Weekend-Engagement topics: WEEK 233

in Weekend Experiences4 months ago
Countdown terminated on Nov 25, 2024, 6:30 AM

The greatest use of a life is to spend it on something that will outlast it.

- William James -


Welcome to the weekend which I hope is a good one for you no matter what you're planning to do, or even if you're planning not to do anything at all which, is in fact, still a plan.

WEEKEND EXPERIENCES community then read below, and I hope you all have a great weekend.It's been several years since I started the weekend-engagement topic concept and it's really cool to see see a few people come back every week and join in. If you'd like to get involved with the #weekend-engagement topics as hosted in the

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Post in WEEKEND EXPERIENCES community - follow all community rules found here.

250+ word minimum and you must use your own photos - no stock images

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  • If you had summarise your life using only three key words what would they be and why? Use your own photos.

  • If you had to write 250 words in a letter that were going to be the final words you would ever convey to someone you love, what would they be and why? Use your own photos.

  • Were you popular in high school or not? Explain either way. Use your own photos.

  • What are the three strongest opinions you have and why? Use your own photos.


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Only original content is acceptable and no AI-generated text or images. Curation is based on quality, effort and personality and and all photos must be ones you own, not stock images.

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

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Any images in this post are my own.

Countdown terminated on Nov 25, 2024, 6:30 AM

Good morning galen. You have brought forward some amazing topics this weekend again and I would be looking forward to submitting my entry on one with time. Enjoy your weekend as well as the rest of your day.

Here you are once again, like clockwork.

I'm glad you like the topics, there's a couple good ones there I reckon, maybe I'll even have a go myself.

Have a good weekend.

What interesting subjects they all are, all very good to write about... I love the letters. Let's see what inspiration tells me.

I have plans for the weekend, but also to do household stuff, you know, the usual. And some rest too.

I hope you have a great weekend... I'll be around!

The usual huh? Yep, I get it. Hopefully you have an enjoyable weekend though.

Yes, weekly shopping, cleaning, cooking... I like it! And of course every day with my kittens. But I have planned a museum trip and a hiking trip!

The cover photo reminded me of Breaking Bad for some reason.

And the last topic inspired me to go on a bit of a rant.

Haha, well I don't mind a good rant so no worries there!

Have a good weekend.

good weekend for you as well.

@ first glance I thought it was shattered glass.

I hope you get some really impactful responses from that one about the 250 words. That's a really good one!

Time will tell I guess, but it could be a good one.

Ha, ha, ha, ha. I wish I could work on the high school thing, but my old facebook was hacked and those photos lost. You might have liked my haircut though. It was as if I were in the army. I wasn't popular at all, but I was too smart for people to pick a bone with me.

You let hair is legendary...but, it was short at school? Who would have thought!

I studied at a Catholic School. There were rules for haircuts, which is weird since we had this representation of Christ with long hair.

Good enough for Jesus, but not good enough for the students...another example of nutbaggery.

Greetings, dear Galen, what interesting topics for the concept of the weekend, the truth is that you have enormous creativity to keep us attentive to the commitment every weekend.

I'm glad you like them, maybe well see you around over the weekend but, either way, I hope you have a good one.

That's the same for my brother, excellent weekend for you

The first thing I do when I read this publication of commitments for the weekend is to take a screenshot of them to calmly analyze one by one the topics...
I always find them interesting, challenging and scary...😅

Will I be able to do some of them?

Yes, maybe I can, I dare to say that the only one I couldn't do right now is the farewell letter, I feel too closed and distant about love or sensitive topics...I'm sure it's because of my menopausal process 😅, no softies for the moment...but absoluty practical and realistic...😌

I hope there will be very good entries as always, and I will be attentive to read the first brave ones who launch themselves with their posts with strength and perseverance.

Best wishes to you on this weekend.

Hello and thanks for your message. I'm glad you like the topics and if you have the time it'll be good to see you join in if one of them appeals to you.

Have a nice weekend.

Hi Galen, happy weekend bro! Loved the topics, and I've already read a couple of friends and as always it's great fun and keeps us getting to know each other. I think I'll join Weekend Engagement 233 🥰 Excellent topics to reflect on, I'll read you around ✌️

Thanks for your greeting and well wishes for the weekend,I hope you have a good weekend as well. I'll see you around on your post if you manage to get it done.

Spending time on the weekend reflecting and engaging feels like a meaningful way to recharge and connect. I loved the quote too.

Wishing you a great and refreshing weekend!

I hope you have a good weekend yourself.

Each week's topic is special and interesting, so I will definitely make my own post tomorrow.

Why 250 last words and not 3..?

Like... "Ouch that hurt"

Or... "Well this sucks"

Or Even... "I'm not ready"

Really interesting topics this weekend, I love the high school topic it brings back so many memories about my life back then.
Looking forward to having a go this weekend, it's been a long time I attempted one. Do have a lovely weekend.

Hello friends. Greetings. I hope you all have a great weekend. Here I leave you my entry to one of the topics.

