I am the Oracle. The Oracle is wise. The oracle is all-knowing.

I'm not really an Oracle...Yeah, yeah I know my title is technically false advertising; I thought it would be a good lead in to this weeks topic though. Have a read below to learn more and I hope you'll get involved.
in the comments below then stay around and engage with others - It's about engagement and building relationships so get involved, engaged and have some fun. On Monday 23rd August I'll transfer hive to a few who respond to the topic and comment below.The #weekend-engagement concept is simple; respond to the topic
Weekend-engagement topic week 63
In the comments below either:
➡️ Ask me anything
This is your chance to ask your questions with impunity. I don't mind what you ask but, of course, I'm not a complete idiot so asking what my passwords are may not illicit the desired response. This is all about fun so go ahead and ask the Oracle me something and I'll answer as honestly and openly as I am able to, or make a joke to deflect. 😉
Example: G-dog why do you have caterpillars for eyebrows?
Disclaimer...I may return a question to you so be prepared.
➡️ Tell us anything
If you don't want to ask me anything that's cool, you can tell us something instead. It could be about yourself or any other thing at all, just tell us something, pretend you're the Oracle if you need to, just tell us something!
✅ Drop your answer in the comments below
✅ Add a photo if you would like to
✅ Be creative and fun, or boring and uninteresting - Your choice
✅ Get engaged with some of the others who comment
❌ Do not drop links to external posts as your answer
Read this bit so you know what to do.
That's the topic folks; you have until Sunday night to get your response into the comments below and I hope you'll stay around and get friendly with some of the others who participate as it'll be good to see you around over the weekend. Have a great weekend whether you engage or not though - Life's too short not to.
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind
Discord: galenkp#9209
What would you like for dinner when you come visit?
Great bloody question!
I'm going to opt for something super vegetarian. (Hold the vegan)
I don't know all the names of stuff but I'm hoping for a vego-feast of stuff that is all vego! Lol.
I know you know how to bring it all together and have some super-tasty recipe's so I'll leave the details to you. I'll bring the wine...And good times will ensue.
My question back:
When was the last random act of kindness you performed and what was it?
It'll probably be some kind of morroccon inspired feast or an Indian - palak paneer, veggie curry, rice, lime pickle and homemade yoghurt. Hmmm... I'd have to spoil you both!
Last random act of kindness?
I brought Jamie a cup of tea in the garage yesterday :P
Hey! Is that kindness? Or a bribe to keep working on whatever he's about? Lol.
I've seen your cooking on hive, always looks good so I look forward to it.
that dinner sounds amazing, can I come too?
Of course!
Oh! I know what it was. ON Friday, I was at the Bunnings sausage sizzle and ahead of me was this young tradie who ordered two sausages with onions. Not five minutes before, he'd asked the (very) old geezers if they took cards, to which they said 'yes'. Some confusement ensued when they brought out the sausages and the guy took his card out. 'Oh no we don't take cards'. The kid looked crestfallen - maaatteee - sorry I can't pay for them, you said you took cards? So I whipped out a tenner and paid for his lunch. A trip to Bunnings combined with a ROK - bet you didn't expect that one did you?
Nice work! This is what it's all about you know, being kind humble and generous! You can buy me a Bunnings sausage anyday. Then we'll go look at hardware store porn!
This one's quite interesting. I've got a lot to know about you 😁.
Starting with your relationship status?
Good question.
I'm in a relationship with life...I understand it, and it understands me. I nurture it, protect it, value it and respect it, like one should with all good relationships. I deny negativity, promote the positive and seek to have a fulfilled relationships with it. I love life, it's my constant companion and I'd be lost without it.
Great question, thanks for asking.
How and when did you hear about hive/tokenized social media. And are your interested in tokenizing your community Thepew: Guns and more?
The Old G-tokens. Buying them brings you wisdom, strength and harmony!
Lift off....
Good question.
I heard about it from my brother @tarazkp who pestered me to join for six months before I decided to do so back in June 2017. I am grateful to him for doing so, pestering me, and for the support he has given to me.
It's interesting you say the tokenising thing...I was talking to someone about just this thing for THE WEEKEND community. I haven't made any moves yet, however it may happen. Thanks for putting it back on my radar.
And you? Please answer your tokenized/hive question in return. The Oracle needs to know. Lol.
Brothers getting brothers into things. That's how I got into Aikido. My brother wouldn't shut up about it. Now he's trying this Axie thing and wants to get me into that too.
Don't waste your time on Axie. If you are going to play anything it should be Splinterlands! Lol
Ha, ha, ha. You say so? I want to but the last time I tried to buy the Spellbook to start, there was a problem and I couldn't buy it.
Am i the only non- splinter these days 😳
The headline should be: You can ask me anything → I will reply in anyway😅
Lol. But a good way to look at your relationship status.
Next time someone asks me, I am replying the same. I am in relationship with life😅
I'm an international man of mystery sir, and so am cloaked beneath a veil of mystery.
Hey! You been snapping pictures of me at work again?
That's a handsome G-dog! Is that the heirloom axe?
That's wonderful and I hope your relationship doesn't get complicated like others😁
Next Question:
Other than Adventurous things and Cleo obviously, Who/What makes you happier?
My life-relationship seems to be going ok right now...Not always, but right now it's healthy.
What else makes me happy? Umm...The way all the bumps and bruises I have received in life all combine to make me the man I am. I have had some terrible moments that people shouldn't have to live through, been knocked down so many times, kicked and abused...But I stood up every time and still stand...I am the man I am because of the adversity I have faced and that makes me happy.
This reminded me of what I've gone through and I literally got flashbacks of those haunting memories but the fact is Whatever we go through, shapes us as a person!
Anyways, great answer though, moving to other question!
How would you define Life if you were to define it in a shortest possible sentence?
Life is a collection of moments, and moments between moments, that should be designed and created in the shape one wishes it to take.
That's a quite strong and optimistic definition of life.
What three adjectives would you use for yourself?
Amazing way to put it!
You are full of good questions hahahaha
It all comes out of curiosity 😁
You too answer this but after telling me your name 😅
These questions come out of curiosity
Walk into brick walls regularly.... Still happy...
I don't KNOW much. I suspect a lot. But one thing I know is true: "It doesn't matter how many times you've been knocked down. What matters is how many times you get back up."
You know how many people I've annoyed because I stood up and said something like, you hit like a bitch. I mean figuratively and literally. It's my superpower and I value that about myself.
"I'll kick your ass old timer."
"You ain't gonna be the first."
@galenkp always gives us questions and topics, today is our day to ask whatever we want to know about him. I've an entire interview prepared for him 😂❤️ I hope he doesn't get bothered with all this😄
Beautifully answered, Sir. 😍
Thank you Marike. 😉
These Lines..!
Stuck between them. Ask the Oracle to explain...
The oracle can read through any lines, even white ones, lol!
I spend all week. Thousands of miles, trying to keep it between the lines...
Damn Lines...
Damn! With was smooth, G-dog. I might get this answer and use it for my mischievous purposes. 🤣
Lol...smooth sometimes and not so much at others.
Ha, ha, ha. well, you can't win all. Oracle powers are not for changing the future.
I thought it was pretty nifty indeed. I used to be really good at dodgeball in school...Clearly some of the skills have stuck.
That's like cheating! But I guess it's better than getting a ball to the face!
Getting ones rocks crushed by a dodgeball is better than ones face, especially when ones face already looks as bad as mine.
Ha, ha, ha. That's also pretty bad. But hey, man! I've seen worse faces and not even hit by dogeballs
It's why they always threw at my 'jewels', it didn't matter what happened to my face. And I can catch the low ball as good as anybody.
Lol. One must dodge.
The million dollar question!
Yupp.. let's interrogate this sucker!! He asked for it!
Together in this 😂
If you could be a character from a book what genre of book you would choose?
If you could only eat the same dish for entire month what dish you would choose?
One character from a book? My first response would be Morgaine from The Mists of Avalon. But after exactly 30 seconds I have 10 other contenders... LOL... I shall be pondering this one all day!
I have a hard time answering as well.😜
I like this one.
I'd choose an action-adventure of the fantasy genre and would probably take on the role of a warrior but probably woodsman, like Martin Longbow in Raymond E. Feist's, Magician. It's a multi-purpose role, one that requires many skills and I love the woods so it seems to fit.
I'd eat pizza for a month. It's so versatile and has so many different flavours and options that I don't think I'd get too bored.
Now...Can you answer your own questions in return for me?
Damn it's been a while since I ate pizza...
Well I can try.
Guts from Berserk might just be one the greatest and coolest characters ever written. But his life is horrible and Berserk world is a really fucked up place. So I would not want to be him/ live there.😜
I think that my options would be either:
A. Fantasy genre and character Geralt from the witcher series. He is another awesome character but his world is a bit less shity place than the world of Berserk. If we include games my life would consist of getting rich playing cards, sleeping with most beautiful sorceress, beating monsters or sparing them... All in all good life. enhanced superhuman abilities and immunity to diseases is also a plus.
