by about half an inch) but NOT centered.
Hi, dear friends
This weekend we'd like to get out of every day's routine (running errands in town on foot, working on computer, doing house and garden chores, rehearsing and recording). Although we can't go out because of the quaratine and scarcity of cash to pay for buses, we'll try to turn the house into a recreational spot.
We prepared soup, played some music, played domino, danced and had a good time, God willing.
For tomorrow, we'll bathe in the tanque (a concrete pool or tank we have in the yeard). We'll sing some karaoke, which my sons love to do; then we'd like to watch some movies over some pizza, which my wife knows how prepare, and some popcorn.
Those are our plans for the weekdend. Hopefully, we'll be able to do it.
We wish you all a happy weekend too.
You know what I love about this is that you're doing it all as a family and making the best of the weekend refusing to let quarantine or lack of funds prevent you from enjoying the weekend.
More people should have this attitude; I think they'd be happier people.
I'm glad you shared this with us and hope the rest of your weekend is a good one.
All the best to you and the family.
Amén muchas gracias amigo
tokens.Family fun. That's what weekends are really all about, isn't it? Regardless of circumstances. Good for you.
You are the second person in this string to mention home made pizza. I think that's enough people to trigger my need to make a pizza!
Gracias amigo. Anímese ha hacer la pizza queda muy rica. Saludos y gracias por comentar.
Thanks, my friends. Give home-made pizza a try. It is delicious. Greetings and thanks for commenting.
A little bit my weekends:
Usually, the work of the week is strong, so I try to rest on the weekends, a little exercise, a visit to a nearby but different place to distract the mind and get out of the routine.
Also these last two months I have been dedicating some time to my partner and friend "HIVE", who has become a very rewarding hobby and also financial support to my day to day.
Exactly this weekend will be a little different and special for me, since I am turning one more year. Already with 1/4 of century, soon I will reach you G-Dog.
Here I leave you a little bit of me in the celebration of my birthday. happy weekend.
Hey! Happy birthday to you! Exactly half my age huh? Well, you'll not catch me whilst I'm alive, but someday I shall move on to another plane of existence (die) and you'll creep closer to me then! Lol.
I hope you have a great birthday weekend and really appreciate you taking the time to stop by and comment here!
Oh, by the way...I remember being 25...Kind of...It was long time ago! :)
You're twice my age, almost nothing, I could be your son, hahaha.
In the end Hive is another family. Thanks for your good wishes and I hope you liked the cake.
You could be...I'd have you...You seem like a nice lad; Respectful, intelligent and engaging - Just what I'd want my son to be.
Grateful for such a great description, say no more, adopted by G-dog in HIVE.
You are also an exemplary person, anyone would want you as a father.
Thank you mate...I try to be the best version of myself I can be. Sometimes I am and sometimes not. 😏
tokens.Happy Birthday to you Rafael! WooooHooooo
25 was a really long time ago for me. I actually have shirts that are older than you are :) I may have to makes some photographic proof, but I have a shirt from an event in 1986!
That's a cool looking cake. Good for you!
If I took a lot of pictures they are on my Hive blog, talking about my goals in my 25 years of life. Thanks for your good wishes!
PS: those shirts are very old.
The unfortunate truth is those shirts aren't very old. When compared to a tree, or me :)
Happy birthday to you!
Posted using Dapplr
Thank you very much!
Happy birthday man! 25 is a really fun time for sure. I met my wife that year and got married the following so you should do the same! Lol kidding. Enjoy whatever you want, your 30's is when things will start to change a bit.
Isn't hive a perfect weekend activity? It's full of great people and we can talk about literally anything!
Thank you very much friend, you are always attentive to all the details, thanks for the constant support, and good wishes.
I plan to travel around the world after the situation the world is going through, meanwhile, I will enjoy the excellent people I share within Hive.
Happy birthday @rafaelgreen. Save some cake. I love CAKE! I am currently doing picture 1😒 but i wanna be doing your picture 2
hahahaha, I'd be happy to save you a piece of cake, but if you don't come in 1 day I think it's over (it's delicious). Grateful for your congratulations, your cake will soon arrive.
I believe ( as do some diet experts ) that coffee and cake ( cheesecake preferably) is healthier than a traditional brekkie. This is because your body will go for the immediate sugars first rather than all that fatty bollocks. So if you have cake for breakfast and are fairly active it will almost instantly burn off. Simples
Because of the COVID-19 few people came, and half the cake was left, so I literally eat cake every time I go near the fridge. I think I'm unconsciously going on that diet.
