Weekend-Engagement topics: WEEK 222

in Weekend Experiences7 months ago
Countdown terminated on Sep 9, 2024, 7:30 AM

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.

- Albert Einstein -

whotsinurheadzumby (4).jpg

It's week two hundred and twenty two (222) this week so I thought I'd base the topics around the number two because it's my concept and that's what I want to do - if you don't like it that's ok. I hope you've got something planned for the weekend that excites you and if you haven't you probably should because this weekend will be one more weekend closer to you being dead and time shouldn't be wasted. Right?

WEEKEND EXPERIENCES community then read below, and I hope you all have a great weekend.If you'd like to get involved with the #weekend-engagement topics as hosted in the

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Posts must consist of 250+ words and you must use your own photos - no stock images

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  • If you could choose two moments of your life to completely erase what would they be and why? Use your own photos.

  • If you had two lives available to you how would you use the second one differently based on what you learned in the first? Explain. Use your own photos.

  • You can only eat two different types of food until the day you die; what are they and why? Use your own photos.

  • Imagine you had to select two items currently in your possession (that you currently use) and throw them away forever, what are they and why and how would that affect your life? Use your own photos.

ENTRIES MUST BE SUBMITTED BY 07:30 UTC Monday 09 September

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Only original content is acceptable and no AI-generated text or images. Curation is based on quality, effort and personality and and all photos must be ones you own, not stock images.

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

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Any images in this post are my own.

Countdown terminated on Sep 9, 2024, 7:30 AM

I suppose I should be grateful you didn't base your topics around the number 222, being a weekend closer to death an' all, I may not have got my essay completed:)

Haha, well there's plenty of time to contemplate one's demise after you've written your post; you'll have heaps of time...or will you? 😕

I must admit that I loved all the topics, although the first one shocked me, but I don't know if I'm ready for "that".... I could also talk about meals, but to be honest this week I hated making the meals, I would have preferred to buy it ready made and save that precious time for other things.
Still any of the other topics are super good.

I hope you had a good work week, mine has been a bit hectic as we live, but I always love coming back here.

Great weekend @galenkp.

Sometimes I like to add in a more difficult topic. Anyway, if you like one of them give it a go if you have time over the weekend. All the best and happy weekend.

Not sure about the statutes on that first topic. Ya know how tricky legalities can be. Next thing ya know a silly story turns into a confession and yadda yadda, knock knock. Sir, You have the right to remain silent... 😳

I might go with that last one. Lose a couple things.

Haha, good picture...did you manage to get away?

If I told Ya... I would have to kill ya make you a sammich. untitled.gif

Could go a ham and cheese toastie right now. 😋

Terrible two have a grand weekend...

Lol...I was two once...over 50 years ago. I don't remember a thing.

Yup once upon a twice we all went through stomping foot syndrome.... 🙃

The sentence you posted... is one of my favourites... I smiled when I saw it!

All the themes are quite thought provoking... but the idea of 2 is very good, original! Without a doubt one type of food that I would eat until I die is fruits!

Very interesting, I'll think about which one I'll choose and I'll be right here!

Have a great weekend Galen!

one type of food that I would eat until I die is fruits

I reckon you'd love bananas!

Have a good weekend.

Bananas, oranges, tangerines, melons, watermelon, everything! But bananas are very nutritious!🤣

Yeah, got to get some banana in you huh?

Quite a lot! It has potassium!

Funny shapes too huh?

Of course! Good thing I didn't mention the vegetables like the cucumber!😂

Great streak going with 222 weeks. Not sure why that stuck out maybe it was the sequence of 2-2-2 that caught my eye. I do enjoy them, so thanks. Got the plumber and contractor here over the weekend, but should be able to push out something to address one of these at least.

Yeah, it's a lot of weeks.

If you get time have a crack, if not just enjoy your weekend. 😊

Have a good one too.

We are certainly one weekend closer to beign dead, so we will have to take advantage of every day and every opportunity! I have chosen the first theme, although they all look very cool. Happy week 222! Read you soon !Hello friend @galenkp !

Thanks for your. Moment, I hope you have a great weekend.

I don't think that I will have enough words for a post. So I will just make a comment.

I love pizza and Ice cream. But could I eat just them for the rest of my life? Probably not. Not just because it would be unhealthy and I am already overweight...I just think that after a while they would no longer be as tasty as they are when I eat them occasionally. So let's look at some other contenders for the two spots of food I would like to eat until I die.

Sweets: I like various sweets. Among my favorites are Tree Cake and lazy cake

Meat: I love to cook bbq meat. I also like eating Stuffed cabbage rolls and chicken breasts with cheese.

Fish: I think that my favorite fish is salmon. But I also like herring.

salad: White Salad is my favorite.

fruits: bananas and oranges are the best for me.

So now that I listed some of my favorite foods it is time to pick two. I think I would choose either White Salad and Stuffed cabbage rolls or BBQ meat and White Salad. But Salmon would be tempting as well.

Seems like a good selection of foods there, some I've not heard of before.

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.

Einstein was right to doubt the infinity of the Universe. All material objects are finite. And the number of atoms formed after the Big Bang up to our time can be expressed in numbers.

He was right about human stupidity too. A smart lad that Einstein.

All topics are so unique and thoughtful 😄

Thank you, I appreciate it and hope you have a nice weekend.

Two (2) is a huge factor for the week. What can one do with two? Talking about food, there are only two that catches my fancy..... Let me go cook something for two.

Right on. ✅

Good morning, @galenkp. These are beautiful topics to reason upon.

Night time here...but I know what you meant.

Have a good weekend.

These are actually nice topics here again.Hmm they seem tougher to answer for me compared to the last ones but I would give it a try. Enjoy your weekend galen.

Have an enjoyable weekend also.

All the questions are tempting to write and also interesting to read👍
Coming soon!

Cheers, happy weekend.

Well, one weekend less of life isn't that bad 😅
I hope you're having fun this weekend Galenkp
Here I share my thoughts about having two lives available 😊

Yeah, it happens to the best of us right?

Happy weekend.

The topics are so interesting and nice to involve

No worries.

Hello friends, yesterday it was impossible to post the publication here


I love this week's themes. But I'll go for one in particular that clicked with me, thanks for sharing your creativity, greetings!

Sorry to write you again in this publication, I made the mistake of putting the title of today's publication in Spanish and it was not really on purpose, again the translator played a trick on me.
I have just finished editing it and I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.

No worries, you've realised and edited so no problem. ✅

Thanks a lot.

How's the weekend?

Heres my participation https://hive.blog/hive-168869/@supernova004/w-e-222-these-two-meals-until-the-end

Have a great week ahead.

Hello to all Weekend Experiences hivers.

Although a little late, I am back this week to participate in the Weekend-Engagement topics challenge. This week, full of 2, promises interesting posts.

Here is the link to my post


Thanks to @galenkp for the invitation. 👍