Weekend-Engagement topics: WEEK 221

in Weekend Experiences7 months ago
Countdown terminated on Sep 2, 2024, 7:30 AM

It is better to create than to learn! Creating is the essence of life.

- Julius Caesar -


Happy Friday to whomever is reading this post, I hope y'all have a good weekend and find something memorable about it to carry forward and look back on later with happiness.

WEEKEND EXPERIENCES community then read below, and I hope you all have a great weekend.If you'd like to get involved with the #weekend-engagement topics as hosted in the

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Post in WEEKEND EXPERIENCES community - and follow all community rules found here.

Posts must consist of 250+ words and you must use your own photos - no stock images

Use images you took yourself

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  • Draw/paint yourself at work doing your job. (Shit drawings are acceptable, you don't have to be an artist, it just has to be your work.) Also, explain the drawing/painting. Use a photo of your drawing or painting as your post image.

  • Finish the line: I feel entitled because... (Make sure you use use that line as the title for your post.) Use your own photos.

  • If you could say a few nice things about your greatest enemy, what would they be and why? Use your own photos.

  • Draw/paint yourself or family enjoying your weekend. (It doesn't have to be good, just one you did personally and of you or your family enjoying the weekend) Also, explain the drawing/painting. Use a photo of your drawing/painting as your post image.

  • If you could choose an ideal age to be and remain that age forever what is it and why? Use your own photos.

ENTRIES MUST BE SUBMITTED BY 07:30 UTC Monday 02 September

(Link to UTC converter)

Comply with the guidelines if you want your post to be eligible

Only original content is acceptable and no AI-generated text or images. Curation is based on quality, effort and personality and and all photos must be ones you own, not stock images.

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

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Any images in this post are my own.

Countdown terminated on Sep 2, 2024, 7:30 AM

Finish the line: I feel entitled because...

I had to chuckle when I saw this 😆

Yeah, and there's entries for it too. 🤐

Not what I was looking for. Shall I or shan't I... It's so tempting but I don't want to deal with snowflakes, it's so tiring....

 7 months ago (edited) 

Yes, they have a way about them huh? Best not to engage and get enmeshed in their snow flakey nutbaggery.

Oh I am Soooo on this one my friend !!!

Here is a flash back of a few weekend-engagement gems from way back...



Lol...you always loved the drawing ones which is cool. I saw your entry man, a good one!

Thanks for a new opportunity with the themes for the weekend, I always like it when there is drawing to be done.

By the way, the picture is really beautiful, so many details that can be seen in the center of that flower, that's great, also for its healthy and beautiful petals show the love with which they have been cultivated.

I like seeing people's creativity so the drawing topics always fill me of hope of seeing some.

Thanks for the comment on my image, that's a flower from my garden.

It is a relief that there are topics where painting "something" is not a requirement. Maybe a hat with an elephant in it, yes I can....other than that: just dolls to have fun with the kids.hahaha.

Of the remaining three topics some are strong, and require a lot of common sense, breathing exercises and keeping control over some words.

So there is a lot of fabric to cut, varied and excellent proposals as always.

This week will be all about imagination and self-control (trying to deal with my emotions, I mean).

Thanks @galenkp for the opportunity.

I'm glad you like a few of the topics and if you get the chance do a post, but only if you haven't got something more important to do.

There is always something to do, but the things we value as important take priority.

I will be there.

Shit drawings for shit jobs 😂

You're lucky I can't hold a pencil, let alone draw something.
If I even dared, you'd think I was working at the worst job in the world 😆

I can't wait to see how your drawing goes.
Have a nice weekend and enjoy!

Yeah, I don't like the drawings where people take themselves too seriously.

Have a good weekend.

Not only are the topics great, Julius Caesar's quote was the beginning of what I think will be a great weekend! You never cease to amaze me!

See you in the publications! Greetings to the whole community!

Hello, I hope you've had a good week and you have a better weekend. Thanks for your nice comment.

