I tend to feel a little awkward and self-conscious when people make a big deal any sort of deal of my birthday or give me things as gifts. I'm always grateful of course, but it feels odd to me, makes me feel anxious, and so I tend to remain quiet about my birthday.
you picking them in fact!Having said that a couple weeks ago was the anniversary date of me starting on hive, I turned four and am now into my fifth year...I didn't get [or want] any presents though but it made me think. Thinking is good when I need #weekend-engagement topics and so welcome to the topic for week 55, a week about gifts,
have some fun - But only if you want to.Here at the #weekend-engagement topic you respond to the question below in the comments and stay around to engage with others - It's about engagement and building relationships so get involved, engaged and
On Monday 28th June I'll transfer hive to some who engage below, just for your commenting. It's not a competition, just a chance to interact with a few other hivers, get yourself onto their radar, build better relationships and your account along the way.
Weekend-engagement topic week 55

Your choice of gifts
Option one:
In the comments below tell us about the gift you would choose for yourself if you could choose anything in the world at all then explain your answer and leave an image if you like.
Option two:
In the comments below tell us which hive-user you would choose to send a gift to, anything at all, and also explain your answer and add an image if you wish.
Option three:
Do both option one and two.
Feel free to drop a photo of your chosen gift and don't forget to explain your choice. It can be anything at all so your choices are completely unlimited.
Read this bit so you know what to do. ⬆️
My choice for my own gift
I'm a Casio G-Shock watch guy, the triple sensor versions to be more specific. I currently wear the G-Shock Rangeman green master solar which I've had for several years and has taken a beating and just keeps performing. It's working perfectly and does not need replacing however I'd feel pretty happy with the Mudmaster GWG-1000-1A3 on my wrist. Solar, time calibration-reception, compass, altimeter, barometer, thermometer and so on...It even tells the time. Do I need it? Nope. Do I want it? You bet your ass I do.

My choice for a hive-user's gift
I'm choosing @bertrayo for this gift; This is not to say there are not many others I would like to gift something to because there is, but I have to choose one and Andrés is it. He seems like a decent chap, positive mostly and proactive - With the right opportunity I think he could do great things so I want to give it to him [albeit virtually].
Bunnings Warehouse to get all his tools. From there he's on his own, but he better invite me over for a BBQ from time to time!My gift to @bertrayo is citizenship in Australia for him and a person of his choice, a house to live in with a workshop behind for his cuatro-making endeavours and a voucher for
That's the topic y'all and you have until Sunday night your time to get your response into the comments below. I hope you'll engage and stay around to get friendly with some of the others who participate as it'll be good to see you around over the weekend.
Have a great weekend and don't forget to drop your weekend-related content into THE WEEKEND community...The most weekend-oriented community the world has seen since weekends were invented.
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind
Discord: galenkp#9209
A gift for me would be really easy today. A new master circuit breaker for my house. Half the circuitry is dead. Some lights, some outlets. Since it's a gift and virtual might as well replace the entire service panel. And yes, I'm sure this is related to the screw up with the washer and dryer earlier this year. Might even be part of the cause....
I think my gift to a Hiver would be a Yamaha Mobility Scooter for @soyrosa. She's a 'get moving' explorer type person and has been let down by a foot that she originally injured in Russia. I think maybe this one:
That’s a terrific gift Tom, as it tells me you know exactly what would make for a huge upgrade in my life, giving back something I miss so dearly: being my ‘wanderer’ self. Thank you <3
You are certainly welcome!! I wish it were in my power.
That's a pretty cool scooter. It leans to help with cornering. It can go as slow as walking, or much faster...
Ah yeah, that washer/dryer episode, the gift that keeps giving it seems. Electrical stuff is my kryptonite man, I am clueless, or near enough to it that it doesn't matter. I hope your gift comes true and you can sort it out.
That mobility scooter looks pretty cool, I mean, I'd rather an Indian Scout Bobber or Triumph Street Cup but still, this looks decent enough. A good gift for someone with a bung leg.
Yep. The gift that keeps on giving. For the record, the washer/dryer is perfect now :) I don't know it I stressed the other breaker or if it just got old and tired (This place was settled about 40 years ago).
I saw a girl (maybe 100 lbs) thrashing a 3 wheeled Piagio up on Mt. Palomar. They pioneered that 3 wheel lean and that little sister was going for it. That road is consistently one of the voted top 3 MC roads in the US. It's a lot of fun.
I'd like to see one run Pike's Peak.
They used to run all kinds of classes at Pike's Peak, but now they run just the 'top' classes so far as I know.
Palomar South Entrance is a roller coaster ride on a motorcycle. It's one of those places where I occasionally forget to breathe. Bob Smith and I saw that girl going down as we were headed up, then she was coming up the east grade as we were heading down. She was fucking thrashing that thing hard. If she'd have been riding a horse it would have been abuse.
Man you have to keep my musical palate full. This is what I'm listening to right this instant:
21 hairpin turns? Hmm, I prefer the fast sweepers myself, although gassing it out of a tight turn has a certain enjoyment factor...That moment the handlebars go light when the front wheel comes of the ground. Bliss.
The road was built specifically to haul the mirror for the BIG Telescope up the mountain in the 20s. It's really something. It starts with a huge left hand sweeper that REALLY puts you in the correct frame of mind :)
tokens.damn that's one neat ride
Yamaha is really slow getting their version of electric motorcycles to market, but their electric mobility products are just first rate. This is a really cool product.
How much does it cost.. it looks pretty expensive
Best guess (it's in beta testing right now) is around $2000. It should be released to the public yet this year.
2000 dollar holy sshhhhhh for a gaddamm bike how much does a car cost then
20,000 for an absolute entry level car. I'm getting ready to buy a used Honda Goldwing Motorcycle this fall. A new one is $25,000. A new touring Harley Davidson is $35,000. So it's relatively cheap :)
Your gift to her is awesome and then you have truly selected this special gift for her as you have known her for long as the one who is always moving by foot.
I'm pretty sure she is going to appreciate it alot ..
Thank you. I've known her long enough to remember when she was still trying to travel. It's a shame that she can't. She's an extraordinary photographer and her travel adventures are stunning.
I guess that makes this a selfish gift, I'd love to see her be able to go and report!
this looks like a cool machine you could ride in Europe. Cozy!
It's no wider than a normal man's shoulder width, should get along in traffic just fine, then when you get it on a road it'll get with the program pretty well. Looks really good to me.
Electrical problems are a nightmare, having my other half attend to them has become a horror show, call in electricians who know what they doing... This is not the old days when you could replace a wire on the circuit board!
Sounds like a great get up and go gift to get up and went for a friend trying to move around.
Okay, I really want this scooter😍
I've always thought I wanted a Segway for places where human traffic is more than I like (I like being the only one on a trail) like after a football game or car race or something, but I think this is a much better option. AND IT"S A YAMAHA! Same as my first motorcycle all those years ago.
Yamaha has got quality that's for sure. Here in my country the traffic is pretty crazy so I think this would surely be a good option for me too. 😁
Well, well, well- We started strong. That sounds like another wonderful topic out of G-dog's mind. I get you point about this celebration related anxiety. It works the same for me. So, I tend not to do much on my birthday. If I could be alone and not worry about, it would be great, but then there's family to remember it. So, I deal with it.
I see your gift is something lovely. That watch is sweet and really useful.
About the second thing, well, I always wanted to be an honorary Aussie. Now, I just gotta get to true blue status. No problem about it.
Gotta say it would be great to have the chances at that. I could make a lot of things with a workshop in a place where common things work and troubles are elsewhere. About the BBQ, you can bet I'll be smoking and making a lot of delicious things with that workshop that will get my cooking to A+ game. I bet I'll even get a forge and build me the perfect BBQ setting and a smoker. Faith and you are invited for the first run after I have curated both of them.
Let me see.
Option 1
I would give myself a space full of tools from StewMac and Luthiers Mercantile. That way I could make anything I want related to instruments. I bet I could also do some general carpentry. But I would never get out of the workshop. Ha, ha, ha. This is one of those beautiful and expensive tools: a Japanese fret saw with a stop:
I think my choice would be @hlezama. I would grant him world citizenship so he can go and travel around the world and pick residency in any country he wants with access to a job as a professor and plenty of room for research and conferences. I bet that would be bliss for him. Gotta give poor Henry something to stop stressing out about the pointless things we have do around here to survive and start using that brilliant mind for the wonderful things it can really do.
Nice self-gift bro, those Japanese know how to make blades, that's for sure. I assume it extends to saws.
World citizenship for Henrry? Look out world! Lol. Seriously though, think about all the good he could do by spreading his knowledge and wisdom around the world. It'd be a better place.
BBQ's at your place bro! Lol.
They sure know how to make quality tools!
Yup, it's time to start a petition for that world citizenship!
Remember to bring beer! Lol.
There will be beer. Great Northern to be precise. ✅
tokens.Damn. I really like them both. I owned a 'Japanese Saw' that was shaped like a bread knife. I bought it when I was rebuilding a table that had pegs instead of nails or screws. The blade was so flexible that I could lay it on the surface and trim a pin off exactly at surface level. It was wonderful.
Looks like this:
Yeah, I've seen a lot of Japanese saws that look amazing. They are very versatile for making a lot of works. That one looks awesome for that kind of cut that tends to be annoying with regular saws.
It was an antique, and valuable at that if finished properly. That little saw way more than paid for itself :)
It looks awesome. Good tools are worth a lot and pay themselves over and over.
That looks like a hell of a saw, thinking Japanese I thought it was a sushi knife or something then I looked closer lol.
I think that’s an awesome gift to give hlzema! He’s definitely a smart man that’s driven and can do a lot of good putting people straight about things they are being foolish about. I wonder what his first stop would be?
It looks weird. But it is an awesome tool!
Well, I bet he would go back to the States. He did some postgraduate studies there.
Man, he and his family could come to Arizona in a second so far as I'm concerned! My buddy Erv could help him find a good job. He's newly retired from the world of education administration. Most recently at Arizona State and Northern Arizona.
Well, he lived there during his scholarship deal, he was married then, but then things turned south and he had to come back. I don't think he's ever been happy about it. But maybe you should contact him on post about that chance. I mean, he has the studies and experience to take any job in education at any level.