Or I could pick option B:
Adventure genre. Character Captain Blood. Like I mentioned in the past topic I want to live my life as I want and not as others believe that I should live. And being a ,,pirate''( he was unlike all other pirates) would allow me to be truly free. I no longer expect a fairy tale like ending like the one this book had. But that freedom of roaming the seas still fascinates me. This is a bit ironic because Captain Blood did not become a pirate on his own free will...
I would love to eat cakes/ sweets. But this option is also tempting:
Either way. I think that after that month I would look like this:
This sounds like a pretty good life. Add in some of that food on that grill and it's all good!
Gerald also has a cool sense of humour especially when Dandylion is around.
A sense of humour is a requirement in my opinion.
Some very consistent and greatly explained ideas. I see you're a man who like his fantasy. Top-notch choices too.
thank you.
My pleasure!
I see you @galenkp as Capt. Dylan Hunt (Kevin Sorbo) from the Sc-Fi series Andromeda...
Lol...Yeah, that's me.
That's why I knew I've seen you somewhere. 😂
I was raised vegetarian until the age of 17.5 [when I got kicked out of home] by a mother who was that way. Seafood was on the menu but no meat. So, my answer is yes. I love vegetarian pizzas to this day. In fact when I order-in I usually get vegetarian + salami or some such rather than selecting a meat-based option. Sometimes just vego though too. The cheese...Yeah, I don't put much cheese on and all of the best pizzas I had literally had none. [In Italy]. Loading pizza with cheese is an American thing, bless them. Lol.
Is it true Italians say there's only one pizza? I have heard about that in youtube videos and maybe it is sort of true. I like cheesy pizza, but I'd love to try more kinds of pizza too.
They don't use much cheese in Italy and I prefer to go that way myself. Once you've had a legit Italian pizza in Italy you'll be convinced.
I have seen the pizzas and they look awesome. I'm dying to try it out. Just some sauce, cheesy and basil. Of course, it has to be cooked in a wood oven.
Cheeeeeeese. Love some animal sustenance! Lol. The best pizza in Italy had little or no cheese at all! If it had cheese, Buffalo mozzarella was my absolute favorite!
Pizza in Italy is the best!
Wow they say girls talk much but you guys wowowowowowo
@galenkp @nineclaws
Pizza in Italy has very few toppings...One I love was rosemary and thinly sliced potato...To die for! So much flavour! It's truly amazing how much flavour they get out of some tomatoes, mushrooms, basil and red pepper. I love Italian pizza and when I make pizza at home tend to lean towards the best ingredients for that reason...The flavours are better.
The food in Italy is unlike any food other places. It's so fresh and delicious! We ate a lot but gained no weight because it's purely food. No chemicals, pesticides or other shit you don't need. You also do so much walking it burns right off!
I have heard a lot about Italian pizza as well as Italian food in general and I finally did my research and found a place here which makes authentic Italian food. Its a family owned business by an Italian couple.
Historical Fiction
That was easy :)
that was a logical choice.
It was THE logical choice. :)
This is nailing it in few words. Splendid!
For the book, I would want to be a superhero.
That's me being specific.
The dish I would eat everyday will be manna from heaven.
It encompasses everything in food and I'll be healthy forever
it seems that you really like having many options.
It's better than alternatives
Oh, hot ones here!
That's a good set of questions. Characters from a book... hmm I can think of so many but I think it would be cool (and terrifying of course) to be Jason Bourne from the Bourne series. Guys a badass! Lol
that also seems like a good choice.
As for the first question, I would pick adventure. It has always been my favorite genre.
I don't think that I ever tried eating sushi.
I have noticed that it is either a hit or a miss with people. Some of my friends really like it, some absolutely despise it 🤣. I haven't come across anyone yet who is in the middle
thank you.
Great topic this weekend, good idea you had. I would like to know if the oracle makes more money in the crypto world or with its conventional work 😃.
This is a perfectly good question. I make more money in the real world than on hive by about double. I earn hive and do some other crypto-stuff here and there so have a reasonable little collection going, mostly on my Trezor wallet, but it's my real world job that pays the bills. I have not spent any of the crypto I have earned other than $100 to make sure my Wirex VISA card works. I recently quit my job and will be looking for another as I'm not able to live off crypto alone.
My question to you...
If you had $1000 worth of crypto right now and I asked you to hand it to someone who would you choose and why?
Oh, those look like some pretty numbers right there. But getting the bread is also important! The Oracle is also wise.
The Oracle is wise and knuckleheady.
That's what makes the Oracle so powerful.
Well, that sounds like a smart strategy. Cryptocurrencies are good, but it is also good to have a certain amount of sure money at the end of the month.
Answering your question, if I had $ 1000 in crypto I would choose to give it to my mom so she can spend it on whatever she wants. As a daughter, I feel that I owe a lot to my mother for everything she did for me so that I can become who I am today, that is why any gift I can give her, I don't doubt it 😂.
Ah yes, the mum answer. Good old faithful answer that it is.
If I had the same money I'd split it between my niece and nephew and invest it for them as they're only very young. That way they could maybe benefit in the future world that is going to be a very difficult place to live financially.
This is a list that changes from minute to minute for me. In no particular order it might be taraz or his knucklehead brother, betrayo for never bitching about circumstances even though I know they are shitty, brittandjosie, melinda, thekittygirl (they plain look out for people). There are more.
I like your bertrayo comment...He just gets on with things huh? All the others also.
That's a great way to say it. He just gets on with things.
That would be @xcountytravelers for the operation and the rv remodelling after they had the bad news and the fact that they had to relocate due to height and the physical discomfort
I think that's a great place for it as it wold provide lifestyle, keep giving as such. Nicely answered.
Also...I hope you are ok Britt, looking after yourself and finding some value in life.
I am , and you know what there is a value in everything, just got the be willing to see it, although some things make me sad on the news, but life is also I shit some times, i count my blessings.
I stopped watching the news in 2008. Best thing I ever did. Doesn't mean I'm uninformed though. I know what's up.
Oh, thank you so much. You are such a sweetheart.
The Oracle already answered that in a very recent post about the change of his employment.
But you only have to look at his Hive wallet to say he works hard wherever he is, whatever he's doing.
Hahahaha I've seen it, just out of curiosity @artemislives
I can see that @nineclaws 😂
That's the weekend community for ya! Always thought provoking which I think is great!
You mean, the Oracle of the gods in the backyard??
It only predicts the price of cryptos.
If he can predict that, I want to know!
!giphy waiting
Via Tenor
Question for you or anyone else:
What's the one thing people find attractive about you, but you personally don't?
For me, most people believe that I am mature/wise enough to speak less and listen to them more. But I am just a bit introvert. Used to be really shy😅
Damn you! Fucken good question...Oops, I think I swore...Did I swear? Lol.
OK, firstly there's more than one thing people have found attractive about me so the one thing is not really right. But here goes...
I don't like my eyes but I've been told they say stuff and people find them engaging...Women, not men I mean. Expressive, deep, mysterious, edgy...I've heard it all. I bloody hate my eyes though and think those people are all bonkers.
A personality trait would be my humorous side, that in the real world only a few see although I like that about me so it's not relevant to your question.
My question back is...
If you had to remove a good personality trait you currently have what would it be and why?
I mancrush your eyes.
Not really...
But I bet there are a few on here that do.
Women... Not Men of course.
Wink wink...
Hey...That's the fat, white version of me! I'm hot.
Damn! Bleak! 😂
If I looked like that I'd stop eating donuts...And get some sun.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. So this is the charming Aussie humour Fluffy talks about in his stand ups. 🤣
I definitely need to go to Australia.
Lol...Stealth missions are my thing.
He is my brother from another. So I love him in a "No Homo" kinda way.

Love that man... Even when He makes jokes about our super cheesy pizza pies...
It's easy. I am way too humble, soft spoken. To a point it sometimes feels lack of self worth.
Many people have warned me that straight trees are cut first. People will take advantage of you. And I have realized that too.
But I think it's all right. I would rather be happy that someone benefits from me and my actions than taking advantage from people.
However, in the last few years, I have improved a bit. Stopped lending money to people, who I know won't return it back easily, stopped saying yes to requests and favors asked by people around me.
I still have a soft heart, but I am aware about that now😅
I think there's nothing wrong with having a soft touch, but one needs to know when to say no as well.
Yeah, being firm is a quality needed to counterbalance this kind of personality trait.
Agreed. Getting walked on isn't my idea of fun and I don't generally allow it.
Yeah, I know we need to be kind, but letting people take advantage of that isn't funny. It can also prove dangerous.
Sounds like an ANZAC biscuit. Well,they're not gooey inside,but softish.
Most of your pics that I have seen, you are wearing shades in them.
Hiding those deep expressive, mysterious, edgy eyes😂
Yeah, both my eyes look in opposite directions and one is much larger than the other...So I keep my glasses on so as not to scare people.