Look there. Proof positive that there is good in every situation.
Birthday during the time of Covid? MORE CAKE TO EAT!
Sharing with loved ones is also good.
But while the world is in a pandemic, we will have to eat more cake.
I like this theory. I like it a lot.
cheesecake and coffee. 100% healthiest breakfast ever. You are so sugared and caffeined up you naturally burn it off within hours and your body goes for?...... the immediate sugars :)
It's a good thing cheesecake and coffee are both high up on my list of things I like to eat.
Cheesecake and coffee? Sounds the right deal for me.
I'm old enough that I can eat WTF I want for breakfast or any other meal. Often it is a Bacon Sandwich which is a lot like a BLT except without those disgusting vegetables involved.
You all are too young to remember 5 Easy Pieces-Jack Nicholson's breakout film. Great scene there about an egg salad sandwich for breakfast...
Happy birthday young man and 25 reminds me of a 100 years ago lol.
This deserves a !BEER
A long time ago for you, thank you very much for your congratulations and good wishes.
I hope your weekend will be excellent!
Hahaha, yes those days are indeed long gone for me lol.
At 25 I had three children and a wife 🙂
Hope that your weekend is also great!
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Hey @rafaelgreen, here is a little bit of from @papilloncharity for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Congratulations. Happy Birthday, Rafael
Thank you very much @hlezama
Early in the morning yesterday, Ithe youngest daughter of my boss and I were playing the cats under the sunrise. We enjoyed the moment.
She is now studying online and she told me that she needed some sunlight for a better health. I agreed to what she said.
When we got up inside, I cooked for her food. I love her so much.
The sunset yesterday remind me for a good time to rest later a while after the whole busy day. The sunset is given to us for a chance to have a good sleeping time.
Thank you, @galenkp and all the people around.
Inviting @sarimanok @diosarich, @jurich60 to join me in this community.
Thank you!
A little cooking on the weekend seems to be a good way to spend the day and playing with cats is always fun. I have my own sitting here next to me as I type. :)
I hope the rest of your weekend goes well too.
Thank you so much and wishing you all the best day ahead.
tokens.Thank you, it is so much appreciated.
A little cooking, a little sun, a loved one to spend time with. I can really get behind that weekend plan.
Thanks for playing Olivia. Always good to see you!!
My typical work week looks just like this! 😂 I’m drinking water from a beer bottle and I’m waiting for the weekend!
Our house is very close to the beach. We usually watch the sun with my husband on weekends. Of course after the housework is over! 😝
That's a pretty fancy looking water bottle there. And a glorious looking place to watch the sun! That's a pretty good weekend occupation in my book.
My house is right on the beach. The problem being that the ocean is 300km away 😂
Everyone who sees my bottle wants to drink beer! :D One day my boss asked if this beer bottle! :D The sunrise and the sunset fascinate me :)
300 km? Really! :D
I particularly love the sun rise. I see it most days.
I live in a really sandy inland desert. San Diego and the Pacific are about 300 Km straight west. I get there a couple of times a year. Beautiful place.
I can only imagine that feeling of having a house close to the beach. The cool breeze is always heavenly.
I have worked on elevators in buildings close to the beach. I always enjoy the natural Air conditional I feel there.
I love the smell of the sea that comes with the breezes! :)
Ah the Grolsch beer bottle, I love those. I had a few of them for awhile. I recently bought a clear glass water bottle with the grolsch style pop top. It was rather iffy driving with a beer bottle in Alaska so I was glad to find a replacement.
Actually it's also hard to drink water at work with a beer bottle! All eyes on me! :D
I used to drink water out of an old vodka bottle that I really liked the shape of 😂
For awhile I really enjoyed the shock value from my neighbors and passers-by and they would see me constantly slugging it on the porch. It eventually lead to people taking it more seriously than I thought, though, and I began being targeted by local police. We lived on a street with a big break-in problem so naturally people started questioning the young-20s punk drinking "vodka" all the time.
In hindsight I guess it wasn't the smartest. But fun while it lasted!
Hahahaha! This is really a great story! It made me smile. I guess we do crazy things when we're young, right? :)
Hahahah still trying to stop doing crazy things 😂 Getting better at it!
I'm not much of a drinker...Social drinker is how I'd describe myself I guess, in the main...Although, I can see myself slugging water from a gin, vodka or tequila bottle at work for the sheer fun-factor. Now you've gone and done it...You're a bad influence on me! ✅
Not the first time I've heard that 😂 good for you on not drinking so much. I've been trying to cut down. I spent a few too many years partying through my mental problems and some habits have become tough to pull out of. But I'm getting there!