Ypur choice of gift for yourself is indeed the best as these tools can make you independent. Many people were not able to gift themselves anything but will always try to remain idle . Welldone for your special self gift
Hey, thanks! I really need to get me some nice tools to get my luthier entrepreneurship going smoothly.
Good blades, respect for quality craftsmanship when found!
International passport would be a great idea spreading knowledge, Henrry sure would appreciate that, although he loves his country dearly!
Thanks a lot!
I think Henry would love more his country if it weren't under the grip of socialism. Besides, I know he wants to get out of this trap that can barely be called a country. But live isn't always as we would want.
Yes, heat breaking when you don't know which way to turn. We back into Level 4 with Alcohol Prohibition once again, talk about throwing everyone in the deep end, don't know if we can even go away as previously planned this Friday.
We are all trapped in boxes, varying degrees of stupidity and/or greed by upper echelon.
I knew you were the luckiest when g-dawg mentioned you 😅. You've got the perfect idea of vacay too. Great going
I'm a lucky guy that's for sure! 😅
I hope your dream come true so you can have those Japanese tools. Only problem, as you say you would not go out from your workshop, who would walk then and take the photos of those black cats? :))
Well, I'll still go out for walks as I got back into exercise, so there would be plenty of pictures of these cats.
That is good, exercise is important 👍
And the cats too ;)
I couldn't agree more with all the facts stated in that comment. :D
At first my answer was option 1 and knowledge, and the pic I was gonna take is 1 of 2 dinged up brass orrery (layman's, solar system clocks, showing when where at dates, of sun moon, (1) and 2 of all planet.
Before I deviate, that would be a pass on to all if someone could calculate a digital one,.. But I digress...
But as I read on (are u back with me?)
On this planet earth, much accrued data.
To pass on what I have done and how etc,
As the kids put it these days, a life hack' vid.
Having not respawn, I feel an obligation to help all, as opposed to 'protect my next kinfolk' over other all else.. Nope losing it.
Betterment of all as opposed to'my strain only'
I don't care what anybody says, your avatar still reminds me of Sarah Jessica Parker. Just sayin'
it's a horse..?

Nobody would actually really call SJP horseface, would they? Besides, Dunstuff introduced himself to me AS SJP several years ago... Inside joke.
Ahhhh... gotcha cheif.
Those Jokes no one else can laugh at. Real Rib Splitters those ones are. NOT.
Also glad I can call you cheif, without protestors showing up on my Hive doorstep in this upside down world.
Glad You are an old school biker who gets it.
Now I get it.
Got it.?
I am not a Jack Ass.... lol
Meh. It was funny at the time, guaranteed.
We don't have really Jack Asses around here. We have burros which tend to be a little smaller. Originally brought by the Spaniards around 1600 they have done pretty well here. Place just up the road called Oatman that takes full advantage of the damn things. They have free run of the town and every business sells 'carrot bits' for the tourists to feed them
Here's a picture of my friend Bob Smith with the parking attendant outside the Oatman Hotel where we'd stopped for breakfast. It is right on Route 66.
Passing on knowledge is one of the best gifts a person can pass to another so I'd say you're onto something here!
Passing knowledge to another person is really a great gift
Yes, I couldn't have said it better myself I guess.
Passing on knowledge is the must human thing we can do. Especially, along with the moral aspect of it. It looks like a great things to do!
tokens.In the process of packing up at the moment, and pulled down said orrery, and then got lost in it for nearly an hour, thinking of cog counts etc, similar to the yt I watched on the Greek solar thingy from prebc
ah the English translation of the spell that summons Cthullu back our world.. All that's left is the dorime soundtrack to back it up
Sometimes most people die with their countless knowledge they have in them. The best is what you have done by passing what you have to someone else.
Morning everyone! For me this topic feels very close to my heart because at the moment I would love to give myself a gift: a house, a place to live and settle. It would not just be a gift for me but my partner as well. The reason for this is that we have both found a job in a different part of the Netherlands and thus we have to move. This means finding a place to live and in the Netherlands that is not easy. The market is completely crazy with houses only being on the market for sometimes less then a day and crazy amounts of money being spend. This now leaves us with the paradoxical situation that we both have a decent job, that makes enough money and with a nice savings account, but still we are being outbid and not having had a chance yet, making homelessness in 2 months seem pretty real. So a house is my choice: doesn't have to be big, doesn't have to be pretty. It just has to be there!
Hope you can sort out the house problem. I know this trouble, have some friends in Netherlands who now have to find another apartment and they said it is not an easy task.
Happy house hunting hope you settle soon, good luck in your new jobs as well.
Thanks so much!
That fits both categories doesn't it?
I'm sitting here with an extension cord across my living room floor to power my computer because I have electrical problems. I'd like to be really pissed, but the truth is the air conditioner works fine (it's going to be 45C today) and I think I've figured out what I need to do to fix the broken circuit. And it's MY place. There's a lot to be said for that.
True having your own place is so valuable. Hope you work out the electricity issue and can keep cool today, because man 45 degrees is hot!
Why not rent for a while? I might rent until the market lets up. While it isn't what you wanted to do, you might be able to pick up a sweet deal if the market crashes.
Haha I already gave up on buying. This is trying to rent. The market for renting is just as horrible here. We got rejected the other day because we responded too late... It had been for rent for 3 hours...
I'm glad you could finally solve that problem
The aircon is of utmost importance in heat like that, running extension should be OK till you get to fix that circuit breaker.
Perhaps an electrician not a bad idea.... just saying we can't always fix everything in life!
Yeahhhhhhh. An Electrician might be the right idea. I can fix it, and I know damn well I can fix it, but the time it will take me with the power completely off is problematic. I can go sit in the Coffee shop until the electrician finishes. I KNOW I can.
I'll know my choice in 24 hours. Monday morning.
Coffee shop sounds like a great option.... or wait for winter to repair on cooler days! Sweltering heat without an AC is problematic!
Electrical stuff could have hair raising events too..., well till Monday 😁
I don't think it'll last til cooler weather, else that's what I'd do. I've pretty much got myself talked into a pro.
😃 Way to go!
Good morning, although it's almost 5pm here. 😄
I like this self-gift and figure it's a really important one to you, as it would be to all I suppose. You probably don't know this but for the last 20 years I've worked in the property industry and am very familiar with the issue you mention here. In fact, it's the same here in Australia right now although I know it will cool off at some stage. When is the big question.
I really feel your pain as I know many going through it at the moment and with similar situations to you. I suppose all you can do is to keep trying and hope that you get lucky on one of them but I know it's kind of crazy right now.
Thanks for getting involved and I hope Friday finishes up well for you and you have a good weekend.
[Please also feel free to do a post on this week's topic in:THE WEEKENDcommunity as I'll be curating there all weekend.]
Thanks a lot, yeah we just keep going and hope it works out for us!
I hope so too.
Pretty sure you'd get that home soon. I've always wondered how the bidding system work in other parts of the world
Thanks a lot, let's hope we get it soon!
Fingers crossed 🤞🏾
Gift yourself according to your needs. A house is perfect it can be customized and personalized afterwards accordingly . Hope you get your place soon 😄🖤
Thanks a lot, fingers crossed!
A house is a pretty good gift for sure! That feeling of home is unmatched!
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Thanks a lot!
The real state market went bananas. I hope you can get this gift for yourself and your partner. It is something needed. Hopefully, it won't get to the point where you are kick out to the streets.
Thanks for your reply! We keep looking and coming up with creative solutions so hopefully this will not happen!
I'll keep my fingers crossed for it as well!
Hehehe...but we have many who have the mind of building a very large house and here you are saying just a small house that doesn't look pretty. Although, all human beings with their respective choices.
As an adult living in what's the equivalent of my mom's basement... I'd say i know somewhat how this feels
Yeah it can be tough right now, hang in there and I hope better times will come for you as well!
I believe so.. I believe they will.. by the way what's the economy like in Netherland
And the education as well
tokens.That would be a generous and very nice gift to @bertrayo from you! And if he invites you for some BBQ , surely some chocolate cake would find its way too.
Playing with the options in my mind what I would like to have for my birthday, one choice came and stayed for some time: a grand piano :D But I would feel weird receiving such a gift, so change will come now.
I would like to send a plane ticket from the UK to Spain to @holisticmom and a bunch of money for the needed tests, so we could have some nice walks and talks :)
I'd say a grand piano is something every pianist desires, myself included. Alas, I don't have the room! (Or the money). 🤨
I like the gift to holisticmom and I'm sure she would truly appreciate it! Nice work. 😁
The room and money, me neither 😂 But would be cool having it 😎
I started to play in one of those grand pianos, though very old one, my mother got that already old piano when she was a child. A lot of place is needed to have it in a house
Yes, she would love it, we met here in hive but turned out that we lived in neighbor towns in real life before she moved. So it would be nice to meet in person one day 😊
Maybe one day your grand piano aspirations will happen. I hope so anyway.
tokens.A piano! Fancy indeed!
I would love a violin, although I can't play at all! 😄
Violin would be a perfect gift if you're into music as it won't occupy space like a grand piano and isn't that much expensive as well 🖤😄 Also you'll learn once you buy it and start practicing it 🌼
Ow, there are violins that are more expensive than a piano 😁 But for a gift it would be difficult to get an original Stradivarius violin 🎻
Agree with the statement that once you have an instrument, you can be curious and start practicing! :)
Yes you're right
A violin can be a nice decoration 🤣🤣
This looks like some wonderful gifts. I bet @holisticmom would enjoy it a lot. Walks in sunny Spain with such a company. What a gift!
@bertrayo bet you are correct, I would love it! 🤗
I'd invite you to our beaches on the east side of Venezuela. but not even I want to go there these days. Maybe when the country gets back on track! 🤗
Warm and sunny Spain...the summer is starting and I want to be autumn already 🌞🌞🌞🌞
Maybe you could join us in those walks 😊✨
You don't have to ask me twice. I'll get to Spain even if I have to cross the Atlantic swimming 😂
😇 I would send you the plane ticket too 💫
😘 Now, we're talking! Ha, ha, ha. Gotta get that passport renewed!
The passport renovation would be covered too!!! But, as you would have the Australian citizenship from Galen, we hope you would have a valid passport already :)
That would be a just terrific gift for you. Makes me smile.