Or, you are cyclops from x men.
I am, but I don't hit the gym as much as the example you show.
Hahaha, good attempt to justify the sunglasses 😎
I remember you saying from before too that you don't like your eyes... The photo you showed once without the glasses is cool, I don't know why you don't like them hehehe
I don't like many things about myself I guess...But there's some things I like, not physical ones, internal ones. Some of those things are pretty great I think and I'm happy to have them, to share some of them and to know that some of them have helped me become who I am today; a perfectly flawed, broken and fallible human. But a man who knows clearly who he is and likes himself. Mostly. 😏
That is good, perfect actually!
I don't like many things on me, physical aspect, but I am more than fine with myself too :D So I am happy with me , mostly, as you say, and I think that is enough to live in peace in love, right?
Do you turn people to stone? I bet that's why you hide them!
It's been known to happen but I try to avoid it these days. Society is too litigious.
Ha, ha, ha. So you're implying you've lived from less litigious times? Were you the source for the Myth of Medusa?
Yeah I don't really need them. Not all the time anyway.
Oh yeah, I've never seen your eyes...
I know people who I see almost weekly who have never seen them either. I'm serious. Glasses are a constant for me. 😂
Okay, I'll wait to see your eyes.
I bet you have gotten one or two compliments from gentlemen in your time, G-dog. Do not lie. Eyes like that attract more than ladies.
That one is a tough question.
A couple of my bro's think I'm magnificent...But they don't say it often...Only when they're drunk. I don't let their hands wander though.
I have tougher...I don't like to scare people...Always. Lol.
But that's normal. I have had some weird propositions from older guys. They're flattering but not my jam.
Send one this way then. I can't be scared easily. Not by words anyway.
If you could never play or listen to music in any form again in your entire life what would you do to replace it and why.
Shooting to kill, huh?
I'm guessing this would also hinder my skills as a luthier, so that would be off as well. Then, my option is to go into my favorite form of art which is writing. I've been doing that since I was like 9 and haven't stopped, so it's an easy pick. However, I think that since I work on two arts at the same time I would need something to keep balance. So I might pick up drawing up, even though my drawing skills are no better than a toddler's.
Sorry to answer so late, but internet keeps giving problems around here.
Be quiet.
I hate being quiet, but I found myself in soo many situations where I choose to be just calm and quiet, operating my phone even when others expect me to overreact to something or show how vexed I could be.
Well, I don't even know why they like me for possessing such character.
That's a tough one. Apparently, I have a good looking nose. Like it has a nice profile. And people tell me a lot about it. I don't like my nose because of allergies. This thing could work better.
I tend to listen a lot too. But I'm an ambivert. So I can step up and down in these interactions. But I get it. Something it is just shyness preventing you from speaking. Sometimes people can't get that.
They ( the fam bam ) said my caring and the pancakes, don't know if thats a good thing but i got two so that made the weekend@looftee i have to ask them, be right back
Even a small percentage counts, if we meet those people regularly😄
Okay Oracle of the people.
I know that you have guns and you're willing to use it right now.
Please what will you use it on?
Another question is, what's your favorite sports?
May it be football because I'll be needing your predictions this weekend
What would I use my guns on? Pretty good question.
I cull feral animals on a cattle farm to control their numbers. They cause damage to fences and eat precious feed causing the farmer additional cost and so they need to be eradicated as the additional cost simply cannot be added to the sale price of the beast at market. I also hunt, wild pigs, razorbacks which are an introduced species and devastating to the environment.
I would also use my guns to protect my loved ones against the most dangerous animal on the planet: Humans. If the need arose I would feel not hesitation to do so. The world is full of evil people who prey on the weak...I am not the weak though, and have the skills and volition to protect those who cannot protect themselves.
I cant help with the football this week, I don't really follow it. I'm more a motor racing guy. Cars and bikes,anything with an engine. I like other sports though as well. I like to be open to things, not closed.
A question from the Oracle: If you could choose the gender of your best friend would the friend be male or female and why?
You're really writing wisely.
The guns are really put to good use.
For real?!
It has been a girl/lady/female.
My gender matters even if the man of the moment is more loving than my bestie, she's has been and will always be before any other friend
I thought you'd say something like that but I know many whose best friends are of the opposite gender also.
But the best is always with the same gender.
OK! I'm officially IMPRESSED! THIS is a lot of comments!!! 🤩
I've been doing it for months with week 65 coming up this Friday. A few join in and get chatty. ☺️
I’m just so so impressed! That’s HUGE and what a way to set the tone for a friendly and even more fun Hive!
I’ve been hearing about this from all corners! I don’t know why I didn’t hear about it until now having been on the blockchain for close to 4 years now! Guess that’s what happens when your focused on one tribe for the longest time! Fitness and all... but these days I have been widening my focus and trying to be more open and I’m in search of ways to make Hive a friendlier social environment!
Seeing what you’ve been UP to has done me a lot of good! 🙏
Thanks mate, I appreciate the kind words.
OK Mr Oracle?
Can you please name 5 Hivers who consistently contribute to the greater good, who might be considered by many as under-rated on the platform, who personally post often and who have content that challenges and is worth our Follow and regular upvoting? 🤔 😊
I'm interested in knowing what the oracle thinks about this, it is always good to see varied content.
Awesome post for Weekend Engagement, I'm sorry I haven't been around here much, I've been missing out big time. I enjoyed reading the comments, some were really amuzing, some were really sad. I laughed and cried. No jokes.
@galenkp here's my question:
Do you feel you've redeemed yourself from your previous shooting competition where you were really hard on yourself after crushing your opponents at today's one?
Good one!
I went yesterday to dominate like a herd of Buffalo in the tundra and that's what happened.
I tend not to put that pressure on myself these days because winning means far less than what it used to mean to me. There's not much on the line and I'm not egotistical so don't need the boost winning may being. But...
That sponsored-shooter-event did my head in. I was very down on myself (which ultimately affected performance) and whilst I got over it I sort of didn't. You know?
So I went to the range yesterday to inject a lot of effort. I thought about what I was doing, brought it all back the basics, and executed each element with careful attention. I didn't banter with the others much and generally just focused.
Have I redeemed myself?
I felt good winning because it rewarded my effort. It also felt good to know I can still win. It also felt good to know I don't have to, like...Winning confirmed that my beat my personal best ethos is valid and acceptable to me.
But yes...G-dog has redeemed himself. 😉 It seems sending competitors to hell, (down the results table) is indeed white satisfying.
And now...Back to what I normally do...No winning required.
My question to you...
If you could do any job, except the ones you have already done in life or anything surrounding that profession, what would it be and why?
Good Morning G-dog. What a beautiful explanation. It was more of an explanation for yourself than needing to answer the question to me (if you know what I mean). I am so happy for you that you had a good day and that your focus was crystal, that makes a world of difference.
To answer your question - I have had a few jobs through my life, but I only really ever was intensely passionate about Nature Conservation. I ate, slept, breathed and dreamed it. I was absolutely heartbroken when I left there, but the moral dilemma of staying would have killed me (literally). So seeing as you can divert your answers, I'm going to divert mine too because I'm a rebel. I would absolutely go back into Conservation. Being out of it for this long has made me realize that it wasn't a job at all, it was my calling.
Now I'm sad. Like a really deep felt longing to go back. Why G-dog? The fooking heart wrenching questions.
Morning, unless it's afternoon and then afternoon...Unless it's evening and then, evning. You know what I mean. Lol.
I can tell you're passionate about conservation and that's a good thing as I don't think it's a career one could do well without some passion. A calling you say. Yep, that. Still, life takes us in different directions and we have to follow along, guide it a little, or fight it out. At times the latter works, but sometimes it's not possible.
A rebel huh? Well, my question was designed to illicit a response and a response it got so...Mission-success.
The one thing I can't do without changes depending on the time of day and situation. I'm going to answer it in an overall fashion.
I'm going to say it's my sense of humour.
I can become quite intense at times for various reasons and so work hard to balance that with a sense of fun, humour and laughter. Of course, I'm serious at work and all, but I try and inject a laugh or two now and then to remind me that I can still do it.
I'd you're talking about an item...Well that's easy, my sunglasses.
Now your turn...
If you had the choice of having the latest iPhone, PlayStation or a new book to read each month for the next five years what would you choose and why?
I would not go for the book nor PlayStation rather I will choose the latest iPhone because with the iPhone I can have access to any book j want to read at any point in time and same goes to the PlayStation, I can actually locate play station on my iPhone, now, things are changing taking a book instead of an iPhone is like taking myself backward and gotten a PlayStation also is something else, therefore, I wouldn't want to be stock in the past, the future is all I should watch out for, past is past and would not bring anything reasonable to you, although is better that you learnt from it yet not in this case we moved, forward ever backward never.
So, my second goes this way!
What is your favorite meal?
Pizza is one of my favourites meals; pizza is so versatile and can be made to have so many different flavours depending on the toppings. I've even had a dessert pizza on a few occasions! And you?