Little by little mate, you'll get there for sure. :)
That's great, it sounds like something I would've done when I lived in the city lol
Don't need to see anything more than your profile picture to follow you. Always(well it's only happened once before) stoked to find fellow skaters who are interested in blockchain projects
Hell yeah dude! Plus you’re pretty much a neighbor! What part of Vermont are you at? We’re in northern mass!
I spent a lot of time up in Newport where my grandfather lived for a number of years. Completely fell in love with Jay for snowboarding in the winter.
There’s an awesome group of skaters on here, started by @knowhow92 the community is called @skatehive and we could always use another skater, past or present!
There's a skate hive community!? No shit!! Back a few years ago on Steemit I never managed to find a single person into skating and snowboarding. Maybe I just wasn't looking hard enough.
That's wild! I haven't been to Jay in a lifetime. I am in the Sugarbush area. You still come up to Vermont at all to ride? I frequently visit friends in Mass but haven't been as much lately due to obvious reasons.
I forget how I stumbled on it but I found @knowhow92 about a year and some months ago on Steem and the guys such a solid community leader. He’s busy doing some moving stuff right now but there’s about 8 or so people that consistently post skate content so it’s badass! I haven’t skated myself in about 4 years since having a kid but I’m hoping to pull the thing out of my closet next year! I have skated back from a couple places but that’s just riding, was pretty pumped that I could still kick flip though! I almost landed a 360 flip but didn’t want to push my luck lol.
I’ve been to sugar bush once a long time ago but since my grandfather lived near jay that’s all I really would go to for Vermont. Hoping I’m a couple years to explore the other mountains like smugglers and others. I went to mount snow once but it was a big group of us and was kind of intimidating it was so big lol.
Took one of my all time favorite pictures at jay, from the gondola almost at the top. Jay cloud is a real thing for sure!
Authentic, we all look forward to our weekends, and when it comes we have to enjoy it.
what a view we have, where is it?
I live in Turkey. This view was taken in the Bostanlı district of Izmir.
Now is the weekend. Is there beer in the water bottles?
We used to walk around at the fairs, malls & beach with soda cans full of beer. Younger crazy days.
Hahha! Unfortunately I won't be able to drink beer for a while. I keep drinking water! :D
This does not surprise me in the least...It's done here also.
This reminds me of the pictures I have seen of someone using an old Hershey's syrup bottle as a water bottle and chugging it at a gym. The looks on the faces behind them were pretty great.
I'm glad I'm not alone! :D
Haha, that'd be hilarious!
Water from a beer bottle...Is that wishful thinking...Kind of simulating drinking beer from it whilst at work? Lol.
Whatever gets you through the day is legit I reckon, so well done!
Thanks for sharing a little image of your working week and your weekend!
I have on occasion repurposed a beer bottle to drink down some water when the beer bottles looked cleaner than anything available in the cabinets lol. My way of urban survivalism!
Haha, urban survivalism...I like it. One has to adapt and overcome right?
Absolutely, have to take what you learn from Bear Grylls and apply it whether in the bush or in a sketchy apartment in Philly!
Lol, exactly!
I shared it with great pleasure. You're welcome! :) Only water in a beer bottle! Sometimes I want it to be beer! :D
Beers for the weekend, water during the week.
I'll share my weekend beer-themed post soon! :)
tokens.Love the water bottle and the sunset!
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Now that's a damn good sunset, I'm hoping to be that close to the beach someday!
Yes, it is. :) Thank you. I hope one day you'll be close to the beach too!
Today I just left a burial ceremony of someone not related. Went to play the guitar for them. I had a friend there who also plays the guitar so we swap anytime we are tired.
The picture below is me with my friend with my guitar at the back
So what will I be doing this weekend?
I live a boring life, so my weekends I just stay at home doing nothing fun really except playing my guitar which is only when I feel like.
Anyway, I just bought an effect pedal for my guitar some days ago and if there is electricity tomorrow, I sure know I would spend a lot of time flexing that effect and making music. Possibly I might make a video to share on 3speak.
Sounds like a real weekend plan to me!
I love listening to guitar. Most any style.
When you do a post of you playing, we would like to hear it. Post a link to it here please.
Yep, I second this request...Get some video up on hive!
Hmm.. okay I would try to make a video that's if I get electricity today then I will make a 3speak video then share it here.