I owned a square Grand Piano for a short amount of time. My best ex traded my 1964 Thunderbird for it. That's part of the reason she became an ex. Sigh. It's a long story, and I wasn't angry. But that made it pretty obvious that we weren't on the same page in our relationship book :)
No good memories around a piano then 😁
It is maybe best not to know what your other ex ones traded for themselves?!
Haha, I really like this sentence: we weren't on the same page in our relationship book 🙌 Funny :D
Oh.... Does it mean that she doesn't love piano or she doesn't want you to hold it?
It means that she thought we needed a piano in our historic house far more than we needed a garage for our Thunderbird. I didn't agree :)
@mipiano you are such a dear and lovely sister. What a lovely gift. Now I look for a Grand piano for you. Thank you, I really look forward to the day when we can walk, talk and play music together 🤗🤗😙
That day will come 🤗 Though no need to look for a grand piano, for the beach jam we can take the ukulele and guitars 😊
This gift is indeed the best. Gifting someone closed to you musical instrument can make her remember you at all cost.
I'm pretty sure she will a copy your gift at all cost.
Heck, i want the grand piano. 😅 I've being thinking of what instrument to learn and the piano keeps sticking out. Considering the guitar too.
Piano is a perfect instrument, although don't listen to me as I am not objective hahaha. Being able to play any instrument is a nice thing, maybe start with the guitar, you can first learn to play the cords and sing along while playing. Good luck @stevenson7 🎶
Okay that sounds perfect. I think i will go with the guitar first. Thanks for the tip
You are welcome :)
I am like you, you'll never see my birthday on any social media sites. I hate people making a fuss about it. However, I expect the hubs to take me out on a short road trip on my birthday. I always like to spend time with him.
Option one
The gift to myself is a birding lens, I have been dreaming about one for years now. A Tamron sp 150 - 600 is what I have in mind. A cannon or any other good lens is also fine, but I just cannot afford it right now. Too many family commitments at the moment.
Second option
I have a friend here @darrenfj to whom I'd like to gift a fridge so he can eat fresh fruits and vegetables everyday to follow his fitness regime. He really needs to eat better.
Option three

This has been my dream forever a Tamron lens for birding. 150-600mm and good birding lens would do.. hope it will come to me some day soon.
Lenses are so expensive especially when one starts thinking about 600mm of zoom. I've always been a Canon person and had a few but I'm not much of a photographer so went for an easier option in the Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark III. I have the macro lens, a 25mm, 40-150mm F4.0-5.6 R
/80-300mm (35mm equivalent) and 14-42mm...It's all a scrubber like me needs. More than I need to be honest.
So, you take bird photos? I've seen a few doing that in an area I hike a lot and they have some pretty legit looking lenses. They take it pretty seriously so I never stop to ask what's up. Lol. I think you've chosen a good self-gift and I like your fridge-gift also...Keeps the veggies fresh and the drinks cold!
Yup, I am a birder, I can wait and watch them all day long. I am a cannon person too. Tamron is not bad for its price and suits my cannon camera and budget well lol. Ah if wishes had wings...
And the fridge yeah he needs one real bad.
It's interesting here on hive...One comes across so many people from all over the world and it always amazes me that things I take for granted are sometimes things others desperately need but don't have. Like a fridge. I feel fortunate to have been born and raised in Australia.
Yip, that is right we meet meet all kinds of people and this opens our eyes to a wide, new world so different world from ours.
Canon will surely provide you with lenses to make you a better Birder 😄❤️
I looked at this lens recently. For about 11 seconds. I'd really like it, but I really don't need it. Most of my birding is watching only.
Damn. A refrigerator? Yeah, that's a good gift. Bless your heart...
Yip a refrigerator, that is why I don't want to spend on the lens.. this is a real need. I'd rather cater to such needs than spend on a lens.Hmm I know what you mean @bigtom13, I don't need it either, but would love to have it. Because it isn't a need I have directed my resources that way. I know I'll get this or something even better someday soon.
Ahh I was waiting for an engagement activity from your side. Hope you're doing well now 😄❣️
I'll go for option 3
The gift I would like to give myself: I am not a materialistic type so I have thought something else to gift myself if possible I am so close to my loved ones like my parents, siblings friends and that one special person obviously and staying away from such people is not less then a trauma for me so I would gift my self their permanent presence till my departure 😅. For me, living a life without the people who give a meaning to your life is not life. I would gift myself the happy presence of the people I love the most. 🖤😄
@princewaqar is the Hiver I choose to give a gift because he recently celebrated his birthday and I already gave him a perfume as he loves such gifts and I am looking forward to gifting him a new cellphone 😁 be ready mate @princewaqar
You're a very nice bloke, thinking of your friend like that. Even more, you actually choose to be with your family. That's lovely. But you know sometimes, its really that staying away and coming back to see them that makes the best feel.
I wish same for myself too though 😁
Aww thank you so much mate. You're right such things make best feelings 💗
You're welcome
I love this words so much. I hope you can enjoy your life with the people you love most. It really a lovely gift 🥰
Thank you so much, I wish the same for you 😄🖤
Would the presence be physical or more like a force-ghost situation? It is an interesting thing to explore. Having you love ones around is good for guidance and all, but I think letting them go is part of growing. Not saying your gift isn't an awesome thing. I'd love to have my departed love ones around forever.
About the other gift. Well, I hope your buddy keeps it real!
Yes physical presence cz I believe less in the other one. And I agree that we learn and grow a lot when we go through such detachments but I have fears and anxieties related to such separations in which we never see the people who are around us all the time
I see. That sounds like some heavy load.
Haha like writing a scary novel 😅
Scary on very complex levels!
This is a nice self-gift to seek indeed! It's important to have loved ones around, trusted and valued people...If only we had the ability to have them around with us all the time, although even when they're not with us physically they can be emotionally.
I bet he's looking forward to that phone for sure! Good gift.
tokens.This is nice of you. The truth remains that as we are here on earth, we should not forget the ones closed to us. They are our life and they are the reasons we are living. So, gifting them your presence until you leave this earth is just too awesome. Gifting yourself the happy presence is the Paramount and the only task we are expected to bear.
Hope @princewaqar cherished ypur gift for him?
You're right
Yes he cherished it a lot 🖤
It feels like I haven't been here for ages, so hello again!
When I think of the concept of gifts, the first thing that comes to mind is a book. For me or anyone else. I understand it's a cliche choice for a gift and kind of uninteresting and underwhelming to people who don't read—also if the choice of the book is horrendous, the whole experience is not too cheerful for a regular reader as well.
The challenge lies in picking up a worthy title. I'd give myself a nice hardcover / deluxe / vintage edition of a literary classic, something that I'll likely cherish, especially one I haven't read yet.
For example, Dostoyevsky's The Brothers Karamazov.
Hi mate, welcome to the topic this week!
I gift myself books almost weekly and certainly monthly! I love me a book bro so I think this is a great self-gift or for someone else also...If they love books of course.
I gifted myself three books last week, a trilogy called the Riftwar Saga. Not quite your literary classic type of book but but certainly a set of books, and author, I enjoy. (Raymond E. Feist.)
Anyway, books are a good gifts and amazing companions in my opinion. Good answer!
I think the same! And even though I'm a film enthusiast to the boot, books take you slowly through their narrative and make you accustomed to them and their imagined world. You can ponder upon them longer than you can on a film. People often joke about the absence of the internet and electricity, I think I can pass my days quite happily without them if I have plenty of books.
I see that's a great practice you got there! Do you lend books to people? Would love to live near you lol! 😂
I have heard of Riftwar Saga a lot, as I like the fantasy genre quite a bit. This particular series has some reputation in that circle. Have you started them yet? Any good?
I first read the Riftwar Saga back in 1990 and loved it. Read it a couple times since then gave my books away. Bought new ones last week and am really enjoying re-reading. I am actually slowing myself down (am a fast reader) so I can enjoy it more.
There are so many spin-off books around it also! The Empire series co-written with Janny Wurts is where to start after the Riftwar Saga is completed. It actually runs parallel the the first three books ...Fills in so many blanks, but from a different perspective. There's many more too. So good!
I love movies, but I'm a reader at heart. Read Lord of the Rings trilogy at 9 years old and never stopped reading since.
I have so many books, hundreds and hundreds, many fantasy genre, loads of history and war and many others (fiction and non)...I'm loath to give them out, to lend them, but I do on occasions. I have some I'd not lend out though, my favourites like Count of Monte Cristo, one of most loved books.
This might sound funny, but I like looking at my books...Like they each bring memories of spending time with a cherished friend. A bit weird maybe, but I am sometimes. 🤓
Funny indeed but not weird at all, I perfectly understand the sentiment! Maybe many readers do. Also not wanting to lend books, lol. People can be quite inconsiderate and it hurts when they return the book all molested and tore up!
Man, even I as the owner wouldn't be so careless, how could they be?!
Not to mention many people don't return the book at all. Which is a whole other thing, even I did it a few times! Come to think of it, I read somewhere even Mark Twain had similar cases! 😂
I would like to read the original Riftwar trilogy then. They are not recent, not from 2010's— which actually excites me more.
Have you tried the Malazan Book of the Fallen series yet?
Magician, book one, was first published in 1982 prior to the genre really exploding...Well worth a read in my opinion.
I've had my books come back molested for sure; Annoyed me of course. I've also had books not returned so...Rarely lend them. Only special people get the privilege.
Steven Erikson books...I've not read them, always seems something else to get to. Worth buying you think?
Absolutely! The best fantasy tale I've ever read, IMO! And that is including the mighty Lord of the rings.
It is quite eloquently written (fantastic prose) and carefully avoiding the usual tropes. There are countless points of view and it is not a character-driven tale. Not a singular tale as well, as it encompasses many different millennia and imaginary continents. The narrative is aloof, somewhat detached. But the worldbuilding it has! Mindblowing!
The writer is an archaeologist and an anthropologist, he often made allegories to the actual historical events. It is also a massive series, 10 books, 11K pages strong. Since you're a fast reader, that might not be a problem though!
Steven Erikson first wanted to make a movie but the production company refused him and the co-author, saying its too ambitious.
It means you are also a fan to novels. To me, I don't like reading books apart from solving mathematical problems. I think you should stay close to each other...