I enjoyed fried rice the most which is my English meal, but speaking like an African, my favorite is Afang soup, it is an African delicacy, easily prepare by the people of Akwa Ibom state, Nigeria. And in Nigeria it is one of the costly leaf, The great Oracle I would have loved you to pay a visit to Akwa Ibom state, one day someday that you have a taste, although I don't know wether the leaf is accessible in your country of residence but I bet you that you will love it, as it is so rich and good for the body.
The leaf is planted by root, okay let me drop the photo here now.
I have heard of many African foods I'd like to try. One of my best mates is from Kigali and he goes back now and then, does business there. He's told me of some very tasty stuff. I'm always happy to try new things.
That's my great Oracle 💃
Do you have children?
You got a flower, a rabbit, and a cashmere claw hammer. :ring:
That's nature calling. It's nature! You can't ignore nature!
Flower, rabbit, hammer. What's it gonna be?
Rabbit, they're so cute, cuddly and soft. A pest in this county, but the above still applies. 😬
I had a rabbit called Twitcher when I was a kid. Brought me a lot of joy. I was five when he was given to me, my first personal pet. I didn't take him dying too well, but it taught me some lessons on the value of life, and inevitability of death.
The Oracle has a questsh for you...
First kiss, who, how old, how did it happen and did you get a second with the same person?
Well leapin rabbit pellets Batman, you just took me back 30 something years. There's engagers and there's Galen.
I'm embarrass to admit you stumped me, I spent at least two minutes remembering her last name, 'sorry Katie'. Mac is her last name shortened, Katie Mac. Believe it or not she raced dirt bikes too. Can't believe I haven't thought about her this long. 👍🏿
I would've been 13. Summer break between junior high and high school, must've been 88. Second, third, and my first boobs Galen! With an S!!!! #nsfw
I like the sound of Katie Mac. Bless her and her boobs.
It's funny how such momentous occasions in life get forgotten about. I guess things happen and we can't remember everything; but at the time it probably meant everything.
You know this. Funny, I came here to not be all serious like everyone else and now I'm out late on a school night on memory lane. 👍🏿
Lol. Curfew brother! Careful, you'll get grounded.
I played at a party called Oracle once. Grandmaster Flash was the headliner that night.
You want to know what's worse than not thinking of Katie Mac for all these years?
I can't remember. You have to understand that I started drinking about age 10 so I'm a bit fuzzy on some things. That is just plain shitty that I can't remember my first kiss.
I don't know what to say to make this better. I felt terrible for forgetting for a moment.
Let me know if she turns up.
Lol...I've eaten me a few rabbits.
Rabbit meat is super good, no denying it.
Rabbit. For all the answers from the oracle plus they're damn fine eating when times get tough.
I shoulda made the choices more difficult.
Rubber glove, river rock, or a rabbit FOOD. That's it!
I'd probably go with the rabbit too, butt! It is cashmere.
Hammer, nice. I mean it is Cashmere and all a #1 needs is some air.
Boxers or Briefs? Or not?
Lol, now we're getting down to it.
Ok, so...boxers, but not those loose ones...I mean those microfibre athletic ones, the more fitted version. (Short trunk's they call them I think). Black, always black although in my old age I'm beginning to relent and add some colour to the waist band section. I have these cool ones with a camouflage patterned band.
I sometimes wear the traditional boxer, but only when I want to be all loosey goosey. 😂
Now a return questsh from the Oracle:
If you knew you were going to lose your voice forever what would be your last twenty words and to whom?
Only one person? Or are there multiples invited?
Thank you To ten different people and I'd cut the list way short.
"I don't always wear underwear but when I do it's knit boxers"
The bastards are closing in on you, and it's just a matter of time. And not much at that. You think of a place you'd rather be. Where is that place?
I go commando sometimes. It's situational.
I am comment 697, nice to meet you comment 696.
I wanted to ask The Oracle if He reads every post and every comment.
But I am still stuck between the lines over the "side step" of the very first comment/question on the @galenkp G-Doggy Dogs AMA #weekend-engagement.
Masterfully Done by the way, I must say...
I Miss...
...and I am struggling to stay behind the line that has been drawn.
I will find a way to. Even if I have to dress Sammi Jo in a silly costume and post a million Hot Dog and Kitty Giphy pics.
I know that gif of Supergirl is just a cartoon...But I'm sexually aroused by it. Just being honest.
Anyway...I thought you'd like that sidestep I did. Masterful indeed I think. :)
I read the posts I comment on yes. Do I read every comment here in the #weekend-engagement? Most actually as I scroll through to look for who I'll send some hive to. [The active ones not drop-comment-and-run ones.]
Keep reading between those lines you clueless bastard.
Threema me.
Oh I have a clue.
Might be totally traveling down a wrong way dead end street, it might be the wrong clue.
But I got blues clues...
Now if I could just find that missing clue...
Before insanity sets in.!!
I'm not at all sexually aroused by a woman that can kick my ass. Just sayin'
That's just sad, where's the challenge yo?
Lol...Sometimes maybe one values their wellbeing over gratification?
I live on the edge.
The challenge has always been in staying alive. I'm an inveterate smart ass and would hate to be disabled because I can't keep my mouth shut. Just sayin'
Lol, ok I see it from your perspective now :) I'm good at keeping my mouth shut up to a point - then, well, don't say you weren't warned.
I think it, I say it. Sometimes I wish I didn't, but...
Lol...Sometimes that part of the attraction.
The one I'm very curious about (every time) is how do you style your content?
How do you do it like this? Is this justified? This is not centered right?
Maybe you can teach us how. ^.^

I'm laying in bed Saturday morning not wanting to get up so I'm on my phone right now...I'll need my laptop to snap an image and answer this...You'll have to wait, but I'll get back to you. Ok?
Use that code or command or whatever it's called as below. I've shown you an image of the draft in the first image and below is what the final product should look like.
It should look like this in the preview screen and eventual post.
Oh, so you can use that code too like this. I have only used it for images, I never knew it works to texts as well. Thank you for sharing! ^.^
I’ll ask you a question!
Galen, do you like loneliness?
Are you better among the humans or alone?
Although...why I ask this)))
Hmm, this is a good question.
I prefer solitude and that often means I like to be away from people. I'm human though and as such am a social animal. So a balance.
I'm very selective with who I spend my time with and even more selective who I let into my life and this means I tend to avoid drama [which I hate] and other issues. I think I would get lonely should I never see anyone, but I am comfortable being selective with those around me.
My question to you is:
If you could travel anywhere at all, where would it be and why?
I like to travel!
If I had the opportunity, I’d be in a lot of places!
On the ocean...in the Amazon forests...in the Sahara desert.
But that’s not possible...
We have a higher retirement age in Russia. And I fell under this bad program ((
So now I have no job, no pension.
That is why!
I try to travel in the Caucasus! I love mountains very much! Mountains of the Caucasus are the most accessible travel for me now.
I still have some stories for the WEEKEND community about our Caucasian mountains!
This is very interesting!
There's so many in this situation and here...Well it's not that bad but is getting far worse. I fear that in time to come things will be very terrible here. Already financial pressure is forcing the crime rate up. At my age, 51, I sort of feel glad I won't be around to see the decline. I wish you could travel as you would like to.
Thank you for your good wishes, Galen.
I’ll tell you. I’ve loved Australia since I was a kid)
I read books about kangaroos, platypus...
I may have idealized your continent a little bit. But I still think your Australia is a beautiful country!
It is a pity that Australia is as troubled and troubled as the rest of the world...
It is a beautiful and brutal country, much like Russia can be I think. I think you would like it a lot. I hope to get to yours one day also.
And I hope so!
Postal boat around Norway through the fjords Source totally opposite to life as I know it, then trains.
Perhaps an ideal life is hopping cruise liners, once heard a pensioner say best way to live, doctors are on board, food is made, scenery slowly passes the porthole, tax free shops... now to find money for those tickets⁉️
Yep, yep and yep. I believe you saffers say yip?
No quite, ja ja!
But yep, yep, yip could be awesome, Mom did this trip x2 on her own, great escape.
I have a problem and a question...
Why is that the ladies I do fall in love with doesn't alway love me and the ones that are interested in me are not the ones I want...? 😔😔
Love is a fickle thing and sometimes people give it but it's not returned or do not wish to accept it from those who offer it. That's part of being human.
If you're not finding a connection that works for you then all of those people are not the one for you. The love you are looking for, in my opinion, comes effortlessly, unbidden and sometimes unexpectedly.
Love is like the ocean. Sometimes it crashes upon a person like a huge wave crashing upon the shore, and sometimes it's more gentle, rising like the tide to wash over a person...We have to be the person to accept that love though, be open to it, to nurture it and allow ourselves to fit into it.
Maybe you need to delve inside and find out who you really are, determine what you project outwardly and also define what it is that's truly important in a partner. Maybe you're mixing in the wrong circles and the people around you are not seeing you clearly. I'm not sure...But what I know is that love is many things, the least of which is seen with the eyes.