That daisy - wow! Such a beautiful bloom, imperfectly perfect! I had to click on it and zoom way in, I was mesmerized. And the photo - don't you dare say it, Galen!! is just as imperfectly perfect. Maybe even perfect. Definitely one you could blow up and hang on a wall.

Hey there, tha K you for your nice comment.. it came out ok huh? Even though I'm a shit photographer!

Daisies are a good flower to shoot and I love how the macro lens shows things the naked eye misses.

I just caught myself again just staring at the photo, wandering from the details in the middle to the surrounding purple and yellow dust to break it up on to the purple bud in the corner and back to the center. Of course, it helps that I love purple in all its tones and shades.

Are these from your garden already?

I figured you for a purple lover...it's a nice colour right?

Yeah, daisies already...my garden is coming alive which is nice to see and I hope to do some more photos seen. I have heaps of jonquils around actually, I have them in little pots all of the rather place, clumps of them around the windows so when they're open the scent wafts through the house. It's spring now, today in fact, (September 1) and things will start to happen.

Create... create our own life! I love the phrase and the themes even more!!! That brain always working a lot! Theme... it will be a surprise! Have a great weekend Galen!

Have a good weekend yourself. Enjoyable I hope.

I assure you I will! Thank you always.

These topics are actually very interesting and at the same time requires alot of creativity, thinking and reflection. Since you said shit drawings are acceptable I might try the drawings out hehe. The last topic is also a great choice for me. Enjoy your weekend

Seems like a good plan; I hope you have a good weekend.

Some interesting topics...i will definitely participate 😃

Great idea! I hope you have a good weekend too.

Again, a variety of topics and very interesting. I'll see if I can participate because on the two topics I like best I don't think I have images to show. But, as you always recommend, I will try to appeal to my creativity. Happy weekend. Cheers and best regards.

 7 months ago (edited) 

Variety makes life more interesting. Have a nice weekend.

To think a bit to see in which theme to participate.


One must think, decisions are better when one does.

Happy weekend.

My art skills are an absolute dumpster fire, so as usual I will pass on this one. I bet you get some great responses though, there are some really talented folks here on Hive.

No worries, I don't recall that you've ever gotten involved with a topic so didn't expect you to do so now.

No :) I don't suppose I have. I've got a stack of content I have to work through first and I started taking weekends off from posting a long time ago so I wouldn't get burned out. I really respect the folks that can post seven days a week, but keeping up and having a real world live was getting to be too much for me.

Seems a fair reason. I never put any stress on it, people enter or don't, and it doesn't bitter me either way. My job is to put the topics out there.

Happy weekend my friends, today I want to share another post for my contest entry this weekend. Here is my entry.


May we always be happy

If I draw something, there is a risk that Da Vinci or Michelangelo will rise from the grave to beat me, that is already ruled out, I don't want to be embarrassed.

My participation post: https://ecency.com/hive-168869/@josiva/week-221-the-perfect-age-gv3

Have a good weekend my friend.

Hello. This is my first participation in Weekend-Engagement topics.

Thanks for the opportunity.

Here is the link to my post


Excellent, I'll give it a vote Sunday morning when my VP recovers...I sent it to curangel too. ✅

Thank you for your support. 👍

No worries.

Even though my art skills are terrible.

but that's okay, and here is my entry https://peakd.com/hive-168869/@cacasa26/trying-new-games-on-the-weekend-weekend-contest-221-weekendexperiences

Happy reading, and I hope you enjoy it. 😁👍

Really amazing topics but I would like to choose childhood life as my best life in which we don't have stress, no worries no nothing just easy life apart fromm that there are lot of challenges in daily life.

I had an epic weekend so I am IN!

A wild weekend of music, friends and back woods Canadian paradise.

I also pick my favourite age as the prompt and explain why I feel it is the ideal age.

Hopefully your weekend was as awesome as mine!