The Riftwar saga? Going to add this to my tbr list. I cannot pass on an interesting fantasy! ☺️
If you like the fantasy genre you'll not be disappointed I think.
tokens.Interesting conversation here 🤠
I am a book lover too, infact my recent post is a picture of books.
Books are surely one of the best gifts one can give as gift. I've given books to my friends but those books are mainly novels.
Anyways Best gift to give one self or the close ones🖤😄
Novels, non-fiction, poetry — it doesn't matter as long as they are good!
$PIZZA@abrarhussain! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @notacinephile.
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Hi ya. Good to see you my friend!
Books are good. Really good. I have a boxed set from a guy named Italo Calvino that a friend correctly recommended to me. It's waiting until I see my friend from San Diego again, she needs it :)
The Bro's was good, but I don't think Dostoevsky's best (Crime and Punishment). I'm trying to think of the book I'd send you. I think I'd send you a boxed set of Steven King's Black Tower series. A mere 4200 pages. Because I think you probably already own The Lord of the Rings series :)
Good to see you too! It's been some time we've interacted.
Hey, I think you've read one of Calvino's books already. I recommended to you one, The Baron in the Trees. It was by him. But a set! That would be really nice indeed! I haven't read many Calvino works yet.
Crime and Punishment is indeed hailed as Dostoyevsky's best.
Oh, I read the first book of The Dark Tower series, Gunslinger it was called. So good! But not the rest, I would like to read them sometimes in the future. So the entire series would be awesome indeed!
And you rightly surmised — I do have the LOTR series :D
Only 7 left! Plus, the characters and settings show up through all of King's Novels! Even Christina, the Buick Straight 8.
Yes! I bought the set of Calvino to read the Baron, which I loved. It was pretty cheap at the used book store...
Nice! I always love receiving and giving books as a present. You are really gifting someone a whole world they can disappear into and a new perspective. Great choice!
Indeed! And through the books the collective knowledge and understanding of the entire human race progress as well!
Thank you.
$PIZZA@plint! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @notacinephile.
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This is the gift to top off all other gifts. There's no other thing better than a precious book in deluxe edition. I can smell the ink and fill the fine paper of this print. Hell of a choice!
Heya @notacinephile! Nice meeting you here 😄. I love books too! Like you, that's what I think of when I get gifts for friends.
But you have to sure your friend would actually like it. I remember one time I bought a non-fiction motivational book for a friend as Christmas gift. He was unhappy about it. Lesson learned for me! 😆
Whenever I am having a me time and I go shopping, I always end up in the bookshop and gift myself books!
I knew you would settle for literary classic. Dostoyevsky's The Brothers Karamazov? Never heard of this one but it looks beautiful in the picture. Can I have it? 😜
I wouldn't like a motivational book either, be it fiction or non-fiction! Ha ha! I can't blame your friend!
That's a pretty neat shopping habit you've grown there, Kemmy! Keep it up!
Dostoyevsky was a literary giant, you should read his works. Yes you can certainly have The Brothers Karamazov :P
Hahahaha! C'mon! Motivational books are the best. 😋😄 And it's the thought that counts anyway...
Really? I'll check his books out then. Enjoy your weekend. 😊
I avoid those books like plague... Self-help books I mean.
For novels lover like you, you have the mind of gifting yourself any kind of novels. It's nice...
Option 1: Best gift to self would be health, keeping all ones mental faculties in good order right to the end....
Option 2: "There are three friends in this world: courage, sense, and insight."
African Proverb... I would gift all those who recognize this in themselves.
That's some pretty spectacular gifts, my friend! I was just over to visit the vampire an hour ago. Blood draw so my doctor can see that my cholesterol is still elevated.
Yes, I had bacon and eggs to break my fast :) What else?
Exactly what I say about health, eat drink and be merry you over 50 a doctor will always find something wrong.... Never wish to rely on others or become a burden, would sooner go on a long swim in any direction tides flow.
Breakfast sounds good, a little short there though... crispy bacon, eggs, big black mushroom with garlic keep others at bay, fried tomato and toast, must have toast to dip into egg yellow 'soldiers'!
Ahahahaha. Yes I dipped my toast. No fried tomatoes but I did put some Tobasco (Louisiana Red Hot Sauce) on my potatoes.
I've said it several times: If the first responders find about 3 hundred dollar bills in my helmet liner they can probably be pretty sure that I hit the bridge abutment on purpose. I hate to make them clean up a mess that I made...
Never eat breakfast without that Tabasco very international, or similar we get some great ones over here many home made.
Would have to leave more than a few bills in my hat, poor first responders... well I never did envy them of their work choice. Hazmats suits may be a requirement 😁 all gassed out!
Seems like some good gifting here, thoughtful and meaningful. Health is a big one right? I should have thought of that myself, but went with the watch because...Well, Casio G-Shock triple sensor watches have me hooked. 😬
If it has all the bells and whistles, helps you in the bush, why not... Would be nice if made coffee, served breakfast got boots on the road into the outdoors too, but hey, it is slowly ticking reminding you to move it up!
!BEER reminder at the end of the day with G-Shock, but then you know sun-downer time the skies tell you that.
I'm seriously addicted to these things Joan...I'm happy with the one I have now but...I'm warming up to a want purchase despite trying so hard to need purchase only. I am human after all.
Haha, save that money toward a secluded house in the bush where you won't be in need of a fan-dangle.
Haha, yep that's a good point...It would be nice not to care what time it was...Dark means night, light means day would be as complicated as it needed to be.
We complicate ourselves, modern living we strive for "things" that actually don't make us truly happy.
Go on a good hike this suddenly redefines life, time to think, live by changing of light.
Now overburdened with an abundance of waste, not only consumerism but time wasted chasing objects we cannot take with us eventually.
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Hey @galenkp, here is a little bit of from @joanstewart for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
tokens.All your gifts are perfect ones. Health 👌
And your second option shows you are one of those who can recognize it!
Healthy life is greatest gift of all, being able to look within, critically decipher oneself another to help over hurdles places before us @mipiano thanks for visiting and have a great day.
Good choice to be honest. We can only always pray for the best of health. As they say, health is wealth.
Health sure is wealth, more so currently with mayhem around. Have an awesome day @stevenson7
You too Joan
Health and those three friends show how thoughtful as a person you're.
Thanks @abrarhussain just trying to invent some patience currently, perhaps another gift to self.... Have a great day!
If I could gift myself a 1000000 Hive that would be nice. But for now I would be happy with a new gaming pc. I like playing games and with better pc I would probably always have content for my hive posts. Recently I tried making some gaming videos but my ancient pc really has a hard time with playing and recording at the same time. I think that I will buy a new pc sooner than I will reach 1000000 Hive...But saving money will still take a lot of time.
A million hive would be nice but a new computer would be a good second choice I guess as it would help you in a lot of ways I guess, especially on hive, which would help you earn more...Which may help you get to that million hive!
tokens.GPU prices dropped I hear, this is a good time to buy a gaming pc if you can find an RTX 3000 card near its MSRP, or a reasonable price!
I am sure that I will buy a new pc sooner or later. prices are not as crazy as I imagined. But they are still biting.
@galenkp is right, a new device will be a perfect gift for you as it will help you in getting the desired hive and you'll work more efficiently 🖤😄
yes, I am sure that a new pc would eventually earn back it's cost.
I'm no gamer, but I've been considering a new laptop just because (I mostly use my desktop). Dell prices seem to me to be just awesome without the big GPU. And Dell will sell you a laptop without an OS so you don't have to pay for Windows if you use LINUX. Think of all the hive you could buy with the difference! :)
fair point. I would prefer still having money for sweets, hive and puzzles after buying a pc...😜
Saving money will still take a lot of time but buying yourself the gaming PC can just be done within days. The truth remains that i don't even know how to play computer games.
Dude, I think you're in my brain. That has got to be the only explanation😂. I do need a new gaming PC for my self too cos I sure as hell love games. The one I have now an elite book old generation dual core processor. Pretty slow.
I hope to get a core I7 soon
windows 7, intel core i3-2100 CPU @ 3.10 GHz, 4,00 GB RAM, intel hd graphics 2000. this just sad. at this point this thing is probably closer to being a potato than a gaming pc😜
Cmon dude 🤣
Yours is even better, mine is worse. I will try the old switcheroo. 😁
I want to be a Superhero...
So go read my post about it already will ya!?!
This is very good of you because been a superhero takes lots of time and talents. You need to work towards it and find time to have a great practice.
Well sadly, you can't be superman. We can't all be superman eh?😏
That's quite interesting and different 🤠
Superman Randy: Faster than a sleeping possum.
Hey Under-G-dog,
It is a cat..!
Not a Possum...
SuperRandy...Faster than a sleeping cat...and super randy.
Hi @galenkp.
This is a very interesting topic. I really love it 🥰🥰🥰
Option one: My gift I would like to choice for myself is a DJI Mavic 3 Pro ( Drone )
I am interested in some electronic items such as computers, cameras, watches, phones...I like to play and tinker with them.
The drone is one of the toys I've wanted to buy for a long time. But because of the prolonged covid epidemic, I also can't travel much to use it right now so I'm still confused.
But I think, it's the first thing I will buy when I get back to my travels, to save the beautiful scenes shot from above. I always think normally we only see things, beautiful scenes at our eye level, but it would be great if we could admire the beauty taken from above, helping We have different ways of looking at things.
Option Two : Which hive-user I would choose to send a gift to is @Trangbaby
Because she introduced me to this amazing Hive community. She and me know together through facebook, I only met her once. But we have similar interests. She looks like my mentor, giving advice so that I can grow better here.
I feel grateful to her. I would like to invite her to the massage and spa with me, then go dinner after when I come back Da Nang.
It's a very small gift, but that's my heart. Thank you so much ❤️
Hope you and everyone have a great weekend days ❤️
This drone belongs to my friend. I used it when we traveled together.
That drone is surely an amazing gift to the person who introduced you here 😄🖤
Heheee yea :) I would be very happy 😂
Yeah Cant wait to see you again Trangbaby 😘
Having a drone is on my bucket list to buy soon lanbabe.
Thanks for the mention and glad that we know each other, have common hobbies,...