Beauty comes from inside a person and works it's way outward. The elements of love are complicated but once found one feels different and in truth one is different from that point. Love is giving of oneself more than taking.
Smile from the inside and the right person will see. They will see right through you...And you'll be willing to submit to their gaze.
Good luck.
G-dog is also a love doctor, witch doctor and all-seeing. Maybe he uses his sunglasses because he sacrificed an eye to the Well of Knowledge. Just like ol' Odin. Is that your secret?
You may have hit on one of my biggest secrets here. You're smart.
And still haven't taken my sacrifice to the well. It wasn't that hard to connect the dots.
And pointing out the double you...Which has now been edited out. Lol.
Yes...But typos and stuff like that don't match me character very well. I wouldn't have been able to sleep tonight if I didn't fix it. I'm a froot loop.
Nice topic! So mr. Oracle.... imagine you had a final day to spend on earth and you could do anything you liked: what would that day look like for you?
Giveaway and Bonanza would overflow people's account.
I imagine it it would look like.
Sci-fi changing lives
Hahaha I wonder if I would want to spend my last day organizing give aways...
That's the best way to say goodbye to planet Earth.
You came empty hands and you'll go empty hands
Good questsh!
I'd want to be on top of a mountain, a verdant valley far below, blue skies above and a temperature cool enough that the sunlights warmth was welcome. I'd be on a ledge, some snacks and drinks with me, a good book and some of my favourite music. Most important would be Supergirl beside me.
We'd spend the day there, watch an eagle soar, chat, laugh and cry probably.
Then we'd go back down to our cabin beside the small lake nestled between the mountains where flowers and lush green things grew where the occasional splash from fish in the lake and the singing of the birds broke the silence. We would just be in those final moments, together, and I'd utter my last words that I hoped would stay with her for the rest of her life and cause her to think of me fondly. And, I guess...In the morning I'd be gone.
And now my question to you:
Give me five words that could be used to described your ideal partner.
Man that sounds like a pretty amazing final day!
Ah five words for my ideal partner: adventurous, caring, funny, loyal and social are the words I would go for. And they pretty accurately describe my partner as well haha so well done me!
Yay, you came up with five words. I knew you would actually, it was too easy a question for the likes of you! 😁
Four Legged Fun Furry Friend...

Haha! I'll pay this.
Gotcha going....
wow how fast the weekend has come... to be here again, it pleases me.
My question for you, is how do you keep a happy and relaxed mood in your day to day life?
another one, how do you stay active on hive on a daily basis? i have a hard time.....
Two questions? OK, I'm up for it.
I'm not always happy and relaxed. Sometimes exactly the opposite in fact. However, I am good at seeing perspective so tend to determine how a thing effects me, mood or attitude, and whether I want to allow it. If I don't allow it then I box it up to deal with later. I use positive thoughts to push down the negative...But never ignore the negative, rather, I deal with it...Just at the right time, when I'm most able. I also remember the WHY, that is, why I want to or need to feel a certain why and if it's compelling enough I make it happen.
I stay active here through sheer hard work. I am a quick thinker and am able to frame thoughts into words quite well which helps, but largely it's just good old-fashioned hard work that keeps me consistent. I will also say though, that it's important for me to have fun, feel like I'm enjoying what I do and if I do so then the work seems less work and more enjoyment.
My question to you...
If you could be any hive user other than yourself who would it be and why?
Many are active here, more active than me. I'm just a dude who writes some stuff, answers some people and reads some post. Nothing and nobody special. Others take that accolade.
Lol, yeah...Ask the G-dog...But expect something titillating in return.
P.s. This is my first blockchain use of the word titillating. #milestonemoment
Slaying is my thing...
And now...I've been delaying this to allow you time to train, up-skill and prepare for...My question to you.
What advice would you give the 19 year old you if you had only 50 words available.
Aaaand go!
You don’t have to fight every battle. Sometimes you can be just as well served by walking away.
Nobody gets to grind you down. Not now, not ever. You aren’t just good enough, you are just damn good. And don’t forget to have some fun along the way. ‘Nuff said.
That's 50
what is your favorite kind of rifle?
Good one!
We can't really have automatic rifles here so I'm going to say my bolt action long range gun. I'm a long range shooter at heart and whilst I shoot all sorts of shooting there's nothing like banging away on a long gun.
I have a 6.5mm Creedmoor that I use for long range and I love it, not just for the performance of the gun itself, but the way I work with it. It's like an extension of myself - I guess that comes from using it so much. This is a joy to shoot and I've made shots out to great distances, repeatedly.
There are other rifles I like, and of course a rifle needs to be matched to the mission, but this is the answer to your question.
Thanks for asking the Oracle...Do you have a favourite weapon-system?
A 760 Remington, chambered 30-.06 please. Most versatile rifle I can imagine. Everything in North America can be legitimately gotten with that rifle.
A 760 Remington, chambered 30-.06 please. Most versatile rifle I can imagine. Everything in North America can be legitimately gotten with that rifle.
What's your secret to aging like a bottle of top shelf port?
Firstly thank you for the compliment.
Sleeping a lot has been a big help, the fact I don't smoke, do drugs and drink alcohol sparingly has also been a factor. From an internal perspective...A sense of humour and fun has been a big part of it...Having morals, standards and ethics, being the me I want to be, the best version of me as often as I can, and having courtesy and respect for those who deserve it, has helped me develop into who I am...I'm not the best person ever, never will be...But I'm ok being me. Probably not a great answer.
And my question in return:
You remember that big page we did with all those predictions on it? I have wondered how close we all got in reality.
Yeah, that all sounds really difficult. I think I'll just continue aging like milk :)
I unearthed that page and took it to a couple of meetups.
A lot of old names, just made me miss people. We were all hopelessly optimistic, no surprises there. Or maybe we were just a few years early :)
Haha yeah, or a tub of prawns in the sun. Same result.
Where can I find a list accounts with the most comments/highest engagement levels?
Hmm, I'm not sure one exists to be honest. I've never really worried much about finding accounts like that, I have a different ethos:
The Oracle says: Don't worry about accounts that have the highest engagement levels, be a user that has the highest engagement levels.
Thank you great one. Your response is pretty much what I expected. Lol 😂 I'm not sure I can do what the oracle suggests as the Oracle seems to already be the best at engagement.
I'm not the best, just the best version of myself. You can be so also you know. 😃
That's why I'm here bro. Reaffirming your awesomeness is the best version of myself. Lol 😆 I think 800-1000 comments for the weekend is in the cards though. Or have your crossed that hurdle already?
Hmm, 1000+ on last week's topic.
😯 There goes that idea. You’ve got Skills. Been there done that. Next goal @bearmol. Lol. Again congratulations bro. Well done. Keep going.
Thanks for the immunity!
I've often wondered how much time do you spend on HIVE as you're one of the super active members of the blockchain and something many members aspire to be.
Something about me — I don't like Hemingway at all.
How long do I spend on hive? All up probably 6-8 hours a day either commenting or writing posts. Some days more. A lot is an easier way to answer.
Hemingway? Is there a reason why you do not like him?
I see! That's a considerable amount of time indeed. And clearly, you enjoy doing so.
Hemingway seems too colloquial and mundane to be considered a great author IMO. I really don't find his prose or his stories anything special.
We all like different t things I guess and whilst there's many out there who like a particular thing it doesn't mean others have to. I'm sure you're not the only one who doesn't like Hemingway. On the other hand, there people who don't read into things as deeply as others so just accept things for what they are.
Who is your favourite writer?
Hi, sorry for the delay. In all honesty, I'm quite a newbie in the literature scene. But so far I've read, I've become fond of Joseph Conrad, Albert Camus, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Ursula K. Leguin, and Leo Tolstoy. I enjoy Herman Melville as well but I often get lost in his magnanimous prose. But if I'm to pick a single one, I'd probably stick with Albert Camus as he influenced me much on a personal level.
No apology needed. It's good that you can quote so many as I've asked the same thing and get a single response. Variety is the spice of life right?
Absolutely! And there's so much to take in! I'm glad to be alive in the 21st century when these things are more accessible to people than ever.
Now I understand why you can reply to each person's comment so enthusiastically. I used to think you must have some assistants.
No assistants...My replies are all me, as are my posts. Just time, a lot of time.
Wow, that's a lot of work. You're a superman, man.
I'm an efficient sort of chap and manage to get a lot done in a little time. Sometimes I even sleep. :)
You remind me of actor Jim Carrey in the movie Bruce Almighty. I don't know if you've seen that movie.
If you could have a drinking session with 5 people living or dead, who would you choose and why?
You can drink beer, whiskey, tea, coffee, water, whatever you want.
Good question:
Grandfather on my mum's side: I never got enough time with him and he lived a life that I could have learned so much from. He was truly a special man. I have many of his traits, but wish I had more of his wisdom.
