[Week 121] Weekend-Engagement concept

in Weekend Experiences2 years ago (edited)

Freedom is the sure possession of those alone who have the courage to defend it.

- Pericles -

fwe (6).png

If you're looking for something to write about over the weekend take a look below for the options and if you feel like doing a post use my community, WEEKEND EXPERIENCES. Please ensure you follow the guidelines below.

The concept guidelines to follow

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  • The first tag must be #weekend-engagement (so I can find your entry)
  • Post in WEEKEND EXPERIENCES community (no cross-posting)
  • Follow community rules - ENGLISH only (not bilingual)
  • Closes 06:30 UTC Monday 3rd October (google UTC)

Select something from below to write about

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Fill in the blanks

Take one of the phrases below, fill in the blanks and write at least 300 words - bonus points for using your own photos.

  • This weekend I met ______ and we ______ together then...
  • This weekend I did something naughty with _____ and...
  • I'm starting a strict diet on Monday, and this weekend I _____

Ghost for a weekend

You're a ghost for the weekend, anywhere on the planet. You can pass through walls, fly and move objects, but you can't touch anyone. What do you do and why? Who do you haunt, if anyone? After the weekend you return to being yourself. Write a minimum of 300 words.

Crazy weekend

We've all had weekends that go down in history for being off the chain crazy. Tell us about one of your biggest weekends in at least 350 words. What happened, where and why? Please use your own photos if you can.

Weekend disasters

Write at least 400 words about a weekend that went disastrously wrong due to something outside of your control. What happened, where and why and how did it effect you? You will get bonus points for using your own photos.

Be creative - Show effort - Be interesting

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Curation may happen, but only on quality original content that meets the concept guidelines above, and the community rules. This is a chance to showcase yourself to the entire community and to find and build new relationships.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

The image is mine and is not for your use


Another chance to showcase myself in this community. And with amazing topics to pick fr0m.

I think I may go for Ghost for a weekend. There are some people that need some haunting... and who know, it may be fun. 😁

May I ask what that beach is called, the one in the photo licensed to those bearing galenkp alone?

I think haunting people would be immense fun.

The photo is the same that I currently have on the posting guide. (I change that image regularly.) It was taken by me in May this year in a beach called Palm Cove, (Cairns, Queensland, Australia.) I have a brother who lives there and I was on vacation.

Oh, it's a lovely spot... and this is a beautiful photo of it.

Australia appears to have a plethora of visually appealing locations.

Australia is a big country and is very diverse.

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @jhero22 ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.

Once again funny topics, but be careful, this time many ghosts are going to cling to you, it seems from the comments that everyone's weekend is going to be cut off as a ghost this time. I still can't decide what would be the right thing to do.
God bless you, have a wonderful weekend.

I like to offer people variety but sometimes people gravitate towards one particular topic. I think there could be some funny posts on that ghost topic.

Have a great weekend.

The ghost one is interesting.. It can be a disaster too...
Another great concept..

Thanks for taking a look at the topics this week and I hope you have a good weekend.

Same to you

Ha, ha, ha, ha. That ghost thing reminds me your comment of a week ago about haunting some bastards after you die. Also reminds me of this series Lock & Key where there's a key to turn into a ghost. It's a pretty awesome idea. The rest of them are also kinda of cool to think about.

That ghost thing reminds me your comment of a week ago about haunting some bastards after you die.

That's where the topic came from. Lol.

Lol. I'm glad silly conversations get transformed into topics like this. 😂

Indeed, that's what it's all about, light-hearted fun.

Or one this case, spooky fun not recommended for the fain of heart. 😂

I am sooooo gonna do that shit after I kick the bucket...


Me too. There's going to be a lot of fucken scared people out there.

Another Awesome Topics for weekend.

The Ghost one is something Going to be so much fun reading and writing!

Wish you a Great weekend ahead.

Hey there, thanks for taking a look at the topics. I hope you'll join in. Happy weekend.

So nice and interesting topics. I love the ghost for a weekend topic and will have a nice time writing on it.