Long time I haven't been to spa and restaurant :( Waiting for you back here 😃😍🤩
Yeah Trang. See you soon :p
Cant wait to go spa and have drink with you 😎
I'd really like a drone too, probably the same one I'd say. I'm out and about in the wilderness a lot and I'd probably be able to grab some really good shots. There's all sorts of restrictions on flying them though, but once one knew where and where not to I think It'd be good fun.
I'm pretty sure a massage, spa and dinner would be well appreciated by trangbaby...good plan!
[Please also feel free to do a post on this week's topic in:THE WEEKENDcommunity as I'll be curating there all weekend.]
Yes. Agree with you this. We need know the rules and restrictions on flying first :D
But I think it will be fun.
I looking forward your shots with drone one day. I think It will be really good because you in the wilderness a lot ;)
When I can afford it I'll get one and until then I'll just use a camera I suppose.
tokens.I would say a drone is amazing for a gift! More so as a self-gift as you exactly know what you want out of it. I'd very much love one myself!
And not just to shoot cool landscape, mind you. A drone's stableness is ideal for walkthroughs and tracking shots. It's just a camera after all and how you use it depends on you.
$PIZZA@lanngoc! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @notacinephile.
Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (2/10)
Thank you so much for lovely words.
I will remember it 🥰
Have a great weekend !
Great. Just a great reply.
I have a couple good friends that are 'dronerators' :). One for sure has a DJ Magic Pro something. He's an off road rider and often shows his rides and routes. The most recent I've seen was in Death Valley which was just cool.
Really nice to see this comment. Thank you so much.
My friends also having a drone and make video more amazing 😉
Agree that somethings look cool when we seeing from above.
Hope you have a great weekend day 🥰🥰🥰
He mixes his videos with a couple of bike mounted Go Pros. It's pretty impressive...
You have selected the best gift for her as she will forever remember what you have gifted her. It's great someone like her receive gift just because of how she has been mentoring you and giving you morale to belong to this platform.
I'm pretty sure she is going to like your gift.
Opinion 1
Well, I have been a gamer for as long as I can remember. If I am to gift myself with something, that would be a Play station 5. The last game I had was a nintendo when I was very young and since then I have not gotten any. I still play games very well despite not having one. Yes, its expensive for me but I would take and appreciate it if given.
Opinion 2
A hiver I would love to gift something will be @belema . I would love to give her a laptop that could do the basics and help her journey on hive as her laptop got bad and reduced her activity on the blockchain.
Are they up to PlayStation 5 already? The last one I remember is PlayStation 2. I'm assuming 5 wold be better than 2, but also assume it's three times the price. Still, if you can get one as a gift then happy days!
Gifting someone a laptop in this day and age would be an amazing gift and so I'm sure your recipient would be very grateful. Who knows, if crypto gets a wriggle on the gift could become a reality.
[Please also feel free to do a post on this week's topic in:THE WEEKENDcommunity as I'll be curating there all weekend.]
Playstations are quite powerful these days as they're beefed up with good CPU+GPU power.
PS5 is extremely more powerful than even PS4, let alone PS2!
PC gaming is still superior though! 😄
I'm not a gamer now, although back in the day I played a game or two...Mainly Ghost Recon on PC when it first came out. I was more of an outdoor sort of dude though. I looked at getting a PlayStation a while back, 10 years...Realised how costly it was and decided not to. I can't see the value in it these days, thankfully. 😬
tokens.Play station 2 was a very long time ago and for the price its ten times the price. The last time I checked it was about 800 dollars.
I really wish to gift her a laptop or contribute to her getting a laptop
Play station 5 woah that's a great gift to yourself considering that you're a gamer. It's really high quality gift
Wow! I thought I was the only one on that thing of not having a console for so long. Last one I had was Nintendo 64. Ages ago! Having a PS5 would be awesome!
About the other gift, it's a kind gesture. Anything that helps get people back on this horse or get on it for the first time is awesome!
I bet you, she is going to love it as gifting someone laptop is a great gift ever.
To the first one you are gifting yourself, it good but to me I'm not good at playing PlayStation.
Yes she will. I really want her to be happy.
Bro, I do need a playstation 5 too 😂. I went to visit my friend the other day and I had a feel of the game and I did not want to live.
Na normal thing na.. The game is so real so I heard.Although I. Have not had the time to play it
Omo I played UFC there and my mind was blown. If hive reach like 5 dollar. We go run am 😁
Anything that makes you happy brother
Hmmm what do i really want? i'm not big on gifts for me though.. one of the hardest things for me to do is thinking about gifts to get people. Ahh i have one now. A nice black wtch would do it for me.. yeah i think i would like that. Not too expensive, simple and great.. Something like this.

and for the gift for the hive user... let's get my boy @stevenson7 one of these
or a wife.. that would also work
I think you need that way more than I do 😂😂😂😂
Judging by your current situation 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I've got company now 😉😁
Haha that gift shows how strong and understanding your friendship is😂😄❤️
All I simple want is for my friend to be happy 😁
@stevenson7 will be happy to ave this ypur gift and will accept it with gladness and joy.
His nights will be spent with a companion now🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Nope I do not accept it 😅😂
Lol, I'm sure stevenson7 will really appreciate your gift - It'll keep him occupied that's for sure.
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣ohh he's old now.. the best gift he needs is a wife to help him be responsible
Well, your gift will be good practice for him for when that happens I guess.
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 let's hope it happens soon
Fingers crossed for the
youngnot so young chap.Ohh he's old now.. he is definitely old enough
tokens.Well, any gift, eh? I would love to get a proper telescope/camera astrophotography rig to set up in my backyard and shoot deep space. That would generate some serious Wisconsin backyard excitement, you know?
For a gift to someone else on Hive...hmmm...good question. Ideally, I'd send all my good Hive frends 1 million dollars of Bitcoin, each, today if I had been smarter back in the day and accumulated. But if I had to choose just one, I'd send @bulldog-joy some big old binoculars so that she could look like a creeper too, just like me - lol - while looking at the night sky in the backyard. I should point out no one has called the cops on me yet, so maybe it's a legit look??
I said last week that I thought I knew what you'd want to self-gift yourself...I was right. 😂
Lol...I like your gift to Anna because who wouldn't want to look like a creeper right? She's off line for the moment, computer issues, but I'll make sure she sees this as I did with cmplxty's gift to her.
Yeah, I still love the idea of backyard astronomy...I think I might have a solution if I save up a bit here. I'd still prefer giving all my Hive friends a million USD in satoshis, to be honest, but hey, hindsight is 20/20! I was probably too busy buying penny stocks that went nowhere, fast, in 2011-2012, lol.
We live and learn right? And live and don't learn also. :)
Yep and speaking of...going to have a more reflective post to share with the #weekend crew this week and hoping to get some good comments and feedback - should be a fun one!
You're welcome to post into THE WEEKEND community anytime as most of your content would fit and all of it is good.
That's pretty different most of others gifted themselves cameras to capture things on Earth but you chose to capture the space which very less people know that it's beautiful 😅❤️ I hope you get that camera/telescope. I had seen some videos of space and moon and I was mesmerized.
Oh yes...I love the sky at night! I started following some YouTube astrophotographers during covid, and was fascinated with what they captured from their back yards. Absolutely fascinating
Well I hope you get it soon and experience what you saw in those videos in person 🖤 take care mate 😁❤️
My choice for my own gift
Oh wow as you can see in the picture my gift for me would be a Canon camera similar to the one in this picture.
Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash
If you are wondering why my gift for me would be a camera, it is because I love to take pictures, but not just any pictures, but pictures of insects of beautiful nature and while taking them you feel that feeling of adrenaline, love and motivation, those pictures I take with my Samsung J7 and a magnifying glass that I bought it collecting. If I had the opportunity to collect again and buy a camera like the one in the photo, for me it would be amazing.
My choice for a gift from a Hive user.
Photo by Louis Hansel on Unsplash
That user is a friend on Hive, I haven't met you in person yet @gaboamc2393 but just knowing that you do a magnificent job with your sculptures, which you make incredibly beautiful with plasticine, plus that pizza you made that looks very tasty, makes me think what a nice person @gaboamc2393 is and if you read this friend, I would gift you an acoustic guitar because I have seen that you also know how to play guitar and I would like to see you someday in a Hive video playing that guitar, you will say but it is an imaginary gift but it is worth imagining it because who knows, if someday I can buy you that guitar. I wish you the best my friend and have an amazing afternoon. Greetings!!!
But look at those curves, man.... You know, I'm not a big fan of getting in front of a camera, but maybe one of these days I will, when I have a way to record myself hahaha The truth is that yes, I have a guitar, but I have to fix it, it has a crack because I dropped it recently. When I fix the guitar, I'll take a couple of pictures and upload them!
Ohh how nice that my comment encouraged you to fix that guitar, and I really hope to see you playing that guitar.
Thanks for joining in this week, I htink your first time. Welcome.
I have heard about your insect photography but haven't had the chance to take a look although I will for sure. I'd imagine that a camera would do a far better job than a phone so I hope someday you are able to obtain the camera you want.
I like the idea of the guitar gift also, it's a gift that will keep giving and is very thoughtful.
There is a lot of difference between cellphone photography and professional camera photography so it will really enhance your Photography skills, I hope you get it soon 🖤😁
I would like to get money as a gift, so I can go on a vacation with my mom and show her new places and things; I'm always afraid that by the time I have the money for it, she will be too old to travel😐 so yeahh I would really really appreciate the money😂 or just tickets to another country😅
Unfortunately I'm new on hive, so I don't know many hivers, but I know @kumbatey in person and if I could I would like to gift her the best camera, cause she loves taking pictures 😄
The gift of money brings options I guess and so it makes sense. I hope your gift-idea comes true because then you'll be able to gift kumbatey with her camera too!
Welcome to hive and thanks for joining in this week. Maybe we'll see you back in coming weeks also.
I hope so! 😅
Thank you very much💙
Aww how sweet. Welcome on hive, people are supportive here and you'll learn and earn here. Hope you and your mother go on a vacation before she gets older 💗
Yes, everyone has been very supportive untill now and I am so grateful to them 😅
Thank you very much!💚
Choosing a gift for me would be difficult but I would choose if I could have a time machine and tell my self about the past, keep it up, do not be discouraged that the best is yet to come and give a lot of love to that special person that you have by your side because very soon you won't be able to do it.