Jocko Willink: Navy SEAL, commander Task Force Bruiser, Battle of Ramadi. This man knows how to lead and how to take ownership. I listen to his podcasts but would like to ask him some questions directly. He's a legit dude.
My niece @smallsteps: Although she's only five so we'd have to drink cranberry juice. Why? Because I love her and miss her so much.
Monica Bellucci: The reasons are obvious.
The Rock: His is a pretty legit story of triumph over adversity and I think he'dhave some pretty cool stories and I'dlearn a lot.
So, maybe this group would not all drink with me at the same session, but these are five I'd like to spend some time with.
Now my question in return:
If you came across a vehicle accident with a car on fire and two children trapped in the car, twins, boy and girl, and you could only save one would you choose the boy or girl and why?
Wow, that's some question you threw back there!
I really like your choice of 5 people, a great mix of alive and dead, young and old. That would be quite the tea, beer and cranberry session!
Now back to your question, to be honest, I wouldn't differentiate one sex from the other in this scenario, it would be a case of which of them was closest to me and easiest to quickly get to safety and then quickly back for the other kid.
That's probably a bit of a cop out though on the root of the question you have asked, so I'll delve a little deeper and say I'd save the little girl. Having lost my own daughter 7 years ago, saving a little girl may be that tiny little bit more special in a strange hypothetical way.
I'm sorry, I didn't know you lost your daughter. I feel insensitive now.
It's a terrible question but...In reality this sort of thing happens I guess, the need for decisions like this. It's unpleasant but it happens. You answered as I would probably have answered...But one would probably love with the trauma/guilt/remorse for the rest of one's life. I shouldn't have asked such a brutal question. Sorry.
Not at all @galenkp, it was not insensitive. It was a very thought provoking question actually. No need to apologise my friend. I really enjoyed reading down through your questions and answers actually. You have a broad and interesting mindset.
Thanks for the kind words though, but honestly, no need to be sorry.
Peace out bro.
Thanks mate. Offending people happens, but I try not to. I think differently than some, a byproduct of aspects of my life I guess. Sometimes people don't get it. I think you do though.
Thanks for saying so.
No bother man. I think we're cut from the same bark.
@ablaze i love the honesty on such a devastating moment in your life, and thats the beauty of hive aswell, the fact we all overcome and experience things and share them among one another. I know your daughter is with you
Thanks a million for the kind words @brittandjosie. Her anniversary was last week and we saw some signs that she is indeed nearby watching over our family. Hive is funny like that, I share things I wouldn't normally share - i think it's the kindness of the community and lack of trolls and the like.
Questions? Well, it can not be safe for those who ask 😅
Do you remember me? It has been a while since my last weekend-engagement topic... :/
Have you had a piano piece you dreamed about learning it but never did?
If yes, which one?
I remember you for sure.
Hmm, not one I dreamed of learning but one I want to learn is Jigsaw Heart, by Keywest. Just a nice song.
Now, a question back:
If you could move to any country other than your own, where and why that country?
I actually moved to Spain a decade ago. I am a Hungarian, born in Serbia, wanted to move to New Zealand but living in Spain 🤣
Cool, right? 🤣
Not excluded a new country one day, it is exciting to be able to speak as many languages and meet new people and customs.
New Zealand is a very cool place...I'd like to move there too.
The general image of New Zealand: Beautiful green 💚 with earthquakes 😅
North Island has some yeah. OK, south too.
Does Australia have many of them (earthquakes?)
Country where common sense prevails! Not sure there is one out there... so an island would do fine, no politics, taxes and mayhem. Somewhere you could go without looking over your shoulder constantly. New Zealand sounds a good option 🙂it's an island, sure not every requirement... grass is always greener on the other side
Not Australia that's for sure!
Yep I agree.
Could find a decent spot down there, both sons looking to set sail.... Can't blame them ❗️
Yeah, loads of Saffers here. I don't mind They are often much like Aussies.
Know how to hand it out and take it....
Many families we knos have moved over,
Next time you look it will be half and half 🤣
Common sense is pretty damn uncommon these days. I've got no answers at all, but my brother just bought a place in Costa Rica.
A country with no standing army. Not sure if that is common sense or exactly the opposite.
I think common sense flew out the window, both my sons are looking to get to NZ, will have to rethink a strategic next move for oldies, but where or when how knows?
Crazy world we live in... Shudder to think what older generation thinks after fighting wars, for what?
@galenkp Hi Bro, maybe my question is a bit different but I am curious to know at what age you started writing for online sites? And if you don't mind me asking, what was the first site you write your first article on??? As far I am concerned I did a post on one Israeli website "Trioned" back in 2006. The site was closed in 2012. Incidentally, I received my first ever PayPal payment of $5 after 3-4 days of my joining. Thank you!
I started writing on the internet June 2017 on hive's forerunner, steem. Before then I only wrote for my own enjoyment and no one got to see it, nor will they...Until I'm dead and gone I guess.
I'm not very digital, more analogue really...I'm also not one to enjoy social media and so hive is it...One day I'll just stop writing and that will be that...Although I'll never stop writing altogether.
I've not heard of that site you mentioned...It's good getting a little monetary reward for effort though right?
My question back to you...
What is the best country, or city, you've travelled to and why did you like it so much?
You must be talking about your WILL which people get to see after you're gone 🤗
Now that's a difficult question?
I liked Kathmandu which was the first city I ever visited out of my own country. I liked that. But when I visited Moscow next, I liked that more than Kathmandu. I have visited 16 countries so far (I am in a job that gives me an opportunity to travel). There is a long list of cities that I could have mentioned including Canberra and Sydney but there is no city better than Lucknow where I lived for the first 16 years of my life. I love that city although I haven't visited Lucknow for almost 13 years now.
Kathmandu would be interesting to see I think. I hope to do so one day. Moscow too in fact. Seems like you've travelled a lot - It's a great condition to be in.
That's right, I chose to be in marketing for this very purpose. I could have settled in a 9-6 job in production but I wanted to see the world. I have a long list of places but heck with this pandemic. Thanks, bro, yes, Kathmandu is a nice place to stay in for a week or so.
Yes, yes, yes!!
Come to Russia now!
Lol...Covid-19 says no.
Hi dear if they can come can i come and meet you aswell hahahah
That’s the way it is!
We don’t have to fear the damn virus!
There are so many questions...
My page is hanging and the translator can't cope!😀
Poor Galen is...😍
I’m not asking you anything!
I’ll just say.
Galen, be happy and healthy! Enjoy your life!☀️ We all love you!❤️
I see you posting a lot about walking and getting out in nature - and also that you love animals. But there is no dog???
I lost my last dog many years ago,a big bad rottweiler called Benson. He was a softy with me but was a bit of a beast to be honest. I had to have him out down as he developed cancer in his rear legs. (hips). It's been cats ever since I guess. I don't mind dogs though and may get another. Not as big though.
Sorry to hear that :(
I was reading a book (by Gary Paulsen I believe) about dogs, and his Josh sounds incredible! I've never had a border collie, but the description of them is making me consider it in the future.
As kids we had border collies...Great dogs...Need room though, loads of exercise.
That shouldn't be ann issue for you, as long as you keep going to the beach :)
I have loads of room over the road in the recreation park too, but a border collie isn't on the horizon just yet. Who knows what the future holds.
There are so many dogs of every breed in need of a good home. I hope you find the perfect match :)
Oracle. Here is Africa, Oracle is used for divination.
The Oracle.Wow ❗ Here we go again. It's another weekend for #weekendengagement. Let's say I am here for divination @galenkp
I would like to know you favorite sport activity.
I'm a shooter mate, long range sharp shooting and hand guns. That's what I do now mostly...But I hike more than I shoot. So hiking and shooting is how I'd answer.
What about you, what's your sport?
Football all the way. I love soccer a lot. From when I was in college, I had played football for my house during the inter-house sports.
Being a shooter, have you ever worked with the military? Or you go hunter birds with your gun in the wild?
Soccer is not a game I ever really played with much conviction but I know how popular it is around the world. A good sport, skillful. I hunt a lot yes, not birds though, other ground-based things. I've written about it many times actually.
Thàt's very much like me. I do hunt bush rodents, porcupines, grasscutters but without a gun. I rather would go on a pursuit with my hunting dogs or set traps.
On my maize farm, I would set traps for birds, weaver birds are quite expensive here. So, I would sell them off.
So that Oracle can help you with possible winnings and draws.
You don't mean it?
Before I ask a question, I have to say that I'm thoroughly enjoying these weekend-engagement topics. What a great initiative. I found myself, yesterday, wandering around Hive, waiting for this post to come out!!
So, now, to my question:
As a fellow Radelaidian, if you were forced to move from our fair city, where would you go?
Thanks, it's good to have you around.
Hmm, this is a good question but hard to answer because the Oracle has so many placed he'd like to be and it all depends on circumstance.
I'm going to say Hobart, but about 20 minutes out of it in a more country-type area. I'm a country lad and prefer less people around, fresh air, open spaces and all. But I like the Tilba area in NSW also and I like Glen Innes in NSW also. Also...Coolum Beach QLD...There's so many places I guess, for so many reasons.