Hmm...You have no fun on the weekends? Sounds like carving up that axe and deploying that effect-pedal will be fun! I hope you manage to get some electricity and can enjoy playing your guitar! Tell me, what type of music do you play? Any preferences?
I normally prefer jazz but the pedal is giving me this rock vibes that I haven't felt before 😅. Can the #engagetheweekend community accept weekend music videos?
Yeah, you should do one in the weekend community. Just make it weekend-related mate, and you're good to go.
tokens.I think what you are doing is what a lot of people consider fun! You don't have to be partying or drinking alcohol to have fun, it's all about what makes you happy and the guitar as your new pedal sound like a great way to spend a weekend!
Thanks a lot man. Yeah you are right.. most times I feel fun might be when you have some people to share it with you. But I think I have already which is the people on hive.
Yeah for sure, you know people on here are always with you, regardless of what’s going on! It is definitely nice to have people in the same room with you but when that doesn’t happen, you’ve at least got us!
Have you tried playing guitar at a restaurant or a public place? I see that a lot in different places. That’s a great way to meet people in real life and make friends.
Hello! I'm here again!)))) This is already such a tradition!)))) Well. My weekdays are like Armageddon. But despite everything, I really like my job. In the first photo, I'm in production. It was a while ago. On that day, we could bring our relatives to the open day. I work in the production of cars!))))) And in the second photo this is our traditional weekend. We are going to grill as a family. It's cool when you can talk to each other without haste in a warm family atmosphere!)))) What about you?)) I read that you and your wife have a business. I hope you enjoy doing what you do!)))
Hey, I used to work in a car plant too, 14 years. That was a long time ago now though.
Having a BBQ with family is a great way to spend the weekend, chatting and having fun and all. It sounds like you'll have a good weekend!
Yes, we have a business, my wife operates it. I work at executive level in a big company, commercial and residential property-oriented. I don't mind what I do, not passionate about it, but I'm good at it I guess. It pays the bills.
I've started my weekend now though...Watching the F1 free practice session from Sochi RU at the moment. 🙂
Thanks for joining in and I hope you'll comment on a few other over the weekend too.
Happy weekend to you and your family.
Then you and I are almost colleagues! I like car production. I am happy to be part of a modern breakthrough in this industry. Cool!)))) And I wish you and your family the best weekend!))))
The industry has probably advanced a lot since I left it back in 2002...It was starting to become very automated at that stage and auto plants are a lot more advanced these days. I had some good times there, though. Started on the engine line putting engines and running gear into the vehicles...Ended up in management then left to pursue other things. I learned a lot.
Since then, progress has indeed progressed. I, too, now make the chassis of the car and the brake system!)))
Ah ok, only just replied to your other comment asking what you do there. 🙂
Exactly, one of the secrets of happiness to have fun, and good use of the weekend as well.
We must live life
Life is too short not to live it as best we can and try to create the best life possible for ourselves and those around us. I know this is an ethos you follow yourself.
tokens.Hey! Good to see you.
One of my besties works for Tesla at GigaFactory Nevada. He's a maintenance worker so he services the robots and such.
I hope you enjoy your job as much as he enjoys his. He really likes the company and the area (he grew up there) and the work.
Grilling with family is just simply the best. Just nothing better. Have some fun this weekend!
super. I would also like to visit the Tesla factory. In general, I am an ardent fan of Tesla. I like my job. I can, of course, often say that I am tired, but my work brings me pleasure.
I haven't been inside :) Matt and I don't see each much any more, so we haven't gone to his workplace in his off time :) He loves the work and the vibe of the factory.
He had to choose when he took the job at Tesla (they paid significantly more). He was offered the job as head of maintenance at a large Telescope installation (Mars Hill. The Telescope that Hubble used to measure the expansion rate of the Universe). The job included a 4 bedroom house on the grounds. I'd have been able to visit anytime :)
Did I just read Production of Cars... That's so cool. I would love to know how that is done. Which type of cars do you guys make?
Do you make all the parts in it including the engine. Are there different workers assigned for different jobs in building a car.
Spending weekend with family is also cool.
Hello!))) No, I only do the chassis and the brake system. Front brakes and rear brakes. We also make electric cars. Each line of workers does its job. I like my job!))) I wish you all the very best!))
Cool.. I love cars, I hope I get to work in an Automobile company.
The family is the nucleus of society, so we must make it even stronger.
The photographs are very interesting, particularly the first one, and it is good to share it with your family.
