Weekend-Engagement topics: WEEK 234

in Weekend Experiences4 months ago
Countdown terminated on Dec 2, 2024, 6:29 AM

Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity.

- Lucius Annaeus Seneca -


It's December next week...What the fuck! Another year is almost done and I'll be honest, I have not achieved everything I've set out to. I'm not too stressed about that though, I always set my goals confidently but high and then set stretch-goals a little further along to make me work harder. Having said that, it's not over yet so there's time to get after it!

Anyway, it's the weekend so...fuck yeah!

WEEKEND EXPERIENCES community then read below, and I hope you all have a great weekend.It's been several years since I started the weekend-engagement topic concept and it's really cool to see see a few people come back every week and join in. If you'd like to get involved with the #weekend-engagement topics as hosted in the

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Post in WEEKEND EXPERIENCES community - follow all community rules found here.

250+ word minimum and you must use your own photos - no stock images

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  • Are you happy with your life and do you feel there's room for improvement? Explain. Use your own photos.

  • Have you ever been disappointed in yourself? What happened, why, and how did you move on from it? Use your own photos.

  • Do you believe in luck or do you believe hard work and preparation creates "luck"? Explain. Use your own photos.

  • What three things would you like to have or do but you know will never happen? Explain. Use your own photos.

  • Do you like the light on during sex or the light off? Explain. Use your own photos.


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Only original content is acceptable and no AI-generated text or images. Curation is based on quality, effort and personality and and all photos must be ones you own, not stock images.

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

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Any images in this post are my own.

Countdown terminated on Dec 2, 2024, 6:29 AM

I am totally "in the dark" on what topic to write about?

The last topic I have to rule out as I only have high def video of that subject...

"Do you like the light on during sex or the light off? Explain. Use your own photos."

My own fotos 👀😳

Laughing My Arse off when I read that topic.

Haha, high definition video huh? There's sites you can upload that.

Maybe you need an Onlyfans account. 😁

I wish you the best in life , Galen, and that everything goes in your favor this weekend

Have a good weekend yourself too, hopefully have something good planned.

I know what you mean! I can't believe we are almost to the end of 2024 either!

I loved the opening line, but I loved the photo even more 😅

This year, I haven't been able to accomplish everything I set out to do, but I've grown fonder of the Rally this year, thanks to Race for Glory, I guess.

Btw, are you gonna buy the new F1 by Lego? I read the news and thought of your community

 4 months ago (edited) 

I always re-set my goals if I get close to reaching them, means I achieve more but sometimes means I don't reach them.

Yeah, I've seen that Lego and will probably get some although I've not bought anybfirba while as I've had different priorities.

I hope you have a good weekend.

Great line... I make my own luck with my attitude!

There seems to be a relationship between the themes, I like that a lot. In certain aspects of my life I achieved what I set out to do this year, but there's still a month to go... I'm going for more! And set new goals and new plans of action.

I'll be here! Have a great weekend Galen!

I'm glad you like the topics, I look forward to seeing what you choose to write about. Have a good weekend.

I'll be tomorrow without any fault.... I don't know yet, the hands will write and I don't know what they do....

Just like you I am also suprised Sunday will be December. I can still remember the crossover night last year, it was just like yesterday. I am happy with this weekend topics and they are obviously nice ones to choose from and I appreciate you for that. So what are your plans for the weekend galen??

I have an easy day on Saturday, breakfast with a friend, a quick trip to the shopping mall and then lunch with a couple people I used to work with. Saturday afternoon is a snooze (I'm looking forward to that) and then a movie or two after dinner. Sunday I'm making a nice breakfast for me and my person and then we'll be off to see Gladiator II at the cinema and lunch afterwards. I have some stuff to read for work on Sunday afternoon and will prep a little for Monday and then probably watch a movie or some episodes of a show.


I don't have much to do this weekend. I will be in hostel most of the times ,go out to get food for myself. Go to church on Sunday dressing nice for the beginning of a new and special month. Wash my clothes and just get ready for Sunday again. I might also decide to watch some movies as well just to while away time and probably play football with my mates.

Seems like a reasonable weekend.

Yeah it does seem like that. Just hope it goes well and as planned for us since we will getting into the final month of the year in few hours. Do you attend the church as well??

Nah, I don't go to church.

Okay it's fine galen

So many interesting topics ln the weekend engagement, good morning from here, greetings

Hello, hopefully you have a nice Friday and the weekend too.

Thank you so much, and you too.
Have a wonderful weekend.

Omg!! I most definitely love the lights off during sex, it makes me calm☺️

It's dark with the lights off though.

Great topics🙌

Cheers, I try to make them interesting.

Do you like the light on during sex or the light off? Explain. Use your own photos.

Do you mean real sex photos(own)?


Why not?

Here is my contribution.


Eh, yes, I like it in the dark 😃



Well, the choice of photos is one's own responsibility, but I mean any photos one used must be their own, not stock photos or AI, the same as every week.

This is my entry. Thank you for the opportunity. Do have a great weekendhttps://ecency.com/hive-168869/@christybliss/happy-but-still-pushing-forward

I hope you have a good weekend also.

Greetings, I found all the questions this week interesting, but I decided to go with the second one. Here is my participation: My self-disappointment and acceptance of the process after a romantic disappointment || Weekend-Engagement : WEEK 234

This week's topics were tempting to jump in,
Here is my participation: https://peakd.com/hive-168869/@minhajulmredol/blending-hard-work-and-luck