I'm going to say Hobart though for the sake of giving a single answer.
My question back...
If you had to perform one single act of kindness, that involved no money, what would it be and who would the recipient be. And why?
I don't know a great deal about Tassie, but I'd probably like it there too. I have an old student of mine who is playing for their new NBL team, the JackJumpers, so I'd be happy to be able to support him. Plus, I get the ideal of having space.
A single act of kindness, hey? Umm, without money, you say?
I'd let as many adoptees as possible know that it wasn't their fault and that they are wanted. Not abandoned. So many feel as if it was their fault and that they are not wanted by anyone, which is not true. They may not believe me, but I'd very much like to let them know, and I'd hope that it is an act of kindness.
The recipient? All adoptees who feel as if they are trash that has been thrown away.
Why? Life is precious. There's too much sadness in the world and no one should feel as if they are unwanted.
I thought you'd say that.
What recent event challenged you this week and how did you respond to it?
The Fall of Kabul to the Taliban. It made me question (again) whether anyone reads history, whether anyone seriously reads anymore, whether politicians even expect to be held accountable anymore and wtf that it's mostly old news just 3 days later with news articles almost praising the Taliban for their new open mindset. Urgh. I'm observing, pondering, gonna share a collection of good Hive posts about it later...
And pondering some more.
I am looking forward to checking out your posts! My YouTube feed has been filled with a lot of news about the situation and I fact check them across multiple sources. The comments are heavily divided between people.
I saw a comment about this on youtube and one response was the following: with money, power and connections, people are getting away with things they should not be getting away with.
Thank you for responding btw! Glad to hear your perspective about it and all the best with your posts.
Hi Martine well the news about all the people wanting to leave and escape the violence lying ahead and seeingthe parents giving their sweet small babies and children to the soldiers on the airstrip made me cry. as a mum as a human and as a history and news addict. The fact that there are wars is almost normal while that new normal is so abnormal it hurts.
History is still a piece two times a week with a history book here in school and i hope it will stay that way
May we never forget @artemislives
Always history is written by those with the means and luxury to write and publish, by the victors, and often by the oppressors. Perhaps for the FIRST TIME in global history, we have the luxury of the beginnings of not only of citizen journalism but citizen history.
Do you know if there is an active History community on Hive??
Prayers for those brave Afghani parents and the futures of those little ones given so trustingly. Yes, absolutely heartbreaking. We see it here too - had a boy here in my house yesterday - from Kachin State on the northern Burmese border. He has been raised here in Chiang Mai these last 4 years while his parents fight for independence against both the Chinese and the Burmese. His father was murdered last Monday. Aged 46. It goes on.
Best regards from Chiang Mai. Marike. 😊
Good one!
I recently handed my 4 weeks notice of resignation to my employer and am on the market. This week I phone-interviewed for the first time in many years. The woman called when I was stuck in peak-hour traffic, in my car obviously, and I was reluctant to delay the interview so I did it. It was a great challenge to do the interview correctly plus negotiate the traffic and all. I wasn't able to pull over safely so ploughed on with the call and the traffic.
I hope to kame it to the face-to-face round but we'll see. It was a challenge though.
So here's my return question...
Can you name a thing that would most challenge you in life and explain why?
Oh wow that is a tough situation to be in! I had the same issue 2 years ago when I was waiting at a bus stop and it was near a very busy main road. I suddenly got a call and I tried to do the phone interview but the noise was too loud for them 😅. Thankfully they called back although I was afraid they may not be so understanding... It can be quite dangerous on a busy road because there can be annoyed people sitting in their car and sometimes troubles arrive from having a short fuse
Congratulations on getting your interview through despite the circumstances!
Now for your qs:
Lately, it has been patience. I am surprised that I was more patient when I was younger compared to now. In a way, having less patience has been slightly problematic because it can make a person more prone to taking short cuts which may or may not work.
Finding patience van be difficult especially in a world/society where everything happens so quickly and in which everything is so accessible. It's a good trait to have though and one we should all foster.
Yup it is a fast paced and changing world. Sometimes people's expectations quicken as well but it is important to still remain patient in the midst of it all.
I agree...Not always easy though, speaking from personal experience.
The Oracle says yes, the future is definitely revealed to him in various and diverse ways most probably.
The ocean you shall see. You shall feel the ebb and flow of salty waters upon your bare legs, taste the salty breeze on your tongue and get sand in places you didn't even know you bloody had.
And they say men can't multi-task.
For sure. You ought to see me on the couch watching TV, eating corn chips and donuts. #multitaskgenius
I did the graffiti contest and had fun but i am far from an artists hahhahah @moon-city
Hehehhe same page again Nine 🤣
looking so cute Mr galenkp🌺❤
which is your favourite food..?
All Italian food is probably my favourite. No, I like Mexican the best. Or Thai food. Hmm, I like hot dogs, donuts and cheesecake and burgers...Hmm nah, I'm going to say Indian food. no, fish and chips...
Nope...I'll stick with Italian food. #likeallfood
My question to you is...
If you had to eat your last meal ever, what would it be?
Aah Your food selection! I love to know about your favorite dishes and all are the best.🌺❤
And my last food will be beryani. I love to eat beryani😁🌺
Individual dishes?
OK...Here goes:
Burritos, beef or chicken.
Butter chicken, vegetable korma and basmati rice
Any pizza
Baked potato, heavily buttered, topped with tuna mornay
Mashed potato and baked vegetables
Fish and chips
Toasted cheese sandwiches
Fish fingers on toast topped with tomato sauce (ketchup)
Thai cashew nut chicken with jasmine rice
Cheesecake (baked)
Devonshire teas
Spaghetti marinara
Croissants sweet or savoury
Steak occasionally
I can go on forever here. Lol.
Sorry for late given that my power is very😕 low..wow! you like many dishes, and really all are delicious and tasty.❤🌺
All good, no hurry, I'm around all weekend.
What is baked cheesecake, isnt it always baked?
Not legit without bacon in the first 3 entries. Just sayin'.
Bacon is life.
That list isn't even 5% complete. There's not enough time in the day to list all the foods.
Checkout our beans and pickles and recycling haha..
We are trying to bridge the beans over the walk way and we have so many pickles..
One of those pickles looks like one of those g-spot vibrators. Probably nowhere for the batteries to go though.
The best pickle I ever had was in New York. Fair dinkum, it was top notch. I've never tasted one better since. They're probably like that across America, but I had this one in NY.
Oh yeah. Me too! A cheeseburger, pickle on the side and a root beer. The holy trinity. I'd never (and have never since) tasted three things that melded so well together. It was magic.
I don't think I ever did onion rings in NY, but I do get them as often as possible. Just not the same though!
What a great opener referring yourself as an Oracle. I see you as a wise man, as I have read many of your posts full of wisdom on the traits of behaviour and skilful managing of staff who have needed help with their personal development of inner awareness of skills etc. Helping others to recognise what they need to do, then to assist them to make the choices to make constructive progress takes patience, skill and inner wisdom. So maybe you could have been a sage in previous lifetimes, I believe we bring in our personalities from one lifetime to another. But, that is definitely off the topic and a conversation for another time. Regards and happy weekend🌞Hahaha, what a lot of fun @galenkp, I like your imagination, organising ability, sense of fun and your drive.
I'm just a knucklehead who manages to string some thoughts together and put them on a page in a way that sometimes makes sense. But I really appreciate your kind words and thought in my possible sage-status on a past life. It is highly possible as I've been many things before.
Have a nice weekend.
Along with the rest of us, it would so enlightening to know what. Oh well, a clean slate every life!
A clean slate can be a good thing although I wish I knew everything I'd ever learned right this second. I think I could do some good with that knowledge.
Damn! This is a hawt topic and I'm coming late because of internet issue. So here goes my question.
Might Aussie, fortune-teller, all-seeing, wise-dog, G-dog, foretell for me what might happen in the future between @nineclaws and me!
I tried to make it sound epic, but it's kinda of silly, but it is better! 🤣
The Oracle sees a connection of minds linked by mutual love...Of artistic endeavours. This is as it should be as humans should connect and what better way than through creativity.
Oh, my... @nineclaws, would you look at this? The Oracle has spoken. And this looks sweet. 😄
The Oracle knows all.
The Oracle is the OG-dog!
Does the Oracle know I'd get out of this country?
My, my, my... peaches and hot sauce and she makes it. This one here is winning me over.
I love cooking too. I'd like to do a bit more but mom likes to do stuff her way. But at least I can bake from time to time to keep my abilities fresh.
Food is the way to my heart! 😘💕
I see. That's why the comments are going on and on. I haven't seen a post with as many as this one. Getting no sleep because of this topic is totally legit.
Hey, I needed to start strong after all this hours without internet.
Rolls the drums
Of course, it is an important thing. I also find it funny you were hurrying when it started. Now, I know why.
Plays more and more to keep you entertained
It was but then the internet went AOL.