Successes and blessings to your family.
Thank you very much for the nice words!)) Family is the most precious thing we have!)) I wish you happiness!))
Very cool working in a car factory! There's so many big machines and robots around, it must be cool to watch.
It's indeed great to be able to just relax with family, take your time and enjoy the weekend time together. Thanks for sharing!
And thank you too for your visit!))) My job is really cool! especially robots. I like to watch them sometimes)))) I wish you a great mood and good luck!)))))
Working in a car plant must be very exciting. I can tell by your allusion to armagedon that it must be very stressful too. I take it they demand from humans the same precision they get from machines. That BBQ looks delicious, even in B&W I can smell it from here
Hello!)) Sometimes there are very busy days. And when some robots fail, we (people) make their robot for them (if possible). I call such dei armageddon!))) But despite everything, I really like my work!)) I wish you good luck and success!))
Well, here's the whole truth. Or at least my version thereof.
I'm working my ass off. I got a new refrigerator yesterday and as of this minute I still have 2 reefers in my kitchen that isn't big enough for one. Sam thinks he's been permanently displaced.
I think there is enough for a whole post on this subject, but I can tell you for a fact I'd rather be here:
Feel free to notice the holes in the ceiling. I cut that much out so I could localize the leak in the roof. I re did the roof in April but haven't had a single drop of rain since so I can't close it up. Attractive, isn't it? If the roof doesn't leak (if we ever get any rain) I'll spend a weekend closing it back in.
That's what I'd rather be doing.
Was that Hopland Grade?
No. That is US 191 between Alpine, AZ and Morenci, AZ. It used to be known as US 666. Also called the Coronado Trail.
Very similar looking to Hopland grade in CA.
Where is Hopland? I thought I'd ridden all the famous California grades...
Here is the wiki link, it is Hwy 17. It is not a Truck Friendly road at all, which is evident if you do a search and then look at the images tag, all kinds of truck, and car wrecks along the road.
and a google image search link I hope that link works for you it did when I clicked it.
Well, I'm surprised that I've never ridden it. I'll fix that oversight before too long :) Looks like my kind of place!
I've been close several times but never right there. Amazing. Thanks for a really great tip for me!
That road looks incredible!!! I hope you get some damn rain and your roof is leak-free :)
That road IS incredible. 110 miles from Alpine, AZ to Morenci, AZ. It's like a carnival ride only way better!
We will probably get some rain before the first of the year :) Maybe.
Damn. I've been pretty stuck in working world the last few years but I'm still planning on taking a road trip with my fiancee soon. AZ is definitely on the site list. When that day comes- I'll try to remember this road!
191 is pretty interesting from the Mexican border to Canada :) This stretch in the south (And a HUGE copper mine), Gallup, New Mexico and the Navajo Nation, Flaming George in Utah. The south end (from Gallup) used to be known as US 666 a feeder road to Route 66.
I've been on parts of old US 666 the last time I was driving cross-country for something or other. Out of high school I unsuccessfully tried to move to different places so frequently I kind of lost track of when I was there. But I remember being there, and somewhere I have photos of the sign(I pretty much went there for said photos).
Thanks for the info! We got a lot of planning to do; but it's being added to our never-ending list.
I've got several pieces of "I survived the 666' memorabilia. We used to do a charity ride there every year. The first was on 6-6-06 :)
Siempre con un comentario magnifico, me encanta la vista desde el acantilado, como para sentirse rey del mundo.
Uffs y la ultima foto quedo grandiosa.
Thank you. I was not on a cliff, I was standing right on the road a little further on. It's an amazing road!
Gracias. No estaba en un acantilado, estaba parado justo en la carretera un poco más adelante. ¡Es un camino asombroso!
Yes, it is an amazing road with a beautiful view. excuse me for my translations I am very basic in English.
Your English is a whole lot better than my Spanish. I hope google did OK.
I usually help myself with "Deepl", don't worry, I always try to convey the idea well. It's always good to comment on it because what you write inspires.
Your English is very good my friend! It can only get better so do not worry!
Hmm, your kitchen reminds me of one of those little games where there's nine little tiles with one removed and you have to shuffle them around to get them in order! Good luck with that!
I agree, I'd rather be on the open road, wind rushing by...Those pictures are yours? So good. I'm hearing the call of the road...