@melinda010100 is my user chosen to give him as he has supported me a lot since I arrived here a few months ago with the HIVE family, I think a good gift could be spending a good time close and in contact with nature and being able to appreciate the beauty and perfect that she is.
I like your gift to live in Australia would be excellent. Greetings and let's all have a great and successful weekend.
I hope your time machine works the way you want it to!What a sweet and thoughtful gift @hjrrodriguez! I really appreciate that you thought of me as the person you wanted to give a gift to. Thank you so much. The gift of nature is a perfect gift to give to me. Thank you.
Thanks to you for supporting me and I thought you would like the gift, if I also hope that the time machine works.
I'd say that a time machine would be one of the most awesome gifts one could have! Think about all the answers to the mysteries of the past one could bring back to the future.
I also like your choice of people to offer a gift to. @melinda010100 has spent much of her own time on hive supporting other people and helping them along and she deserves a gift or two.
[Please also feel free to do a post on this week's topic in:THE WEEKENDcommunity as I'll be curating there all weekend.]
the time machine is a good gift for those who would not like to have one and if @ melinda010100 he deserves many gifts for the support he offers us every day.
tokens.Time machine is a great gift. That would be most excellent for sure.
If I had to give @melinda010100 a gift it would be a little rain so the river would rise. Not enough to flood, you understand...
The gift of the time machine would be great and if a little rain falls nothing bad.
Thanks and your gift may be delivered promptly! There has been heavy rain all around us, but so far it has missed us here. Tomorrow they are saying there is a 100% chance of rain, so if they know what they are talking about maybe we will actually get some.
I would send you a gift of a big garage full of restored cars and motorcycles so that you could choose something different to drive each day.
That's a just a really cool gift. Thank you.
"I believe I'll take the Vincent today. I used the Henderson yesterday and, you know how tawdry it looks to show up on the same bike every day..."
@bigtom13 I love when I choose appropriate gifts! Now you must choose which one you want to drive to Wisconsin to come visit me!
Aww, we can change the past but we surely can focus on our present and future.
I've also been watching @melinda010100 as he always leads the leaderboard 😄🖤
Hahaha! Not always leading, but I do admit that I talk a lot!
I call it being expressive 😅 Followed you already 🖤
Come by and join in the Shadow or the Reflection Contest or Guess the Shadow! We have a lot of fun in the Shadow Hunters Community!
Feathered Friends is a great place to be if you like birdwatching.
I'll look forward to hearing more from you!
I've joined both of the communities but I have little knowledge about taking part in contests, guidance will be the way forward, I'll be posting actively once I have enough knowledge and learn more from you and thanks a bunch for the invitation 😄🖤
It's always helpful to watch what others do and of course as questions if anything is confusing to you. And of course begin taking lots of pictures of birds and shadows!
Ypur gift to @melinda010100 is pretty great and superb. Spending time observing nature is indeed the best you have ever had. Nature is the gift from God and gifting someone your time to observe the well created nature of God is awesome.
For the one you choose for yourself, time machine is great but how to build it is the problem. I wish it is possible,
Option 1
I am a kind that love exploring the internet a lot, making research to know for myself and as well help student do projects based on my research experience. So if I where to be in a mall now and someone, either a crush or a secret admirer or anyone and ask me to pick up anything I want for myself.
I will run up to the store where ICT gadgets are sold and pick a HP SPECTRA CORE i5 10th Gen, with face recognition and fingerprint unlock 512gb SSD 8gb RAM for myself. This will help my work on the internet more easier compered to the Infinix smart HD am using now.
Option 2
And oh yeah!! I am gifting @zellypearl a stylus pen, a stylus pen is used for drawing accurately on mobile device, don't get surprised they are many others though but I want to gift this to her because she is a good artist and she put her all In doing it.
She some weeks ago made a portrait of me and I loved it, I got to know from her that she used local method in doing the portrait which is a copper wire tied around ear bod cleaner I was surprised, getting her a stylus pen will make her not to go too much stress.😊
That looks like a pretty good computer, pretty powerful. Do you use a computer for work or is it for school? Also, I like the thought behind the stylus pen as I'm sure it will allow her to work more effectively. A couple of good gifts here I'd say. Thanks for joining in.
Yeah I do use the computer for work and school stuff. Yes absolutely the she really need the pen it will go a long way..
Thanks for stopping by, and am glad I patiscipate 👍
Beautiful gift for an artist. It'll surely enhance clarity in her portraits
It will definitely do.😊
If I'm to gift someone something, it should be the person I have been observing critically here on hive but not just on hive alone but on other platforms. After seeing the way she compose her write-ups, I decided that I should give her a gift on her birthday.
The fact remains that she has something everyone must cherish and that will be my point of focus in composing the beautiful poetry for her.
So, I'm pretty sure that she will appreciate it so much. There was a time when I don't know how to prepare or compose a poem which she did scold me and corrected me after which I wrote her one and to me surprise, she gave me kudos. Do you know what? The very day I saw her posts on uptrennd, it was so catchy and was poetry in nature. She gave me the mind to know how I can truly compose poems. I never knew how to because I'm a science student but she gave me mind and courage to compose poems. So, now, I have it in mind to compose her a poem as a gift for her upcoming birthday.
She is @princessbusayo . She has been so accommodating and so nice to me.
Very good gift to a person who has been so nice to you 😄 poetic persons are always friendly and welcoming.
Awww, I am so happy. My birthday is in January and I really appreciate this from you.
I could remember the poem you wrote then, I was so happy and I felt something special in me. Thanks a lot Sir.
Sincerely, I feel happy reading this from you.
Im do happy that you will like my little gift.
The gift of a poem is one that will give many times over. it reminds me of a quote:
This is why I love giving poems to inspire the one I'm giving it to.
My choice for my own gift
Look, I would give myself a bicycle as a gift.
The truth is that I walk a lot, everywhere I go, I go on foot. Of course, there are places that are far away and then I go by bus or any public transport, but I almost always move walking, not in transports; however, there are days when I would love to have a bibicyle, no more to save time, energy and come on, not burn so much by the sun hahaha ....
My choice for a hive-user's gift
There is a user who has a very good job here at HIVE. He is usually dedicated to take pictures of insects and other animals, he is very good at that; He is @josueprime. If I could give him a gift, I would give it to him. Of course, it's just an imaginary gift as you say, but come on, the intention also counts hehe.
I've seen his photos and these are really amazing, and he captures them with his own cell phone and a magnifying glass, so imagine what he would do with a good photography equipment. That's why I was looking and well, I, if I could, would give this friend a kit like this: Canon EOS Rebel T7
I'm sure that with a camera like this, he could take spectacular pictures. Greetings!
Ohhh muchas gracias amigo, ese regalo imaginario sería increíble, tu trabajos de esculturas también son muy hermosos. Gracias por apreciar mi trabajo de fotografía. Saludos!!!
Having a bike would save you so much time I imagine as you'll get places more rapidly. I like walking a lot but for leisure. I drive most places usually but having a bike would be cool. I'm actually thinking about getting one myself, but want to be able to justify it rater than simply buy it just to have it.
I like the camera gift also, something most photographers would love to have I'm sure. I am not familiar with that users photography but will head over and have a look.
Man! I don't know if you agree or not with taking care of the environment, but come on, having a bike would help reduce the effect we have on environmental pollution, plus it brings many health benefits. For example, it helps the heart a lot, so it decreases the risks of heart attacks (1st benefit); pedaling oxygenates the brain, something useful for those of us who need to think a lot (2nd benefit); the typical, it helps to strengthen muscles and have more physical endurance (3rd benefit).
And yes! Take a look at this young man's work, he has some good pictures, especially of insects.
Yes, not just transport but a physical exercise also, and lessens carbon emissions. Many benefits for sure.
I'm sure this one of the best gifts for your friend as he loves to capture everything ☺️💗
I'm sure it is. It's like when you give a painter lots of canvases, acrylics and paints, he will be VERY grateful and will paint until his fingers fall off!
Hiiiii @galenkp! Hope you are having a fantastic weekend.
Uhh, I love getting gifts and giving them! I won't mind a gift of a few days of holiday to visit Venice, Italy. 😄 I love to travel and visiting Italy would make my dreams of riding in a gondola on the canal come true. Hehe, I have this on my bucket list.
I also love wine and would want to visit the vineyards there and go for wine tasting. It would definitely be an experience!
I love to give gifts because it makes me happy to make others happy. ☺️ So I'd gift you the Mudmaster GWG-1000-1A3 you like (if I can afford it 😁),
biker gangs 🤭😜. That way he can snap and send me cool nature pics,gift @dandays a cool camera with powerful lens that he can zoom in with when he rides on his bicycle so he does not get into any trouble with
.... Hmm, I have to think of things I can gift my friends on hive. Will BRB. 😊
Hey there, I really hope your self-gift comes to fruition. I've been to Venice myself and it's pretty cool. I took the image below there, from within a gondola. It had bucketed down with rain that morning and it looked unlikely I'd be able to do the gondola thing but it worked out. It's worth the effort.
Thanks for my gift, if only I had that watch on my wrist - Want it so much! I'm sure dandays would appreciate his gift also, after all, who wants to get entangled with bikers right? Lol.
Wow, what a lovely snapshot! And look at that gondola. I think it's used mainly for tour rides. Or is it a form of public transportation? Hehe, if I lived there, I would ride it all the time! 😄
Venice certainly looks cool and I hope I get to visit it soon. 🙂 Enjoy your weekend!
I think the gondolas are more about the tourists these days although back in the day they were transportation.
They're so 21st century these days—rollin around on technologically advanced unicycles. I can't tell if they're thugs or clowns.
Well, I don't like thugs or clowns so the two are synonymous to me.
tokens.You sure know how to gear up a non picture taking cyclist.
You're a sweetheart. I'd be lying if I said I didn't get a lil girly when I saw you mention me. To show my gratitude for the new camera, I've conducted some serious cycle upgrades to include a passenger seat.
Your exertion-free chariot awaits....
Not Italy, though. I'll pick you up in France, Malta, Spain, anywhere but Italy. We spent 30 days there.. No Thanks! Don't care to even fly over that boot.