Starts playing faster and with more divisions in rhythm. Grins and watches tenderly.
Ok simple gun or rifle, hollow or solid ?
I'm not sure I understand the question to be honest.
Do you mean, do I like handguns or rifles best?
Best Question so far @brittandjosie
Of course I have not been able to read them all... Has anyone?
How does the Oracle do it? Does He read every comment and reply.
He must be...
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I'm happy to read it, a new topic has returned to the community over the weekend, I haven't traveled myself this week, the rainy season continues to pour in my city at this time, the days are often spent at home :)
Days at home can be enjoyable.
Not at all, I would love to walk and take a vacation.
But when you are home you do so much curating and amazing things for amazing nature that we say thank you @tinta-tertuang
, but adalger doesn't trust me anymore.Appreciated that @brittandjosie :)
Dam it's Friday again? That was fast!
Comes around fast huh? Thankfully.
In my 7 days a week Thai solo mama entrepreneurial world where weekends are a white luxury and most days look much the same, you are like an alarm clock that reminds me that at least there is no online school tomorrow. 😆 Nice.
Well, finally someone finds a use for me!
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@nineclaws - How many total comments did you make on this post in the last 3 hours?
I'm allowed to ask any question and when looking through the comments the question that kept nagging me was...
How can there be so many green comments on one post in only 3 hours?
I love green. ♥ !LUV
@nineclaws, you've been given LUV from @mineopoly.
Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (6/10)
What is the best way to recharge your energy on the weekend?
And its sooooooo true
I warned you , the addiction will come and kick but , i know i am in the same position
Oh Man..!
I got 20 of em.
And YOU gotta answer each and every one, honest and sincere...
No B.S.
Now I just gotta deliver this load, get home, and figure out how to ask them without a shit ton of Giphy action.
But for now, here is a random hotdogger for @gvkanten
Twenty huh? I'll most definitely, probably answer with clarity, honesty and sincerity.
I see You as more of a Neo, than an Oracle...
Juss' Sayin'...
Lol...The Oracle says, there are many different oracles.
If you dont discover this platform. Where do you think you are and what did you do?😊
Good question.
I'm not a social media guy, just hive. I'd still be writing but no one would see it. For social interaction...Well, maybe I'd be more involved with volunteer work. I do some with veterans but figure if I wasn't engaged on hive I'd do more of that.
A question for you:
What job would you do if you had the ability to do anything at all and why?
Nice, voluntarism is one of the fulfilling work I've know.😊
If I had the ability do anything at all, If we put it in the current situation of the world, I will create antidote of this Virus that make us vulnerable.
Finding a solution to the virus would be a good way to spend ones time for certain.
By design; caterpillars for eyebrows, perhaps we did evolve... just saying, perhaps you know!
or perhaps we just landed... Not so sure, we don't appear to live balanced life with nature?
Well, if we evolved...My eyebrows evolved from two caterpillars. That I know. 😉
Take off!
Other ways and means of accomplishing this....
More my style!
A dress with rockets underneath it seems like a totally legit piece of apparel.
We Gotta get outa this place, if this is the last thing we ever do....
Ok legit!
Who of these two is galen ?
Asking for a friend hahahahahHi @joanstewart goodmorning dear, can I ask,
Galen always No. 1 🐛🏆
Okay, this is really interesting. I'm really curious to know how many guns you have and what are they used for?
Hmm, ok. Not something I'll answer accurately here but I can give you an area.
Less than 35 is the number... I use them for competitive shooting, hunting, culling and for the sheer enjoyment of shooting them. I've been working on reducing the number over the last few years and never buy a gun just for the sake of it - all have a practical use if required.
I have all types of firearms including rifles, shotguns and handguns although the shotguns don't get much use as I don't really enjoy them as much as the others.
My question to you:
If you could have any car in the world what would you choose and why?
Thank you for answering me. Guns are not common in our country, so I am quite curious about them. Regarding your question, if I could have any car in the world, I would choose a mobile home, something as small as a van is okay. Because me and my wife often travel by motorbike. But she often gets tired for long distances and we can't bring our dogs with us either.
That's a great answer...A mobile home would mean you could travel around and see stuff and have somewhere to sleep at night wherever you decided to stop! Great plan.
Yeah I can drive to someone's place and say "welcome to my home".😁
May I suggest that the guns are used for eat hunting.
That’s a nice switch up for the week!
What is your favorite memory of your dad? I know he unfortunately passed away last year (or was it the year before?) but I am liking the silver community so I thought I would go with that theme!
My dad passed away in July 2020, so last year. The most enduring memory of my dad is the stories he'd make up at night to tell when I was in bed. I guess bedtime stories are supposed to be soothing but he never seemed to grasp the concept! He'd weave stories of adventure and excitement and I'd be so amped I'd struggle to get to sleep. Looking back it's funny...He was a bit of a knucklehead like me to be honest...He didn't seem to care though, he just did his thing and so do I.
My question in return:
If little E-dog wanted to join the military where would you prefer to see him serve and why?
Sounds like something I might eventually do with the little man. The songs are getting old, I don’t know when he will grow out of them and ask for something different lol.
Ah the military… normally I would be supportive of that but lately I’m not so sure. They are the experimental group when there are things that are developing and I really hate that. If that weren’t the case though, I would say the Navy. We have a long family history of men being in the Navy, maybe that’s why they are still alive versus the guys that were in the marines or the army sadly. The Navy is a good way to go though, working on giant ships I think he would love. Plus the ocean, getting to travel around and be near danger but not necessarily be that close to it. Since he’s our only one though, I’m not too keen on that type of stuff. Selfish of us but we want him to live long enough so we can get grandkids! Might seem weird to think of it now but I hope to convince him to have several kids lol.
Navy is a good choice. One of my friends sailed this week...Can't say too much but I'll see her again in six months.
I didn't think you'd be keen on it, that's why I asked that question. No point asking things that are within a persons comfort zone.
I agree with you on this one, the military these days (especially in my country) is just not the same. My great grandfather and grandfather were in the wars and one of them got a commendation for bravery and a heroic act. I keep a copy of it in my scrapbook with a picture of him to remember my original heritage, when my family line was fierce, my mom probably got that trait from them!
I originally wanted to become an aircraft mechanic as I didn't cut it for a pilot (the fast ones that break the sound barrier), went to a technical school to pursue that, but after the Arms Deal here happened, I couldn't do it and know I'd be a part of that corruption.
Now I just enjoy them at a distance, because a girl can still dream you know?
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Have you been to Kangaroo Island?
I have yes, it lies just off the mainland and is contained within my State, South Australia. It is a really nice place with loads of good places to stay or camping spots, Kelly Caves (stalactites and stalagmites), Remarkable Rocks, Chase National Park, great food options (seafoody ones the speciality) and a lot to take in, fauna and flora. I was only thinking a return must happen. I could fly, which is what I did last time, or take my 4x4 on the ferry. Sealink. It's a nice spot.
My question back:
Where would you travel if you had $50,000 and there was no pandemic...And why?
I have two dream vacations:
Australia: so many things/places I want to see there. Sydney, Kangaroo Island, Australia zoo...
Alaska: I would love to take an Alaskan cruise, visit several places there and then take the train back down to the Main USA. My old boss took this and had such amazing pictures and stories.
I would have a hard time making the choice.
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You'd need a couple years in Australia to do it well. I think y'all would love it.
Alaska...What can I say...Just yup, I'm with you there.
@galenkp which childhood memory of yours is your favorite?😃
@galenkp what a special gift indeed, siblings are the best company in this life.
I can't narrow it down to one favourite moment as I've lived a lifetime full of them. I remember the day my younger brother @tarazkp was born though...It was my birthday and I was nine. I recall being handed the little fellow and feeling like I was the luckiest boy on the planet to have a this little dude as my birthday present.
What about you? Have you got a fond memory that stands out in your mind?
Awww that is so sweet! @tarazkp I think you are very lucky to have such a brother.
With me, a new baby only aroused jealousy. Mother says that when my younger sister was born, I was angry and jealous and I said I would bury her alive in the gutter in front of the house. So the first 2 years after that they never let me alone with the baby. Unfortunately my sister and I, we are still not fond of each other, but as adults we try to tolerate each other 🤣(and I am not so violent anymore 😆.)
I don't really have any fun childhood memories myself, because I grew up in a family with domestic violence. I think my best memory is from when I was 8. I had a friend who would come on her bike, I would climb on the carrier and she would cycle through the streets of the neighborhood. We'd climb neighboring trees to pick fruit and then find places to picnic with fruit. The neighbors of that time were more tolerant than now, because they never chased us away.😅
Remind me never to make you angry at me.
I'm sorry your childhood home situation wasn't very good. I guess a positive that cold come from it is that you know what not to do. I'm glad you found a childhood friend to spend some happy moments with.
Thank you.💚Whuahahaha @galenkp don't worry about that 🤣 I've become this total non violent person now.🤣
I feel safer now.