Thanks so much @galenkp for the wonderful topics. Do have a great weekend ahead.

No worries, I'm glad you found something you want to write about. Have a good weekend ahead.

Thank you sir

😢😢😢 lolz this looks simple but on a serious note, it's hard😂😂😂😂, I am going to need to take a chill pill and come back tomorrow 😢😂...
As usual sir, this is a good one..

Take the pill, see you when you're back.

hehehehehe, very funny aye aye, will be back with something lolz...
as i said before, i love challenging topics especially one that keeeps me on my feet hehe..

For real! They look so easy but while I was reading I started thinking of what to write and went totally blank😂

Hehehe 🤣🤣🤣 you got it, that was how I felt too🤣🤣

Hahaha, same too. I have started thinking of something, only waiting for power supply so I can use my laptop in writing.😁

Wow, this one is so funny

Ghost for a weekend You're a ghost for the weekend, anywhere on the planet. You can pass through walls, fly and move objects, but you can't touch anyone. What do you do and why? Who do you haunt, if anyone? After the weekend you return to being yourself. Write a minimum of 300 words.

They are all nice writing prompts, thank you for always giving us something to rack our brains for the weekend.

Let the best imagination win.

Hopefully, I will get to write down my thought as usual.

Have a nice day y'all

I hope you have a great weekend and find something enjoyable to do.

As a ghost a would definitely have a crazy weekend, though it maybe would finish as a disaster. 😂

Cool topics to choose from, I hope many great entries will hit the community feed 😎

It's up to the Hive community to bring the great entries...let's see what they come up with. Have a great weekend.

Omg it feels like I wanna write something about being a ghost for a weekend. 🙈😆

The concepts for this weekend are so great, thank you @galenkp for creating some ideas. 🤗

You're welcome, and I hope your weekend is a good one!

The weekend is finally here again!

Wow, these are amazing topics to choose from... I'd be looking forward to reading people's interesting entries and of course writing mine as well.

Have a nice weekend sir! 😊

Yay for the weekend and It’s a three day weekend here so triple yay! Happy weekend to you.

Oh yes, triple yay to that!!! 💃

So many topics to pick from, thanks @galenkp for this weekends topic😁🥰

You're welcome, have a good weekend.

And you too. Thanks,🥰🥰

I think it's fun I'm going to participate this end, how many photos can be included?

 2 years ago (edited) 

Well, it's designed to be fun so I'm glad I hit the mark. I think two photos would probably be sufficient, I don't see the need for more. It's your choice though.

Thanks for the recommendation, I'll get to work now.

This weekend I met ______ and we ______ together then...
This weekend I did something naughty with _____ and...

mmm.... I see you're looking for people to spill their dirty/naughty weekend secrets 🤐😜🤓

Indeed. I do it because it amuses me to imagine someone actually opening up and divulging all their dirty little secrets. 🤔😜

I'm gonna get my popcorn ready 🍿🍿

Now I want popcorn too.

I often think of writing the most outrageous stuff but then I remember that so many people will believe it to be true 🤣 so I end up sticking to the really tame ones. Maybe I should go for shock factor this weekend.

I'd say go for it girl, since no one knows who you are anyway!!!!

Lol, well yes I know, but do I want that in my post feed for forever? Hmmm I don't know so much 🤣

You can't chicken out now!!! You said it on the chain!! 😄

Oh gosh, I did didn't I? Going to have to come up with a good one for it 😊

This weekend I did something naughty with a ghost and now I'm sitting with a phantom pregnancy 🤣 This could get so out of hand lol.

Well, now you have no choice but to write it!

Looks so interesting 🧐. Let’s think about it. 🤍

Ok, that sounds like a good strategy. All the best.

this may help me stop my writing block streak. thank you so much for this.

You're welcome, and I hope you also have a good weekend.

Crazy weekends, I think we've all been there haha.
I need to go crazy again for two or three days.

Two or three days of craziness might just be exactly what you need.