Those pictures are mine. My favorite road and Connie ready to rip near the Snake River in either Oregon or Idaho. I may be exactly on the line :)
Well, my kitchen looks better by now. Not the ceiling but there is the correct number of refrigerators there now, and Sam is back to his normal buffet spot :)
The old refer is going to become a flammables locker on my patio, I think.
I figured they were...Nice road to ride I'd say.
Flammables locker is a legit use of that old fridge, and I'm glad the kitchen has returned to normality.
I think you just gave me the reason why I haven't gone completely off my rocker in the time of Covid.
You see? Everything for my whole life has been 'New Normal'. Nothing to adapt to for me :)
tokens.Make your own rain on the roof lol. It sounds weird but get up on an extension ladder and water the shit out of that roof to see if it's sturdy enough. Better to not have to wait for rain in a place like Arizona, sounds like waiting for snow in Florida.
I guess in a place as hot as that, one can't have too many reefers huh? Did you get the new one from the same place as you got the dryer?
I don't think I can recreate the conditions. It doesn't leak right away, it has to puddle for a couple of hours, and we pay for our water here by the drop.
I DID get the reefer from the same friend as the washer and dryer. They are in their early 70s and decided to proactively get new appliances while they are healthy and able. Good for me, good for them.
He's teaching his last class this semester. His Nancy told him "It's time to quit". So he's fully retired except for one day per week and prep time. Appropriately it's a Desert Botany class.
Yeah that’s true, in an arid place like Arizona water doesn’t come cheap lol.
Good that they had the forethought to buy things and reduce headaches, at least theoretically lol fingers crossed for them!
Ah now that’s an interesting switch I like it! I’ll be taking some pictures tomorrow of what we are doing but it’s going to be a really fun and special day on Sunday. E’s birthday! Can’t believe it, little man is growing too old. We are going to have a little party at the lake house with some of our closest friends, we are really looking forward to it since we haven’t seen them since Christmas, where we normally see them three or four times in a normal year.
More to come!
A special weekend...#weekend-engagement week 16 and the little tackers birthday! Lol.
I like the sound of that little celebration at the lake house. Anything at the lake house sounds awesome to be honest. :)
I'll look out for a weekendy image later on. Have a good one, and happy birthday to the little fella!
Thanks man! I think it will be a lot of fun, I’ll see what I can put together, the cake alone is awesome! The cake is lake theme and everything!
A lake themed cake being served at the lake, inside the lake house! Now that's coordination!
tokens.This is weirdly typical these days! :D
This is an awesome photo. Like the slaves of old building the pyramids. That's how they moved blocks. I like the lady in the pink active wear things...Action stations! The unit in the yellow heaving and hauling and H on the left supervising.
That photo really takes "Fetch and Tote" to a new level. I'm so glad small steps got her house.
"Sweat on my time, shit on your own you filthy buggars!"
Happy to be reading this
Thank you mate, for commenting, and the reblog. 👍
It is incredible to see the amount of different things that can be done and the motivations of each one. This serves to realize the range of possibilities that exist to do something different from time to time. That's how mine went
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I read your post. No Bots were used this was all done manually. Hope That Helps. You can find your post and me on Twitter if you like? https://twitter.com/dick_turpin
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Your weekends look fecking magic!!
Lol...Sometimes they are, sometimes not so much. 😁
Hehe, got to show the best!!
I hope you have a good one ahead...Anything special planned?
Aye, we are going to head out to the woods. It's freezing cold but bright and sunny so perfect day for dragging the kids out into the real world for some quality den building n shit. Should be good!
That sounds like fun! Good to get the rugrats out and about in the outdoors...I guess soon it won't be possible when the winter weather closes in.
Oh no, we are hardy creatures. When it gets colder we just wrap up that little bit more!
Is it cold enough to have thinned out the flesh eating insects? Or is that still part of the experience? Toughen the little buggers up, I say.
They all die after August. It's the perfect time to go gadding about in Scotland after that. Roundabouts now it's very pretty and flesh eating monster free!!
Hello everyone, happy weekend, I hope you are having the most fun. In fact, the photos of their weekend routine look very interesting, the work of the companies that produce cars has always caught my attention, I am very curious to see how each piece fits perfectly. That curiosity made me as a child disassemble and damage toy cars. XD.
Happy weekend to you too! I hope you have a good one planned, or at least find something energising to do with your time off. :)
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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!
Do not miss the last post from @hivebuzz:
Looks like a fun week or weekend! Like us you seem to go with the flow! Enjoy it!
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Yeah, the wind will blow us around a little sometimes, but I like to have some idea of what I'm doing; We waste less time that way.