Hey! How's Hive's non-picture taking cyclist doing today? 😅 I'm having a good laugh as I read your comment. I'm glad you like the camera.
Thanks for the serious cycle upgrades, I love this new ride! Exertion-free you say? Riding requires enough exertion. If I ride it, I can't think of who would sit in passenger seat. 🤔😆
Why not? I love Italy and you spent 30 days there. Enough time to be friendly with the place.
Still, France, Malta and Spain are lovely places too! So I'll bring my new exertion-free ride along. 😉
My wife and I were blessed to tour 16 countries, living in 13 for 30 days or more. Out of everywhere we went including the Middle East, both Central and South America, Italians despise people who look like me the most!
I couldn't wait to leave Italy. We went up to Tuscany, it wasn't that bad and we went down to Anzio Beach, also real nice. But our stay was in Rome and we couldn't get outta there fast enough.
I was hated more in Rome than anywhere I've ever been in nearly 45 years of living.
😳😳😳 Wow! I did not expect that.
Not to get into any kind of debate on this issue but really, this just reinforces my stance that prejudice and antagonism against one another is not going away any time soon. Sorry about your experience.
On the positive side, you and your wife toured 16 countries!! That must have been an adventure! ☺️
Oh it was. It was a lot of planning, several years. To have it all come to an end in such dramatic Covid fashion was not in the itinerary though.
Didn't see that one coming.
When I tell my friends here about our experience in Italy, they're surprised as well—didn't expect it. Nor did we! You should see their reaction when I tell them two of the kindest, most loving people who welcomed us during that two years was an Iraqi and a Syrian.
Here's to traveliving ever resuming again. 🙌
You just opened my eyes to new information I was unaware of. Thank you. 🙂
thank you. I experienced it first hand and the history it stems from is enlightening.I never saw the statistics @kemmyb,
"More than half" voted against condemning racism?! What?
Story time:
When we would go to the market, we had to coach ourselves prior to entering. "Don't talk, don't say anything, don't look at them." Where I come from, we customary say "hello," if nothing else, "hello." But it's common to extend that to "how are you today?" Just small talk, pay the bill, exit the market. Not in Italy.
They won't talk to me. I say "hello." :crickets: I ask for help finding something. :crickets: "Thank you." :crickets:
Well, as we discovered, being blatantly ignored like that is kinda enraging. So rather than get pissed each time we'd go to the market (restaurant, depot, coffee, everywhere) we'd coach ourselves, "don't talk, don't say anything."
For a month.
Wow! That's just mean. I quickly looked up that info after I read your comment on your experience in Italy.
Living in such an unfriendly, toxic environment is not advised. Now I understand better why you said, not Italy. If I had the same experience, I would not want to return there.
I'm sure you have more adventures planned. Covid really changed things globally and travel restrictions are quite tight. I wonder if we would ever get back to life as it was. In the event we do, I'll be sure to plan properly before taking any trip! 😉😄
Don't your lips get to quivering from making the noise for that cycle? Just wonderin'?
Wanna race?
I have always dreamed of owning one of these. It's worth over $3k so I'd have to sell one of my limbs to get it. lol. It's tech, so as time goes on a new and more improved version comes along, and then this becomes obsolete. I love photography, and I spend 50% of my earnings on it and still, my gears are like 5% of a complete photographer's kit. I love it.
yo geezer @osarueseosato I got the Mill for you, so you could loose all that extra skin.
Nice camera indeed and a pretty decent self-gift I think. Don't sell your arms to get it though, you'll need them to use the camera!
I like the treadmill gift too...Inspiring osarueseosato to get more active. I'm sure he'd be grateful to receive such a gift.
Thank @Gdawg
Perfect advice. I will try to keep it in mind. 😅
tokens.These camera's really furnish our Photography skills but you'll surely need your limbs to use that camera also your body parts are more precious than tech 😅 Hope you get that soon and your friend loses some extra skin with that treadmill.
Oh boy, I think I might have to frame this reply of yours Hussain. 😅
I will Try to keep my body parts intact.
Well that'll be a good gift for me haha. Take care mate 🖤🌼
Take care bro
A whole treadmill for me? AWWNNNNN thanks a lot
Yeah of course brother. I need you to be in perfect shape yeah. 😏
You should really see what I got u
Lemme go check 🤣
Hey @stevenson7! Enjoying your weekend, I hope.
That Nikon camera looks clean and beautiful! So I believe that it's worth $3k. That's a lot of money and you won't have to sell your limb to get it 😅. I'd gift it to you.
I don't know how to operate cameras (only the one on my phone 😄) but I won't mind having one of this Nikon just for the sake of it. Does that make sense?
I think I'm kind of a collector - I see lovely things and buy them, if I can afford them. Then I keep and decorate my home with them 🤷♀️😄
We pretty much have that in common. I love collecting too. I like to think of myself as a curator.
I will take you up on that 😁
Makes perfect sense, and you're in luck even. The latest generation of cameras a super easy to use. You can easily put it on automode, point and shoot.....😅
Really? Hehehe, that's super easy and exactly what I need.
Have a lovely weekend! 🙂
oh thank you Kem
you too
Camera equipment is tempting, nice choice!
Very tempting. Thank You.
I still have a long list of gears though. I'd mail them to you If you desire 😅
a gift for me is a beautiful lovely car Toyota Camry 2018

about 4.5millon I will like to have this because of the mobility for my family we have been experiencing difficulties moving around the town
I hope you're able to get the Camry, one of the worlds most reliable cars which will surely sort out your transport issues. What colour do you think you would get if you could choose any?
I love wine color so much
Ah ok, nice choice. Wine. I hope you manage to secure the vehicle! :)
I'm sure your family and your friend will experience less difficulties in mobility after getting the cars. These cars are beautiful btw 😍❤️
Oh my Lord!!! Your 3 are brilliant and would basically change someone’s life!!!!
So so so good that I can’t actually compete with that.
BUT!!! I just received a late birthday gift from a friend this weekend which is almost a month late to be exact.
She had mentioned that she had ordered my birthday gift and that it hadn’t arrived in time for my Clay Cafe tea party. So when I got it this weekend I was totally blown away!
She had noticed all my baking and cooking on my @blankslate.creative Instagram feed and special ordered a custom cutting board with rose gold handle engraved with my insta name and the date I started the feed.
I don’t think I’ve ever received such a personalised thoughtful gift from anyone!
When she gave it to me she said it was just something small, but it was a big deal to me.
What a nice gift to receive, personalised and meaningful. Gift giving should always be about the thought of, and not the quantity, of the gift and I think she nailed it with this one. It doesn't matter that it's a little late, just that she cared enough to gift you in the first place.
Will you actually use it as a chopping board or keep it as a keepsake? Either way a great gift to receive.
Well I’ve been debating whether to use it or not and so far it’s sat on the counter. It could also be hung on the wall. I guess I’m leaning towards keeping it as kitchen art and I’ll cause damage on my old chopping boards.
She went to so much effort though! She got a super long voice note of thanks once I opened it 🤪
You're up late!
I like your kitchen art idea better than getting cut marks all over it. ✅
I’m processing the fact that I may need to write a retraction on my Weekend blog. The President just said we’re going to level 4 (ie higher) restrictions and no group gatherings indoor or outdoor are permitted. So the hike I was so pumped about might need to be postponed… although the mountains are open. You just can’t go in groups. Gonna have to hang tight til tomorrow for some clarity on the situation. Bummer!
It's fluid right? The same here. All the States have closed borders to the others and Sydney is locked down. I avoid the mainstream news so don't know the full extent right now.
Well, here's the thing with the hiking...You can always sit about the house and replay the movie reel of your hikes and re-live the feeling I guess. Not as good as the real thing, but a way to stay focused and positive. Maybe write a post about how you feel, the inability to hike and the enjoyment you get from hiking. Could be a good way to get perspective and to order your thoughts.
Yup! It’s all about perspective. My daughters Mozambik trip just got postponed as well. She was meant to leave on Friday so I guess we’re going to be baking for the next few weeks. Just when I thought I’d lost a KG. 😂
Such personalized gifts often attract us 🖤😁 you're lucky to have such an understanding friend
Thanks! Toes she’s a wonderful friend!
I’m not good at gifts for myself either. Some people know what they want other people to buy them but for me, if I want something I’ll usually buy it. If I don’t buy it, it’s probably too expensive for me to justify or I don’t really need it lol.
That watch looks badass! I want to get me a decent outdoors watch, I’m a huge watch guy and have got a couple really nice, at least in my opinion, invicta watches. Those are my favorite brand so far but they are more dressy than anything so I don’t get to wear them often.
For personal gifts, I’m going big with it but it’s not something just for me but for the whole family. I would gift myself a house with some land near the beach, could be a few streets away or something, but with an acre or two of land so that we had some privacy and space to do things like grow food, plant trees and be able to do what we want. This house will come with the stuff Siena wants like a jacuzzi tub in it but most importantly for me is a two car garage that’s the size of a small barn! Lol. We went to look at a house that was like that and I would’ve bought it just for the garage but cooler minds prevailed and we didn’t buy it lol. I don’t want anything fancy, 1,500 square feet or so should be enough room for us and the garage just needs to be big enough for me to have almost any tool I want but most importantly a lift for the cars! I love fixing the cars but can’t afford to buy a lift, at least for now until bitcoin moons. Having this and being close to the beach will be enough for the rest of our lives to live easily and comfortably. Not a lot to ask for! Lol.
For a gift for a fellow hiver I would have to go with @bulldog-joy and I would give her a house for her to live in that’s paid off so she can enjoy what she does and wants without the stress of bills and all that, that she’s going through in wonderful Germany. All of the stuff in the house would have 50 year warranties to it as well so that when anything breaks, even the coffee pot, it’s under warranty and it gets fixed or replaced with a new one! Lol. Wouldn’t that be a sweet deal?!
Don't worry brother, I got your back. Container of cable-ties in every size and colour coming your way!
Can I add something for your self-gifted house? The garage actually...One of those car turning turntables. Drive on one way, hit a button and it swivels around so you don't have to back out. I have one and they are gold! OK, it's not me that has it per se, but Batman has one and he told me he loves it. It will compliment your car hoist perfectly. Good self gift mate, the house.