The last time I attempted the Weekend Engagements challenge the result was disastrous. This time, I will put that disaster behind me by writing about Weekend Disasters. Oh, yes, I'm just getting warmed up!😂

Nice topics, @galenkp

Excellent, just follow the guidelines and I'm sure you'll go well.

Again, very good topics have been chosen.

Thankfully they meet with your approval.

Hmm , so many interesting topics to choose from, the ghost haunting story will surely hit the top, although I'm thinking of going naughty, don't know for sure, but I'm definitely going to participate in one of these. Thanks for making our imagination run wild with these interesting topics @galenkp

You're welcome and I hope you have a good weekend.

Question for the Curators..:

"Weekend disasters"..?

My career is Trucking, I am an owner operator. So it is much more than just turn the key, drive the "Prime Mover".

As @galenkp knows being in "The Business" it is a 24/7 job as an owner where the rubber meets the roadway.

My weekends are whenever I get home. I took Tuesday, Wed, and Thursday off this week due to the storm. My disaster is not storm related. But is also not on the 2 days many people consider "The Weekend".

So my question is..:

Will it be ok to treat this Mid-Week disaster as a weekend story?


Firstly the curators are all me. There's a group of us, my multiple personalities, and we all argue with each other at times. 🤣

With the #weekend-engagement topics the post doesn't have to be about the weekend per se, but it has to be about one of the topics I, and my multiple personalities, list. Best just to say it happened on a weekend though, me and my personalities will never know the truth of it anyway.


I pictured it as a group of our Hive best and brightest.

Something like this...


Oh yeah man, that's more like it. Thanks for setting me straight. #appreciated

I will work on the reenactment in the morning. I am going to go finish the job I started when the mid week, "Weekend Disaster" struck.

Minus the blood, pain and first aid kit of course.

Just some photos with a short 400+ word description of the mishap...

And maybe a hot dog giphy..?


But ok...

Insert multiple @galenkp's here...


Lol...only, slightly more brownish ones.

Another opportunity to develop our creativity, many options, all excellent, so choose, write and enjoy this weekend's stories. Happy Weekend.


such interesting topics, I bet this would be fun to write about. Let's see what we can get out of this.

Ouch! Just going through the comment section and it seems almost everyone is tilting toward the ghost topic, why do y'all love scary things?🥺🥺💔💔😂

I noticed that also, it wouldn't be my own choice, but maybe people think it's easier?

I guess.
That wasn't even on my list to pick from.
I guess I am the only one that doesn't really find that fun to write about🤷🏻‍♀️

Hello everybody.
Here I come with my participation in WEEK 121.
I hope it will be to everyone's liking.


I'm reading it right now. 😁

lately I've been having crazy weekends... Let's get to work...

Hmm, I'm intrigued. I'll look out for the post.

My weekend was terrible. It was impossible for me to participate... My initiative is still pending.

I'm sorry to hear you had a bad weekend. I hope your week is better.

OF COURSE IT IS!... But everything is going to get better.... At least I have electricity and energy...

Hello friend, I apologize, this weekend I did not participate, will be for the next, I hope you had a happy weekend, blessings to you, greetings.😩

That's ok, I understand, your real-world life has to come first.

Another weekend post to get confused on what to write about 🤣🤣 all of the topics are just interesting 🙆

Wowwwwwwwww this weekend's proposal Mr. @galenkp comes loaded with disturbing moments, which inspire me to be a little naughty beyond the usual in my... Thoughts.

Have a good Friday

Naighty is something we've all been at times...maybe revisiting it is in order.

maybe revisiting it is in order.

It's good to check it for how excessive the malice or lack of it is. Here I'm turning the ghost idea around for tomorrow, maybe riding it on a broom to catch a few of them out there (laughs).

Broom riding is a very excellent skill to have. I know a few who do it quite well.

OmG totally and they do a lot of traveling with their concoctions hahahahahah @galenkp

Cool topics as usual.
Just yesterday I had a naughty adventure with a friend and here I see that @galenkp has asked we talk about it.
I think I'll write on that.

Thanks, happy weekend.