A good person to gift something to brah. Anna is not online at the moment though, computer issues, but I'll snapshot it and send her so she sees it. She'd take the house I reckon, but would settle for a computer at this stage I think. Let's send her both though. ;)
EDIT: @cmplxty, see response from Anna below.
The house would come with a computer that won’t break for sure lol.
zip ties and a car turntable would be an awesome contribution to the garage! A guy can never have enough zip ties that’s for sure and who wants to back up anymore? That’s for simple people!
Backing cars up is so 2020.
tokens.I choose option two, and I would like the gift of healing to be given to @tarazkp Life can be awesome and moving right along, until it isn't. His words during this ordeal have been poignant and selfless. Who thinks like that when staring at death's door?
I know I can't buy it, but, if I have to choose, that is what I want to gift him.
That's a pretty good gift and one my brother would certainly like to receive I'd say. Thanks for joining in this week.
In thanks I'd like to gift you a koala hug...Not quite as good as one of mine of course [#besthuggerintheworld] but close enough.
Well, I will keep positive about it. Working with health every day, I have seen miracles happen. It totally blew me away. I'm happy to see him still writing.
As if a little death-defying medical drama would stop him!
Koala hugs! Best ever! Just look at that! Thank you {bestshuggerintheworld!]
Hi ho! You know it is the time! Good night! Thanks for the tokens!
Night Denise, dream of koala hugs. 🤣
P.s. Didn't realise you worked in the medical field. I had you pegged as something different, mid/upper level management in an office environment. How wrong can one G-dog be?!
It's complicated. You were right the first time. :))
My RN put me through the University. It took two years, but, I was not even 20 when I finished. Took leave during COVID and will be going back in two months.
The G-dog is rarely wrong.
Lol, the G-dog is wrong on so many levels...But sometimes gets it right.
I was, at first, going to suggest that I thought you may be a model but figured that may be too obvious a line. 🤪🤣🙄
Haha! Not even close. :)) For sure, I would think it was a line. See? You are right - again!
One gift of total awesomeness Denise, yes! Out of body experience most probably most scary one to endure, hugs to @tarazkp and @dswigle
Source Giphy:
It isn't something you can buy, borrow or steal. Absolutely, Joan. @joanstewart
Most positive thing when timing is right, have yourself a wonderful day Denise.
I am off today and tomorrow, the sun is shining and I am going for a hike in a short bit. More days like this are in order!
Have a fabulous one yourself, Joan! ❤️
Enjoy the walk, our park walk this morning was great! No photography mind you the dogs took over again.
tokens.Thank you! :)
I hope @tarazkp gets well soon too, he writes brilliantly like his brother 😄🖤
Truth. I always rate them separately. Equally as brilliant, but, they duel a little differently.
I have always looked forward to a post concerning the weekend community and now it arrived. Gifting me and a river is a beautiful task. I have never thought of any perfect gift to anyone or myself but as required, I'd wear my thinking cap.
Gift To Myself
My laptop had collapsed a few weeks ago and made my effectiveness here and in other places weakened. I would love to get another laptop of a higher quality than the one I used before. Though that one was a gift for my fortieth birthday.
A Hiver To Gift
@cool08 is the one I will love to gift. He is a mathematics teacher and has been sacrificing his time and resources teaching students for free in Western Africa, Nigeria in particular. Learning materials like whiteboard marker, duster and a mini projector are some of the things I like to support him with.
Yeah investing in a computer for yourself is a good idea. It is a friend a tool that helps us do many things with work and creativity.
I hope you can buy a good one, which you like as a gift for your fortieth birthday.👏😎
A laptop would be a good gift for many as I know so many people do not have one or are working with old and slow technology. If you could get a laptop today which one would it be?
I like your gift to cool08 as not only is it generous it has a far-reaching benefit to so many people. Great gift, I wish we were able to make it happen.
[Please also feel free to do a post on this week's topic in:THE WEEKENDcommunity as I'll be curating there all weekend.]
Thank you for your quick response @galenkp. The laptop model I will like to gift myself is apple or dell, those two are very durable.
Yeah, two good choices I think, both quality units. I hope you can make it happen.
Do you need windows? Dell will sell you the laptop with no OS so you can install Linux for free. Saves a LOT of money.
Wow. I shod consider that before buying a laptop.
tokens.Wonderful gift for your friend to support him shows how generous and friendly you are
Laptop to assist your own future endeavours, a nice gift to oneself.
Providing equipment driving educational development is another motivational way of helping friends who care about the future young minds.
Thanks for your kind words, it's the least I could think of.
I kept thinking and thinking about what I would really like to receive...and I think what would make me happy and being helpful to other beings as well...it would be an animal shelter or sanctuary. I would like that someone would give me that with all the conditions included - great facilities for animals, great employees and huge funds to invest in animals 😄
That sounds like a good plan and I'm sure the animals would benefit. Do you mean for domestic animals or wild animals,like orangutans or lions etc.?
I find both engaging, and I would prefer a mix eventually. But if I would have to make a clear decision, I would consider the environment I live in. So, in my opinion, in my country stray dogs and cats are more at risk..so I would go with that. Anyway, I would have to see statistics or studies about it so that I make the best decision. If I would have to do that in a more exotic country, I would probably go the other way. I imagine it like that 👇
youtubeI can see you've thought it out pretty clearly. ✅
Gifting yourself fascinating gift of nature like animals is great . This means you are animals lover.
3 stray cats right now adopted in the house and lots I feed outside, being a vegetarian, volunteering for an Animal Association, and making donations where needed when I have money. So YES, I am an animal lover 😍
Wow...that's good to hear...
How generous of you 😁🖤
tokens.Let's see. A gift to myself would be a remodeled kitchen with conveniences that would make cooking and therefore my life much easier.
My gift to a Hive friend would go to @galenkp and would be time and an unlimited travel budget so that he can be with the people he loves and go to all the F1 races that he would enjoy being at. Oh and cookies, plenty of cookies
A remodeled kitchen sounds like a good plan. I'd imagine that one that's not purpose-designed for you may be hard to work with right? Must be hard, I can't even imagine.
Actually, I heard this week a friend of mine in Tupelo, Mississipi has been diagnosed with MS which sucks for her. Has had a hard life, tumultuous, already so it's another body-blow, as it would be for any of us. Poor thing. Details are still unfolding. Make me think we have to count our blessings I guess. I mean, look at Taraz's situation in the last week.
Anyway, giddyup crypto so that you can get that kitchen.
Now, on you second gift...You know I'm not one to accept gifts so well but this one I'll gladly accept! Time and an unlimited travel budget? OK, that means I have the ability to take others so start packing, you're coming with. But you better pack a pile of cookies!
Thanks for getting involved and let's hope the universe grants both gifts!
None of us ever know what challenges we are going to be handed by the universe, do we? My heart hurts for Taraz and his wife. Thank goodness he survived this one. All of us would have been devasted if he was not doing as well as he is.
I hope your friend goes into her MS diagnosis with a positive attitude. I think that's a big part in managing it.
When I get my new kitchen the first cookies I bake will be for you.
I want to say something really profound in reply but...Mmm, cookies is all I got I'm afraid. 🙄
He's doing pretty well I think, not feeling exactly himself of course, but that's to be expected. Time should straighten that out. As for my Mississippi friend...Not going so well, emotionally I mean. Struggling a bit. We'll see how that one goes I guess.
tokens.I would not mind a remodeled kitchen! Do you know how often I admire fancy kitchens in magazines and Instagram.
So I get what you mean. A full equipped remodeled kitchen will certainly make life sweeter! 😅 I hope you get your gift soon.
Hmm, so I learned recently that @galenkp loves cookies! Well, here's a batch for you both ☺️☺️
Oh! I love meringues! And these are such colorful ones! Thanks!
Bribery will get you everywhere. :)
😂😂 I know! So glad it's working! 😉
The way to a G-dog's heart is via his belly, and cookies. 😄
Okay there's a bit of confusion that needs to be sorted out, I had to ask it but I did not want to sound rude and I hope I put it right without making you feel bad 😅 Melinda is a female name right? And I read a comment or a post where someone addressed you with He. I am sorry if this sounded awkward but for a better engagement I had to clarify my confusion 🙄🖤
To your gift, yes remodeling your kitchen will surely address your conveniences and ease your difficulties.
So @galenkp is a cookies person right?
Definitely female... I think 'he' is an issue often when someone uses a translator, so I always overlook it. You may see it happen again, but no worries!
Everyone loves cookies, right?
I liked the way you care about your friend and support him by giving him those gifts which he will need while teaching how generous and friendly 🖤😍🌼
He has always interacted with respect and courtesy and I feel he is a pretty decent dude so I felt inclined to pretend-gift him something that I know would really help him in life. If only I could do so in real life.
hey @bertrayo,I am really proud of you
Thanks, man. I really appreciate it 🤗
I envy you now🤣😂. I wish I am an explorer too so I could get such a huge gift this weekend.That's a very big gift from @bigtom13 to @soyrosa. That beautiful Yamaha Mobility Scooter will definitely make you move around as an explorer.
There's been a lot of virtual gift giving on the topic this week, and this one of the very cool ones.
Concerning the BBQ, I'd love to invite you @galenkp over to taste my goat meat BBQ. Only that Australia is a far place, we call it the farthest continent in the world.
@bertrayo I wish you a blissful birthday in advance and hope to stay around family, the greatest gift you have. I hope you'd accept the invite to a new home in Australia too, with a workshop plus equipment to work with.
Australia is a long way from most places...But is one of the most amazing countries. I hope one day you'll make it here for a look. In turn, I hope to make it over to yours, it's been an ambition of mine for a long time.
If you ever know my mind, I have seem Australian ladies in the Olympics, tall and usually huge, since then, I have conceived the idea, i will surely visit Australia someday. The Sydney Olympic was a tournament that showed me more of what I needed to see as a tourist about Australia.
Here's a couple of them just waiting to welcome you to Australia.
Ahahah. That will be a takeaway package. Thanks for the thoughtfulness.
Hey, that sound like a good addition to the BBQ. Australia is really far away from me as well, but I'll make the trip some day. That's for sure!
This one doesn't even need thinking.
Thanks for your good wishes. I wish you and your love ones great days to come, health and prosperity.
Wao what a good topic am going to be a part